
Latest version: v0.2

Safety actively analyzes 622819 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Add z3c.autoinclude.plugin magic invocation, removing the need to specify the
package in buildout's zcml section.

- Add automatic marking of IIsolatedObject and IObjectToIsolated objects for
all Plone sites. Since a Plone site is never within a plone site, this is relatively
safe. There is one exceptional case I can think of: subsites. Admins that wish to isolate
subsites may wish to change this to protect the subsites rather than the plone site.

- Add interface declarations for IIsolatedObject and IObjectToIsolate so that
they appear in the "Interfaces" tab in the ZMI. This will allow admins to mark
non-plone objects interactively.



- Fix import for Plone 4.3 [mpeeters]



- Initial release



Has known vulnerabilities

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