PyPi: Keplergl



Safety vulnerability ID: 39211

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Sep 10, 2020 Updated at May 16, 2024
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Keplergl 0.3.1 updates its NPM dependency 'node-fetch' to v2.6.1 to include a security fix.

Affected package


Latest version: 0.3.2

This is a simple jupyter widget for, an advanced geospatial visualization tool, to render large-scale interactive maps.

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog

- 259022ee [Upgrade] Support React 17 (1323)
- 6c48c422 [Enhancement] Export more utils (1317)
- 81bc6b37 [Enhancement] make provider injector function to get injectedApp back (1318)
- 5e2b8988 [Enhancement] update spanish and catalan translations (1319)
- 334f0b76 [Enhancement] extend template for light theme (1305)
- abbe032e [Chore] Dependency upgrade (1314)
- f0a966cd [Bug] check category (1316)
- 7f5282b4 [Feat] add incremental timeline animation (1315)
- c1a251de [Enhancement] make visConfigSwitch a factory (1313)
- 37cf1457 [Enhancement] Enable polygon filter on h3 layer (1306)
- bdbea264 [Feat] allow changing dataset in layer config (1312)
- 28f5204d [Bug] fix radio button style (1310)
- c990a477 [Enhancement] Upgrade d3-scale (1311)
- ea69da8a [Enhancement] fix item-selector dropdown value overflow nad tooltip pin color (1309)
- d94de814 [Chores] Exported default formatters (1308)
- 307cd3d4 [Bug] avoid duplicated h3 layer detection (93) (1307)
- 8bc11a37 [Enhancement] Add inputBGdActive for light theme (1301)
- 3f0f7a6c [Bug] Check for valid layer pinned prop before performing comparison (1297)
- 42acc1cf [Bug] Fixed bug when reversing color schema (1296)
- 9949888f Table of content -> Table of contents
- 9a13ce68 [Chores] Fixed security vulnerabilities and added new factories (1294)
- 3276cef3 Merge branch 'upwards_update'
- 70687cab [Docs] Add usage example in doc for _repr_html_ method (1282)
- 32b519af [Chores] Updated yarn.lock and file license
- aecbdc55 [Bug] Fixed typo in renderedSize cell-size (90)
- 9f8b84e1 upgrade react-palm to 3.3.7 (89)
- 7410cfa5 [Enhancement] Disable layer select option when no data is loaded (88)
- 7a69c865 data table style tiny adjustment
- 21d09475 add fontFamily to input style
- 96c37618 export renderSize from cell-size.js
- f356fe43 [Enhancement] Added modalStyle prop Portaled to override default values (83)
- b6fd3916 [Enhancement] UI input style improvement (1284)
- 92a2bb65 [Enhancement] Add preserveLayerOrder to layer merger (1288)
- 480ead69 [Enhancement] Add a CTA button type (80) (1286)
- d882ba09 [Enhancement] Layer config: Add column validators (1287)
- e8fc1c5e Export typeahead (1289)
- ad5ec020 [Enhancement] render last added filter first (1285)
- 42569ec3 [Enhancement] Export StyledDropdownSelect (1283)
- 1b748471 [Jupyter] add _repr_html_ method (1202)
- fbbd4c45 [Enhancement] export more utils and schema (1280)
- e5a6f9e8 [Enhancement] Improve schema and utils typing (1279)
- ad651700 [Enhancement] Create factory for histogram and line chart, add brush handle to range brush (1274)
- 6681d2e2 [Enhancement] pass light theme through to item selector (1276)
- 0184cf1e [Enhancement] add setTimeAnimation action (70) (1263)
- 908a5e2b [Chores] Bump http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1 (1268)
- 7acb3d66 [Auto] Bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 (1210)
- 490cafb0 [Jupyter] Updated Docs for Jupyter (1267)
- a7865c8d [Enhancement] Added factory for the icons of the map control (1273)
- 77b4e018 [Enhancement] switch style tweak (1262)
- 9dbb9e73 [Bug] fix dropdown list item lineheight (1261)
- d677c18f [Feat] Move more css to theme and create more factories (1248)
- 2ebd1368 [Enhancement] Typescript improvement (1254)
- 959f1a33 [Bug] fix export image size not set (1257)
- 678aacc2 [Upgrade] upgrade react-palm to 3.3.6 (1255)
- f54d6afb [Enhancement] Map control style improve (1253)
- 3e40a48c [Website] disable banner (1252)
- 3b81b59f [Enhancement] Add new theme variables (1245)
- b09aa2e1 [Bug] Fix load data modal crash (1244)
- 42670d89 [Bug] Fix provider preview image during map save and share flow (1243)
- efd3676d [Bug] Fix component exports
- 0b91f4d1 [Enhancement] Improve react intl support (1237)
- 7ff0c459 [Enhancement] Save merger and schema to visState (1235)

- [2.3.2] - Aug 16 2020
- 10468e19 [Enhancement] Export more utils (1233)
- 242dcf99 [Enhancement] Upgrade dependencies and fix vulnerabilities (1236)
- 3d72066f [Bug] Fixed image export bug due to mapbox attrition logo (1229)
- f4951102 [Feat] add readonly prop to KeplerGl component (1220)
- 04991352 [Enhancement] Added props to panel-header iconComponent (64) (1219)
- b91785ec [Feat] Auto detect h3 layer from h3 field data (53) (1218)


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score


CVSS v3 Details

Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)

CVSS v2 Details

Access Vector (AV)
Access Complexity (AC)
Authentication (Au)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Impact (A)