PyPi: Twisted


Safety vulnerability ID: 37554

This vulnerability was reviewed by experts

The information on this page was manually curated by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team.

Created at Jun 16, 2019 Updated at Mar 29, 2024
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In twisted 19.7.0, twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.TLSInitiatingInitializer properly verifies the server's certificate against platform CAs and the stream's domain, mitigating CVE-2019-12855. (#9561)

Affected package


Latest version: 24.3.0

An asynchronous networking framework written in Python

Affected versions

Fixed versions

Vulnerability changelog



- The callable argument to twisted.internet.task.deferLater() is no longer required. (9577)
- Twisted's minimum Cryptography requirement is now 2.5. (9592)
- twisted.internet.utils.getProcessOutputAndValue now accepts `stdinBytes` to write to the child process's standard input. (9607)
- Add new twisted.logger.capturedLogs context manager for capturing observed log events in tests. (9617)
- twisted.internet.base.PluggableResolverMixin, which implements the pluggable resolver interfaces for easier re-use in other reactors, has been factored out of ReactorBase. (9632)
- The PyPI page for Twisted has been enhanced to include more information and useful links. (9648)


- twisted.internet.endpoints is now importable on Windows when pywin32 is not installed. (6032)
- twisted.conch.ssh now generates correct keys when using hmac-sha2-512 with SHA1 based KEX algorithms. (8258)
- twisted.internet.iocpreactor.abstract.FileHandle no longer duplicates/looses outgoing data when .write() is called in rapid succession with large payloads (9446)
- twisted.application.backoffPolicy will not fail on connection attempts > 1750 with default settings. (9476)
- Trial on Python 3 will now properly re-raise ImportErrors that occur during the import of a module, rather than saying the module doesn't exist. (9628)
- twisted.internet.process does not fail on import when the process has more than 1024 file descriptors opened. (9636)
- Add the stackLevel keyword argument to twisted.logger.STDLibLogObserver._findCaller to fix an incompatibility with Python 3.8. (9668)

Improved Documentation

- Fix the incorrect docstring for twisted.python.components.Componentized.addComponent which stated that the function returned a list of interfaces, even though the function doesn't actually do so. (9637)

Deprecations and Removals

- twisted.test.proto_helpers has moved to twisted.internet.testing. twisted.test.proto_helpers has been deprecated. (6435)
- twisted.protocols.mice, deprecated since Twisted 16.0, has been removed. (9602)
- twisted.conch.insults.client and twisted.conch.insults.colors, deprecated since Twisted 10.1, have been removed. (9603)
- The __version__ attribute of Twisted submodules that were previously packaged separately, deprecated since Twisted 16.0, has been removed. (9604)
- Python 3.4 is no longer supported. (9613)
- twisted.python.compat.OrderedDict, an alias for collections.OrderedDict and deprecated since Twisted 15.5, has been removed. (9639)


- 9217, 9445, 9454, 9605, 9614, 9615, 9619, 9625, 9633, 9640, 9674



- t.c.ssh.connection.SSHConnection now fails channels that are in the process of opening when the connection is lost. (2782)


- 9610



- twisted.web.tap, the module that is run by `twist web`, now accepts --display-tracebacks to render tracebacks on uncaught exceptions. (9656)


- twisted.web.http.Request.write after the channel is disconnected will no longer raise AttributeError. (9410)
- twisted.web.client.Agent.request() and twisted.web.client.ProxyAgent.request() now produce TypeError when the method argument is not bytes, rather than failing to generate the request. (9643)
- twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel no longer raises TypeError internally when receiving a line-folded HTTP header on Python 3. (9644)
- All HTTP clients in twisted.web.client now raise a ValueError when called with a method and/or URL that contain invalid characters. This mitigates CVE-2019-12387. Thanks to Alex Brasetvik for reporting this vulnerability. (9647)
- twisted.web.server.Site's instance variable displayTracebacks is now set to False by default. (9656)

Improved Documentation

- twisted.web.iweb.IRequest's "prepath" and "postpath" attributes, which have existed for a long time, are now documented. (5533)
- The documented type of t.w.iweb.IRequest's "method" and "uri" attributes on Python 3 has been corrected to match the implementation. (9091)
- t.w.iweb.IRequest's "args" attribute is now correctly documented to be bytes. (9458)
- The API documentation of twisted.web.iweb.IRequest and twisted.web.http.Request has been updated and extended to match the implementation. (9593)

Deprecations and Removals

- Passing a path argument to twisted.web.resource.Resource.putChild which is not of type bytes is now deprecated. In the future, passing a non-bytes argument to putChild will return an error. (9135)
- Passing --notracebacks/-n to twisted.web.tap, the module that is run by `twist web`, is now deprecated due to traceback rendering being disabled by default. (9656)


- 9597


No significant changes.



- twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.TLSInitiatingInitializer and twisted.words.protocols.jabber.client.XMPPClientFactory now take an optional configurationForTLS for customizing certificate options for StartTLS. (9561)


- twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.TLSInitiatingInitializer now properly verifies the server's certificate against platform CAs and the stream's domain, mitigating CVE-2019-12855. (9561)



- twisted.names.client.Resolver will no longer infinite loop if it cannot bind a UDP port to use for resolving. (9620)


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Severity Details

CVSS Base Score

HIGH 7.4

CVSS v3 Details

HIGH 7.4
Attack Vector (AV)
Attack Complexity (AC)
Privileges Required (PR)
User Interaction (UI)
Scope (S)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Availability (A)

CVSS v2 Details

Access Vector (AV)
Access Complexity (AC)
Authentication (Au)
Confidentiality Impact (C)
Integrity Impact (I)
Availability Impact (A)