
Latest version: v1.0.7

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* Fixed `GeLU` backward function equation.


* `Model` is subclass of `BackwardModule` for additional functionality.
* Using `inspect.isclass` to check if `backward_class` is a class in `Linear.set_backward_function`.
* Repr using `self.__class__.__name__` in all classes.


* Removed unnecessary `PseudoParameter.grad` property.
* Patch for Pytorch 2.0.1, add filtering inputs in `BackwardGraph._calculate_gradients`.


* Combined `PseudoParameter` and `PseudoParameterModule` for better visibility.
* BugFix: fixed save and load of state_dict of `PseudoParameter` and transformation module.
* Removed redundant class `analogvnn.parameter.Parameter`.


* Added support for no loss function in `Model` class.
* If no loss function is provided, the `Model` object will use outputs for gradient computation.
* Added support for multiple loss outputs from loss function.


* Bugfix: removed `graph` from `Layer` class.
* `graph` was causing issues with nested `Model` objects.
* Now `_use_autograd_graph` is directly set while compiling the `Model` object.

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