
Latest version: v3.2.3

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hotfixes for v5.0.0.

- fix crash for SUPPRESS_CMD_NOT_FOUND=True (thx Romuald Texier-Marcadé!)

breaking / API cleanups:
- Missed patch for 5.0.0: now the name of a plugin is defined by its name in .plug and not its class name.




- Add support for cascaded subcommands (cmd_sub1_sub2_sub3) (thx Jeremiah Lowin)
- You can now use symbolic links for your plugins
- Telegram: send_stream_request support added (thx Alexandre Manhaes Savio)
- Callback to unhandled messages (thx tamarin)
- flows: New option to disable the next step hint (thx Aviv Laufer)
- IRC: Added Notice support (bot can listen to them)
- Slack: Original slack event message is attached to Message (Thx Bryan Shelton)
- Slack: Added reaction support and Message.extras['url'] (Thx Tomer Chachamu)
- Text backend: readline support (thx Robert Coup)
- Test backend: stream requests support (thx Thomas Lee)


- When a templated cmd crashes, it was crashing in the handling of the error.
- Slack: no more crash if a message only contains attachments
- Slack: fix for some corner case links (Thx Tomer Chachamu)
- Slack: fixed LRU for better performance on large teams
- Slack: fix for undefined key 'username' when the bot doesn't have one (thx Octavio Antonelli)


- Tests: use conftest module to specify testbot fixture location (thx Pavel Savchenko)
- Python 3.6.x added to travis.
- Ported the yield tests to pytest 4.0
- Removed a deprecated dependency for the threadpool, now uses the standard one (thx Muri Nicanor)

breaking / API cleanups:

- removed deprecated presence attributes (nick and occupant)
- removed deprecated type from messages.
- utils.ValidationException has moved to errbot.ValidationException and is fully part of the API.
- {utils, errbot}.get_class_that_defined_method is now _bot.get_plugin_class_from_method
- utils.utf8 has been removed, it was a leftover for python 2 compat.
- utils.compat_str has been removed, it was a vestige for python 2 too.




- slack: compatibility with slackclient > 1.0.5.
- render test fix (thx Sandeep Shantharam)




- regression with Markdown 2.6.8.




- slack: compatibility with slackclient > 1.0.2
- slack: block on reads on RTM (better response time) (Thx Tomer Chachamu)
- slack: fix link names (")
- slack: ignore channel_topic messages (thx Mikhail Sobolev)
- slack: Match ACLs for bots on integration ID
- slack: Process messages from webhook users
- slack: don't crash when unable to look up alternate prefix
- slack: trm_read refactoring (thx Chris Niemira)
- telegram: fix telegram ID test against ACLs
- telegram: ID as strings intead of ints (thx Pmoranga)
- fixed path to the config template in the startup error message (Thx Ondrej Skopek)




- Slack: Stream (files) uploads are now supported
- Hipchat: Supports for self-signed server certificates.


- Card emulation support for links (Thx Robin Gloster)
- IRC: Character limits fix (Thx lqaz)
- Dependency check fix.

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