
Latest version: v1.27.2

Safety actively analyzes 622043 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug Fixes:

* Don't use default prompt when one is not supplied to the --prompt option.



Bug Fixes:

* Don't install tests.
* Do not ignore the socket passed with the -S option, even when no port is passed
* Fix unexpected exception when using dsn without username & password (Thanks: [Will Wang])
* Let the `--prompt` option act normally with its predefined default value

* paramiko is newer than 2.11.0 now, remove version pinning `cryptography`.
* Drop support for Python 3.7


Not secure


* Detect TiDB instance, show in the prompt, and use additional keywords.
* Fix the completion order to show more commonly-used keywords at the top.

Bug Fixes:

* Better handle empty statements in un/prettify
* Remove vi-mode bindings for prettify/unprettify.
* Honor `\G` when executing from commandline with `-e`.
* Correctly report the version of TiDB.
* Revised `botton` spelling mistakes with `bottom` in `mycli/`


Not secure

Bug Fixes:
* Require Python 3.7 in ``


Not secure


* Add `--ssl` flag to enable ssl/tls.
* Add `pager` option to `~/.myclirc`, for instance `pager = 'pspg --csv'` (Thanks: [BuonOmo])
* Add prettify/unprettify keybindings to format the current statement using `sqlglot`.

* Add `--tls-version` option to control the tls version used.

* Pin `cryptography` to suppress `paramiko` warning, helping CI complete and presumably affecting some users.
* Upgrade some dev requirements
* Change tests to always use databases prefixed with 'mycli_' for better security

Bug Fixes:
* Support for some MySQL compatible databases, which may not implement connection_id().
* Fix the status command to work with missing 'Flush_commands' (mariadb)
* Ignore the user of the system [myslqd] config.


Not secure

* Add `beep_after_seconds` option to `~/.myclirc`, to ring the terminal bell after long queries.

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