
Latest version: v1.136.2

Vulnerabilities (4)

CVE/PVE Vulnerability ID Advisory Affected versions Severity Severity Score
PVE-2021-40084 40084

Deltachat 1.51.0 uses a version of 'Deltachat-core' that improves and…

  • <1.51.0
- -
PVE-2023-52751 52751

Deltachat 1.102.0 uses a version of 'Deltachat-core' that includes a …

  • <1.102.0
- -
PVE-2021-37922 37922

Deltachat 1.0.0beta.2 uses a version of 'Deltachat-core' that include…

  • <1.0.0beta.2
- -
PVE-2021-40086 40086

Deltachat 1.0.0b17 uses a version of 'Deltachat-core' that fixes a po…

  • <1.0.0b17