
Latest version: v4.0.3

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- Pin package version `alembic>=1.5.0` (justinvyu)
- Fix segment `flush()` issue with no internet access (alberttorosyan)
- Fix the issue with an empty-illustrations styles on Base explorers (KaroMourad)
- Add 'join community' popup to the sidebar (KaroMourad)
- Use non-strict mode when logging HF model metadata (alberttorosyan)
- Add set() method implementation in ProxyTree/SubtreeView classes (alberttorosyan)



- Drop support for python3.6 (mihran113)
- Add support for python3.11 (alberttorosyan)
- Add other x-axis alignment and system logs tracking to cli convert wandb (hjoonjang)
- Add support for pre-binned distribution/histogram (YodaEmbedding)
- Display logged run messages in Run page (VkoHov, alberttorosyan, roubkar)
- Use read-only mode when opening container for indexing (alberttorosyan)
- Add Stable-Baselines3 integration (tmynn)
- Add Acme integration (tmynn)
- Add huggingface/datasets integration (tmynn)
- Enable support for protobuf v4 (mihran113)
- Support events signaling for Remote Tracking server (alberttorosyan)
- Enhance DVC parameters tracking (tmynn)
- Add SDK events tracking (alberttorosyan)
- Add the ability to easily copy run hash with a single click (VkoHov)
- Add Prophet integration (grigoryan-davit)
- Add 'Dataset' type support for hf/datasets (tmynn)
- Add HuggingFace Transformers model info (tmynn)
- Add multidataset logging support for HuggingFace transformers (tmynn)


- Fix gpu stats logging when some stats are unavailable (timokau)
- Sub-path support for RTS addresses (mihran113)
- Fix experiment name update issues (mihran113)
- Fix run experiment setting race conditions (mihran113)
- Fix the issue with runs not appearing on UI (mihran113)


- Change logging level for reporter debug messages (alberttorosyan)
- Fix styling issues on the experiment page (KaroMourad)
- Fix client side worker port calculation for RTS (mihran113)
- Add discord community link in the sidebar (arsengit)
- Display experiments descriptions in the explorers tables (arsengit)


- Fix issue with index container lock for older repos (mihran113)
- Fix issue with rendering incorrect empty-illustration content in Audios explorer (KaroMourad)



- Implement Aim callbacks system and extended notifications (alberttorosyan)
- Add chart legends to the Metrics Explorer (KaroMourad)
- Implement vertically scalable version of Remote Tracking (mihran113, alberttorosyan)
- Add the ability to search, filter, and compare audio through Audios Explorer (VkoHov)
- Add epoch tracking for PyTorch Lightning (tmynn)
- Add PaddlePaddle integration (tmynn)
- Add Optuna integration (tmynn)
- Use `packaging` to parse version strings (jangop)
- Implement the experiment page for the overall experiment info view (VkoHov)
- Implement dynamic flushing mechanism for `CheckIn`s based on the flag (mahnerak)
- Implement robust locking and indexing mechanism for Aim Runs (alberttorosyan)


- Fix multiple progress bars handling for terminal logs capturing (mihran113)
- Handle resources when multiple `Ctrl-C`s are pressed (alberttorosyan)
- Remove non unicode symbols from `aim up` command logs (mihran113)
- Fix "Show Table Diff" for list type elements in runs, params and scatters explorers (kumarshreshtha)
- Support non-Latin chars for encoding in Aim UI (roubkar)
- Make new `CheckIn`s always override the expiry date, consistent to what is documented (mahnerak)


- Fix dropdowns' selected options losses in time of searching other options in Figures Explorer (rubenaprikyan)
- Fix the group property name visibility in the images and audio tabs (VkoHov)
- Change the color contrast of the icons in the manage columns popover (VkoHov)
- Add notifier config files to aim package (alberttorosyan)
- Fix audios to numpy conversion (mihran113)

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