
Latest version: v1.5.0

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- Add `Router.bootstrap()`function, which automatically imports all `views` directories of all the registered apps in django. Also, it automatically registers the default ModelView of binder.


from binder.router import Router
from binder.views import ModelView

needed for binder.router to work
import cyrm.views noqa
import base.orders.views noqa
import ib.ib_orders.views noqa
import base.planning.views noqa

router = Router().register(ModelView)

api_urls = [
re_path('^', include(router.urls)),

from binder.router import Router
router = Router.bootstrap()
api_urls = [
re_path('^', include(router.urls)),

- Allow callables for annotations, deferring their initializations until the corresponding view is initialized. Example:
class Annotations:
def ready_to_go_cb():
from base.orders.models import PlannedStep
return Exists(PlannedStep.objects.filter(works__works__route=OuterRef('pk')))
ready_to_go = ready_to_go_cb

- When using date-only syntax for filtering on DateTimeFields, ranges
are now inclusive of the end date, and "greater than" filters will
now do the right thing and skip the given date completely instead of
using midnight of that date as a starting point.

- Fix error when `related_name=None`

Deprecations / removals


- Add support for `nulls_first` and `nulls_last` sorting postfixes on annotations (only in Django >=2.1)
- Add automated test discovery script. All tests in the application are automatically discovered when including binder.load_tests in the `` from the main application
- Allow usage of custom user model in TokenView and UserView plugins

- `UserviewPlugin` custom functions do not break anymore if the user object has annotations
- `UserviewPlugin` doesn't use deprecated `_get_obj` function anymore

Deprecations / removals
- Removed (broken) `nulls_first` and `nulls_last` sorting postfixes for annotations (Django <= 2.0), in favour of a totally working version from Django > 2.1
- `get_obj` is deprecated in favour of `_get_objs` endpoint



- Multiput now supports softdeleting related models. (24)
- Deleting models which don't have a "deleted" attribute now results in hard delete. (42)
- Filtering on datetime fields allows filtering on (milli)second instead of date granulatity. (41)
- The `_store`, `_store_field` and `_store__<fieldname>` methods now must accept a `pk` keyword argument (64; **backwards incompatible**).
- BinderValidationError no longer accepts an `object` keyword argument (64; **backwards incompatible**).
- The `_parse_order_by` method now must return a tuple of 3 objects, not 2 objects. The final object should be a boolean that indicates whether nulls should be last (or None if there's no preference).
- The `_follow_related` and `_get_withs` function now must return a (named)tuple of 3 objects, not 2 objects. In `_follow_related`, the third attribute of the `RelatedModel` namedtuple should be the name of the field which points to the model in the foreign model (its `related_name`). In `_get_withs`, the third object in the tuple should be a `related_name_mappings` dict which contains as a value the foreign field pointing back to the field that is in its key.


- Router is no longer a singleton (28; **backwards incompatible**)


- `binder.models.CaseInsensitiveCharField` is now deprecated in favor of `django.contrib.postgres.fields.CITextField` (9)



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