
Latest version: v1.0.1

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**Nota Bene:** although this is a minor version release, the support for python 2 is dropped [(3566)]( following the reasoning outlined in the corresponding [AEP001](
Critical bug fixes for python 2 will be supported until July 1 2020 on the `v1.0.*` release series.
With the addition of python 3.8 [(3719)](, this version is now compatible with all current python versions that are not end-of-life:
* 3.5
* 3.6
* 3.7
* 3.8

- Add the AiiDA Graph Explorer (AGE) a generic tool for traversing provenance graph [[3686]](
- Add the `BaseRestartWorkChain` which makes it easier to write a simple work chain wrapper around another process with automated error handling [[3748]](
- Add `provenance_exclude_list` attribute to `CalcInfo` data structure, allowing to prevent calculation input files from being permanently stored in the repository [[3720]](
- Add the `verdi node repo dump` command [[3623]](
- Add more methods to control cache invalidation of completed process node [[3637]](
- Allow documentation to be build without installing and configuring AiiDA [[3669]](
- Add option to expand namespaces in sphinx directive [[3631]](

- Add `node_type` to list of immutable model fields, preventing repeated database hits [[3619]](
- Add cache for entry points in an entry point group [[3622]](
- Improve the performance when exporting many groups [[3681]](

- `CalcJob`: move `presubmit` call from `` to `Waiting.execute` [[3666]](
- `CalcJob`: do not pause when exception thrown in the `presubmit` [[3699]](
- Move `CalcJob` spec validator to corresponding namespaces [[3702]](
- Move getting completed job accounting to `retrieve` transport task [[3639]](
- Move `last_job_info` from JSON-serialized string to dictionary [[3651]](
- Improve SqlAlchemy session handling for `QueryBuilder` [[3708]](
- Use built-in `open` instead of ``, which is possible now that python 2 is no longer supported [[3615]](
- Add non-zero exit code for `verdi daemon status` [[3729]](

Bug fixes
- Deal with unreachable daemon worker in `get_daemon_status` [[3683]](
- Django backend: limit batch size for `bulk_create` operations [[3713]](
- Make sure that datetime conversions ignore `None` [[3628]](
- Allow empty `key_filename` in `verdi computer configure ssh` and reuse cooldown time when reconfiguring [[3636]](
- Update `pyyaml` to v5.1.2 to prevent arbitrary code execution [[3675]](
- `QueryBuilder`: fix validation bug and improve message for `in` operator [[3682]](
- Consider 'AIIDA_TEST_PROFILE' in 'get_test_backend_name' [[3685]](
- Ensure correct types for `QueryBuilder().dict()` with multiple projections [[3695]](
- Make local modules importable when running `verdi run` [[3700]](
- Fix bug in `upload_calculation` for `CalcJobs` with local codes [[3707]](
- Add imports from `urllib` to dbimporters [[3704]](

- Moved continuous integration from Travis to Github actions [[3571]](
- Replace custom unit test framework for `pytest` and move all tests to `tests` top level directory [[3653]]([[#3674]]([[#3715]](
- Cleaned up direct dependencies and relaxed requirements where possible [[3597]](
- Set job poll interval to zero in localhost pytest fixture [[3605]](
- Make command line deprecation warnings visible with test profile [[3665]](
- Add docker image with minimal running AiiDA instance [[3722]](


Not secure
- Improve the backup mechanism of the configuration file: unique backup written at each update [[3581]](
- Forward `verdi code delete` to `verdi node delete` [[3546]](
- Homogenize and improve output of `verdi computer test` [[3544]](
- Scheduler SLURM: support `UNLIMITED` and `NOT_SET` as values for requested walltimes [[3586]](
- Set default for the `safe_interval` option of `verdi computer configure` [[3590]](
- Create backup of configuration file before migrating [[3568]](
- Add `python_requires` to `setup.json` necessary for future dropping of python 2 [[3574]](
- Remove unused QB methods/functions [[3526]](
- Move `pgtest` argument of `TemporaryProfileManager` to constructor [[3486]](
- Add `filename` argument to `SinglefileData` constructor [[3517]](
- Mention machine in SSH connection exception message [[3536]](
- Docs: Expand on QB `order_by` information [[3548]](
- Replace deprecated pymatgen `site.species_and_occu` with `site.species` [[3480]](
- `QueryBuilder`: add deepcopy implementation and `queryhelp` property [[3524]](

Bug fixes
- Fix `verdi calcjob gotocomputer` when `key_filename` is missing [[3593]](
- Fix bug in database migrations where schema generation determination excepts for old databases [[3582]](
- Fix false positive for `verdi database integrity detect-invalid-links` [[3591]](
- Config migration: handle edge case where `daemon` key is missing from `daemon_profiles` [[3585]](
- Raise when unable to detect name of local timezone [[3576]](
- Fix bug for `CalcJob` dry runs with `store_provenance=False` [[3513]](
- Migrations for legacy and now illegal default link label `_return`, export version upped to `0.8` [[3561]](
- Fix REST API `attributes_filter` and `extras_filter` [[3556]](
- Fix bug in plugin `Factory` classes for python 3.7 [[3552]](
- Make `PolishWorkChains` checkpointable [[3532]](
- REST API: fix generator of full node namespace [[3516]](


Not secure
Overview of changes

The following is a summary of the major changes and improvements from `v0.12.*` to `v1.0.0`.

- Faster workflow engine: the new message-based engine powered by RabbitMQ supports tens of thousands of processes per hour and greatly speeds up workflow testing. You can now run one daemon per AiiDA profile.
- Faster database queries: the switch to JSONB for node attributes and extras greatly improves query speed and reduces storage size by orders of magnitude.
- Robust calculations: AiiDA now deals with network connection issues (automatic retries with backoff mechanism, connection pooling, ...) out of the box. Workflows and calculations are all Processes and can be "paused" and "played" anytime.
- Better verdi commands: the move to the `click` framework brings homogenous command line options across all commands (loading nodes, ...). You can easily add new commands through plugins.
- Easier workflow development: Input and output namespaces, reusing specs of sub-processes and less boilerplate code simplify writing WorkChains and CalcJobs, while also enabling powerful auto-documentation features.
- Mature provenance model: Clear separation between data provenance (Calculations, Data) and logical provenance (Workflows). Old databases can be migrated to the new model automatically.
- python3 compatible: AiiDA 1.0 is compatible with both python 2.7 and python 3.6 (and later). Python 2 support will be dropped in the coming months.

Detailed list of changes

Below a (non-exhaustive) list of changes by category.
Changes between 1.0 alpha/beta releases are not included - for those see the changelog of the corresponding releases.

Engine and daemon
- Implement the concept of an "exit status" for all calculations, allowing a programmatic definition of success or failure for all processes [[1189]](
- All calculations now go through the `Process` layer, homogenizing the state of work and job calculations [[1125]](
- Allow `None` as default for arguments of process functions [[2582]](
- Implement the new `calcfunction` decorator. [[2203]](
- Each profile now has its own daemon that can be run completely independently in parallel [[1217]](
- Polling based daemon has been replaced with a much faster event-based daemon [[1067]](
- Replaced `Celery` with `Circus` as the daemonizer of the daemon [[1213]](
- The daemon can now be stopped without loading the database, making it possible to stop it even if the database version does not match the code [[1231]](
- Implement exponential backoff retry mechanism for transport tasks [[1837]](
- Pause `CalcJob` when transport task falls through exponential backoff [[1903]](
- Separate `CalcJob` submit task in folder upload and scheduler submit [[1946]](
- Each daemon worker now respects an optional minimum scheduler polling interval [[1929]](
- Make the `execmanager.retrieve_calculation` idempotent'ish [[3142]](
- Make the `execmanager.upload_calculation` idempotent'ish [[3146]](
- Make the `execmanager.submit_calculation` idempotent'ish [[3188]](
- Implement a `PluginVersionProvider` for processes to automatically add versions of `aiida-core` and plugin to process nodes [[3131]](

- Implement the `ProcessBuilder` which simplifies the definition of `Process` inputs and the launching of a `Process` [[1116]](
- Namespaces added to the port containers of the `ProcessSpec` class [[1099]](
- Convention of leading underscores for non-storable inputs is replaced with a proper `non_db` attribute of the `Port` class [[1105]](
- Implement a Sphinx extension for the `WorkChain` class to automatically generate documentation from the workchain definition [[1155]](
- `WorkChain`s can now expose the inputs and outputs of another `WorkChain`, which is great for writing modular workflows [[1170]](
- Add built-in support and API for exit codes in `WorkChain`s [[1640]](, [[#1704]](, [[#1681]](
- Implement method for `CalcJobNode` to create a restart builder [[1962]](
- Add `CalculationTools` base and entry point `` [[2331]](
- Generalize Sphinx workchain extension to processes [[3314]](
- Collapsible namespace in sphinxext [[3441]](
- The `retrieve_singlefile_list` has been deprecated and is replaced by `retrieve_temporary_list` [[3041]](
- Automatically set `CalcInfo.uuid` in `` [[2874]](
- Allow the usage of lambda functions for `InputPort` default values [[3465]](

- Implementat `AuthInfo` class which allows custom configuration per configured computer [[1184]](
- Add efficient `count` method for `aiida.orm.groups.Group` [[2567]](
- Speed up creation of Nodes in the AiiDA ORM [[2214]](
- Enable use of tuple in `QueryBuilder.append` for all ORM classes [[1608]](, [[#1607]](
- Refactor the ORM to have explicit front-end and back-end layers [[2190]]([[#2210]]([[#2225]]([[#2227]]([[#2481]](
- Add support for indexing and slicing in `orm.Group.nodes` iterator [[2371]](
- Add support for process classes to QueryBuilder.append [[2421]](
- Change type of uuids returned by the QueryBuilder to unicode [[2259]](
- The `AttributeDict` is now constructed recursively for nested dictionaries [[3005]](
- Ensure immutability of `CalcJobNode` hash before and after storing [[3130]](
- Fix bug in the `RemoteData._clean` method [[1847]](
- Fix bug in `QueryBuilder.first()` for multiple projections [[2824]](
- Fix bug in `delete_nodes` when passing pks of non-existing nodes [[2440]](
- Remove unserializable data from metadata in `Log` records [[2469]](

- Fix bug in `parse_formula` for formulas with leading or trailing whitespace [[2186]](
- Refactor `Orbital` code and fix some bugs [[2737]](
- Fix bug in the `store` method of `CifData` which would raise an exception when called more than once [[1136]](
- Allow passing directory path in `FolderData` constructor [[3359]](
- Add element `X` to the elements list in order to support unknown species [[1613]](
- Various bug and consistency fixes for `CifData` and `StructureData` [[2374]](
- Changes to `Data` class attributes and `TrajectoryData` data storage [[2310]]([[#2422]](
- Rename `ParameterData` to `Dict` [[2530]](
- Remove the `FrozenDict` data sub class [[2532]](
- Remove the `Error` data sub class [[2529]](
- Make `Code` a real sub class of `Data` [[2193]](
- Implement the `has_atomic_sites` and `has_unknown_species` properties for the `CifData` class [[1257]](
- Change default library used in `_get_aiida_structure` (converting `CifData` to `StructureData`) from `ase` to `pymatgen` [[1257]](
- Add converter for `UpfData` from UPF to JSON format [[3308]](
- Fix potential inefficiency in `` converters [[3098]](
- Fix bug in `KpointsData.reciprocal_cell()` [[2779]](
- Improve robustness of parsing versions and element names from UPF files [[2296]](

Verdi command line interface
- Migrate `verdi` to the click infrastructure [[1795]](
- Add a default user to AiiDA configuration, eliminating the need to retype user information for every new profile [[2734]](
- Implement tab-completion for profile in the `-p` option of `verdi` [[2345]](
- Homogenize the interface of `verdi quicksetup` and `verdi setup` [[1797]](
- Add the option `--version` to `verdi` to display current version [[1811]](
- `verdi computer configure` can now read inputs from a yaml file through the `--config` option [[2951]](

External database importers
- Add importer class for the Materials Platform of Data Science API, which hosts the Pauling file data [[1238]](
- Add an importer class for the Materials Project API [[2097]](

- Add an index to columns of `DbLink` for SqlAlchemy [[2561]](
- Creating unique constraint and indexes at the `db_dbgroup_dbnodes` table for SqlAlchemy [[1680]](
- Performance improvement for adding nodes to group [[1677]](
- Make UUID columns unique in SqlAlchemy [[2323]](
- Allow PostgreSQL connections via unix sockets [[1721]](
- Drop the unused `nodeversion` and `public` columns from the node table [[2937]](
- Drop various unused columns from the user table [[2944]](
- Drop the unused `transport_params` column from the computer table [[2946]](
- Drop the `DbCalcState` table [[2198]](
- [Django]: migrate the node attribute and extra schema to use JSONB, greatly improving storage and querying efficiency [[3090]](
- [SqlAlchemy]: Improve speed of node attribute and extra deserialization [[3090]](

Export and Import
- Implement the exporting and importing of node extras [[2416]](
- Implement the exporting and importing of comments [[2413]](
- Implement the exporting and importing of logs [[2393]](
- Add `export_parameters` to the `metadata.json` in archive files [[3386]](
- Simplify the data format of export archives, greatly reducing file size [[3090]](
- `verdi import` automatically migrates archive files of old formats [[2820]](

- Refactor unit test managers and add basic fixtures for `pytest` [[3319]](
- REST API v4: updates to conform with `aiida-core==1.0.0` [[3429]](
- Improve decorators using the `wrapt` library such that function signatures are properly maintained [[2991]](
- Allow empty `enabled` and `disabled` keys in caching configuration [[3330]](
- AiiDA now enforces UTF-8 encoding for text output in its files and databases. [[2107]](

Backwards-incompatible changes (only a sub-set)
- Remove `aiida.tests` and obsolete `aiida.backends.tests.test_parsers` entry point group [[2778]](
- Implement new link types [[2220]](
- Rename the type strings of `Groups` and change the attributes `name` and `type` to `label` and `type_string` [[2329]](
- Make various protected `Node` methods public [[2544]](
- Rename `DbNode.type` to `DbNode.node_type` [[2552]](
- Rename the ORM classes for `Node` sub classes `JobCalculation`, `WorkCalculation`, `InlineCalculation` and `FunctionCalculation` [[2184]]([[#2189]]([[#2192]]([[#2195]]([[#2201]](
- Do not allow the `copy` or `deepcopy` of `Node`, except for `Data` nodes [[1705]](
- Remove `aiida.control` and `aiida.utils` top-level modules; reorganize `aiida.common`, `aiida.manage` and `` [[2357]](
- Make the node repository API backend agnostic [[2506]](
- Redesign the Parser class [[2397]](
- [Django]: Remove support for datetime objects from node attributes and extras [[3090]](
- Enforce specific precision in `clean_value` for floats when computing a node's hash [[3108]](
- Move physical constants from `aiida.common.constants` to external `qe-tools` package [[3278]](
- Add type checks to all plugin factories [[3456]](
- Disallow pickle when storing numpy array in `ArrayData` [[3434]](
- Remove implementation of legacy workflows [[2379]](
- Implement `CalcJob` process class that replaces the deprecated `JobCalculation` [[2389]](
- Change the structure of the `CalcInfo.local_copy_list` [[2581]](
- QueryBuilder: Change 'ancestor_of'/'descendant_of' to 'with_descendants'/'with_ancestors' [[2278]](


Not secure
- Added new endpoint in rest api to get list of distinct node types [[2745]](
- Travis: port the deploy stage from the development branch [[2816]](

Minor bug fixes
- Corrected the graph export set expansion rules [[2632]](

- Backport streamlined quick install instructions from `provenance_redesign` [[2555]](
- Remove useless chainmap dependency [[2799]](
- Add aiida-core version to docs home page [[3058]](
- Docs: add note on increasing work_mem [[2952]](


Not secure
- Fast addition of nodes to groups with `skip_orm=True` [[2471]](
- Add `environment.yml` for installing dependencies using conda; release of `aiida-core` on conda-forge channel [[2081]](
- REST API: io tree response now includes link type and node label [[2033]]( [[#2511]](
- Backport postgres improvements for quicksetup [[2433]](
- Backport `aiida.get_strict_version` (for plugin development) [[2099]](

Minor bug fixes
- Fix security vulnerability by upgrading `paramiko` to `2.4.2` [[2043]](
- Disable caching for inline calculations (broken since move to ``workfunction``-based implementation) [[1872]](
- Let `verdi help` return exit status 0 [[2434]](
- Decode dict keys only if strings (backport) [[2436]](
- Remove broken verdi-plug entry point [[2356]](
- `verdi node delete` (without arguments) no longer tries to delete all nodes [[2545]](
- Fix plotting of `BandsData` objects [[2492]](

- REST API: add tests for random sorting list entries of same type [[2106]](
- Add various badges to README [[1969]](
- Minor documentation improvements [[1955]](
- Add license file to MANIFEST [[2339]](
- Add instructions when `verdi import` fails [[2420]](


Not secure
- Support the hashing of `uuid.UUID` types by registering a hashing function [[1861]](
- Add documentation on plugin cutter [[1904]](

Minor bug fixes
- Make exported graphs consistent with the current node and link hierarchy definition [[1764]](
- Fix link import problem under SQLA [[1769]](
- Fix cache folder copying [[1746]]( [[1752]](
- Fix bug in when copying node [[1743]](
- Fix pgtest failures (release-branch) on travis [[1736]](
- Fix plugin: return testrunner result to fail on travis, when tests don't pass [[1676]](

- Remove pycrypto dependency, as it was found to have sercurity flaws [[1754]](
- Set xsf as default format for structures visualization [[1756]](
- Delete unused `utils/` file [[1702]](

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