
Latest version: v11.4.0

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* chore: Fix same typo in ([`d53bb14`](

* chore: Change autoversioning commit message.

This and previous commits combined fixes 32 ([`24f26c6`](

* chore: Remove debug prints from travis.yml ([`5dd2d6d`](


* docs: Fix typo in ([`de0f4dc`](


* fix: package_data no longer pointing to wrong files.

This fixes the problem where the .sql file is not installed. ([`efc28f7`](

* fix: include all packages

find_packages doesn&39;t find misc or templates.

I don&39;t think templates is needed, but batter safe than sorry, and misc
/IS/ needed.

M<anually creating the packages list should fix the problem. ([`1595a3c`](

* fix: Correct entry point. ([`c65f3bf`](


* refactor: Don&39;t include templates ([`d1c4226`](


* 10.0.3

python-semantic-release automatic version update. ([`399112e`](

* 10.0.2

python-semantic-release automatic version update. ([`857dda4`](

* Merge branch &39;master&39; of ([`b9d0e89`](

* 10.0.1

python-semantic-release automatic version update. ([`5ab8274`](

* Merge branch &39;master&39; of ([`210b197`](



* feat: Publish to pypi

Assuming everything actually works now.


API now accessed as &39;;, rather than &39;trade.main&39;. ([`097dbf6`](


* chore: revert last two commits

Time to ask about this upstream. ([`a44ca91`](

* chore: Okay, try it fully local. ([`1803de4`](

* chore: Try assigning the env again. ([`5798f4c`](

* chore: Check value of $PYPI_USERNAME before and after publish

The env is definitely set, so why is it acting like it&39;s not? ([`d619bfb`](

* chore: Print $PYPI_USERNAME

For some reason it&39;s trying to push to

Which is wrong. ([`0f241f5`](

* chore: publish to pypi

Update how to publish to pypi
and some documentation about requirements. ([`5e55d0f`](

* chore: fix semantic-release ([`23420f8`](


* fix: bump version ([`34da73a`](

* fix: Add module &39;typing&39; to the requirements. ([`f8b3f13`](

* fix: Apparently can&39;t test 3.7 because error 403.

Thanks upstream. ([`735234d`](


* refactor: Don&39;t publish until build works. ([`b5b2f88`](


* test: travis with py3.7

test: travis use dist: xenial

chore: resync tag and version

docs: add info about deploy

chore: configure ci ([`a1626cd`](


* 10.0.0

New version by CI ([`a94cd86`](

* Merge branch &39;master&39; of

dev-requirements.txt ([`5ac899f`](

* Update .travis.yml ([`06c5adb`](

* Update .travis.yml ([`48417c6`](

* Trade-Dangerous as a module (45)

* Created &39;tradedangerous&39; pgk and moved files there

* fix imports
* removed data and tmp folders
data will be regenerated from traded/templates
tmp will be recreated when needed
* added tox and pytest
* added travis config

* tests and sql

* More tests, fixes and documentation

- Enable TradeEnv to read environment variables,
- docs using sphinx
- Test using tox and travis. Py34, Py35 and Py36
- Fixes some circular references that didn&39;t work with Py3.4

* Fix issue with tdb kept open if error

* ensure target folder exists on download

Will fail silently otherwise

* test trade and import_eddblink

* chore: add sematic release

Add python-semantic-release to make life easier

* add semantic-release to travis

* chore: add deploy stage for master branch

Add a deploy stage that only run after
- ALL tests are ok
- On master branch
- only on one python version (3.6)

* refactor: Add py3.7 to version list, build lowest compat., init TD ver.

Lead developer is using 3.7, so obviously tests need to include that

If we&39;re only going to build for one python version, it should be the
lowest compatible version.

Last official version of TD was 7.4.0, back in 2016-01-29, so
considering how much has changed since then, should start at something
more like 10.

The .1 part of 10.0.1 is this specific refactor.

* refactor: Include py3.7 in tox script as well. ([`489f721`](



* refactor: Add deprecation NOTE to progbar option.

Passing the progbar option now results in a NOTE: being printed
informing the user that the option has been deprecated and no longer
functions. ([`73ae3af`](


* Forgot to also remove the &39;progress&39; variable the &39;(125/500) 25%&39; used ([`afec7e6`](

* Remove the &39;(125/500) 25%&39; progress and make progbar the default option

Also remove the .gitignore in /data and add its entry to the top-level
.gitignore where it belongs. ([`977099b`](

* Make Avraham happy.

By doing it right. ([`4f628bf`](

* Revert sql change from last commit.

How did that happen? No idea. It only affects manually exporting the
.csv files, though, so no biggy. ([`7352b9f`](

* Update listings import to use faster method, various fixes.

Removed some old code that isn&39;t needed anymore, added some code to make
the import a bit more stable and resistant to borking the database if
the program is exited early.

Changed the listings import method to use executemany instead of doing
each listings import as a separate transaction, resulting in a huge
speedup on the typical case and a pretty decent speed up in general. ([`48686db`](

* Fix 40 ([`c0fd39e`](

* gitignore update ([`beed86d`](

* Add &34;--planetary&34; option to olddata command. ([`e4edf47`](

* Olddata (39)

* Added &34;--no-planetary&34; option to olddata command

* Added &34;--ls-max&34; option to olddata command ([`1aa7fc1`](

* Only the &34;profile&34; part is used anyway....

We literally don&39;t care about anything but what&39;s in the &34;profile&34;
element, so there&39;s no need to bother with anything else, which also
means no need to bother checking if anything else even exists. ([`c29c9d0`](

* Fix ([`dcf569b`](

* Fix debug message.


Still trying to figure out what&39;s going on with ([`f121b19`](

* Add debug note to profile save.

Need it to track down ([`c4dd081`](

* Minor edit to comment relevant to last commit. ([`dc82a20`](

* Fix ([`66e54b5`](

* Various Fixes.

Separate fdev_id and item_id as two unique fields, not unique in
combination. Fixes 35

Update EDDBlink to use the new v6 dumps. Fixes 37

Use EDCD as source for commodity list.

Add check to listings import that will see if the listing is using the
fdev_id as a temp item_id for an item that now has an actual item_id,
importing the listing using the actual item_id if so.

Delete the listings that no longer exist in the station we were just
checking from the station we were just checking, not the new station
we&39;re about to check. ([`5d4c537`](

* Fix 31.

Category.csv is deleted on a clean run, so it can&39;t be used in that

Added a default value of what the categories currently are to use when
the file doesn&39;t exist.

It&39;s not likely that the categories will ever change, but this is for in
case they do. ([`faa2ffd`](

* Generalize faulty entry check.

Any item that doesn&39;t have an ed_id value is &39;faulty&39;, so skip importing
any of them.

As of right now, that&39;s just 270 &34;Occupied Cryo Pod&39;, but thjat may
change in the future.

(&34;OccupiedCryoPod&34; is the symbol for &34;Occupied Escape Pod&34;.)

Also updated the manual corrections to include the escape pod. ([`2ee7b39`](

* More future proofing.

Updated EDDBlink plugin to use EDMC commodity list to check for items
missing in;s commodities.json and automatically add any found
using the fdev_id as the item_id.

Since EDMC, unlike EDDB, is really quick at updating their list, this
means new items will be added to TD much more quickly, and allows the
listener to update the market data for those items sooner as well. ([`0887116`](

* Future-proofing, hopefully.

EDDBlink plugin updated to include newest items added in E:D,
temporarily using their fdev_id as their item_id.

EDDBlink plugin updated to detect when an item&39;s item_id has changed
(such as when an item that was not in;s commodity.json and was
using the fdev_id has been added to the json and therefore now has an
item_id (which definitely is not the fdev_id)) and update the database
to use the new item_id, using the item&39;s fdev_id to check. updated to correctly mark the &39;OCCUPIED CRYOPOD&39; as
&39;Occupied Escape Pod&39; and not DELETED.

SQL script updated to make fdev_id in the Item table unique and and an
index using the fdev_id as key. (Does not take effect until a &39;clean&39;
run of the plugin is performed.) ([`a317b4a`](

* Okay, the encoding problems should be fixed now. ([`88f57e1`](

* Arg. Encoding annoyance. ([`bc5c13b`](

* Revert encoding screwup. ([`dc122c7`](

* Update TD to use EDMC item names, not incorrect names. ([`e365caf`](

* Add edapi token to gitignore, add field names to json output. ([`50ed5ae`](

* Incorporate bgol&39;s updates to plugin to make it work with new cAPI.

Ought to work until FD changes the authentication method again. ([`c4bf271`](

* Not implemented plugin finish() raises Warning, not Error, returns True

The finish() method should never be required to be implemented.

If the plugin needs to do something at the point where finish() is
called by the import command, then it&39;s nice to have the option, but if
the plugin doesn&39;t need to do anything there, it shouldn&39;t be required
to implement the method anyway just to say &34;Nope, I&39;m good, get on with
it.&34; and quit.

So, if the method is not implemented, instead of throwing an Exception,
it now throws a Warning, and returns True by default, True being the
&34;Nope, I&39;m good, get on with it.&34; ([`74fdc48`](

* Apparently it is used. D&39;oh. ([`e045371`](

* Removed &34;nolive&34; as redundant.

&34;fallback&34; option has the same effect as nolive, making it useless. ([`38cfd98`](

* Minor adjustment to &34;nolive&34; option description. ([`1415849`](

* Fix from_live to work correctly. ([`9639fdb`](

* No &34;nolive&34; option for server use only. ([`a405682`](

* from_live still isn&39;t working like it should. ([`3baef3d`](

* Revert last. ([`afc1a85`](

* from_live still isn&39;t working right. ([`cf22aaf`](

* Removed unused method from edmc plugin. ([`f96ca8c`](

* Add edmc_batch plugin to import multiple .prices files (29)

Plugin by Ryanel to import .prices files made by EDMC easier, by processing them all in one go. ([`c8be33d`](

* Fix 27

Gain/Hop was a floating point number, so when it gets too large to fit
in the 10 spaces allowed to it, it converts itself to scientific

Making it be an integer fixes that problem. ([`f6e88f0`](

* Remove unused import (auto-added during testing). ([`43150e6`](

* Remove old tdh_profile before writing new, quit after save if TDH.

If the plugin was called specifically to provide TDH with the EDAPI
response (i.e., by using the &34;tdh&34; option), nothing needs to done once
the file has been saved, so exit immediately.

Also, because the plugin will be saving to the same filename every time,
delete the old file before saving a new one to prevent any weirdness
occurring. ([`2e92358`](

* Add &34;tdh&34; option to edapi plugin for TDHelper to use.

Trade Dangerous Helper uses the EDAPI response to get information about
the CMDR, such as amount of credits, owned ships, etc.

Right now, it&39;s using the edce client to get that response, but it can
just as easily use the EDAPI plugin included with TD.

The EDAPI plugin has a save option which outputs the EDAPI response to
&34;<TD Install>/tmp/profile.<current_date>_<current_time>.json&34;, eg.

This has a couple drawbacks, one being that every time the plugin is run
with the save option, it creates a new file, which just means more
things for the client to take care of, and TDH would need to figure out
what the file is named everytime.

To circumvent both, a new option has been added to the plugin that will
cause the plugin to always save to &34;<TD Install>/tmp/tdh_profile.json&34;.

The original &34;save&34; option is unaffected.

The command to generate the TDH file is:
&34; import -P edapi -O tdh&34; ([`fbd5912`](

* Small formatting change for ease of readability (hopefully). ([`69eed0f`](

* Fix 20 ([`c203f8e`](

* Merge branch &39;dev&39; of ([`8a43404`](

* Fix some syntax errors. ([`2b617e8`](

* Change env to python3 instead of python3.6

This change allows users with later versions of python3 to run the
program without having to make sure they have specifically python3.6
installed. ([`3c0ab29`](

* Change env to python3 instead of python3.6

This change allows users with later versions of python3 to run the
program without having to make sure they have specifically python3.6
installed. ([`2c897f8`](

* Untested attempt to address 25 ([`635ca06`](

* Fix 23 ([`de9ca7a`](

* Ignore unknown ships/upgrades when updating shipvendor/upgradevendor

22 ([`80cdae9`](

* Revert &34;Wreckage Components&34; name change to &34;Salvageable Wreckage&34;. is the odd man out, here. We&39;re going to go with the majority,
so from this point forward we&39;re keeping it as &34;Wreckage Components&34;. ([`ab896a7`](

* Added Ancient Key to manually added items, fixed IDs of manual items.

Turns out does include these items on the site, they have their
own ID and all the rest, but they&39;ve never been added to the *API*.

Updated all the IDs of the manually added items to have the same ID
they have on, and added Ancient Key, making a total of four
(currently) Salvage Commodities that are not included in the API.
Argggg.... ([`6ac7cbd`](

* Update manually added items avg_price to null.

The listener has been updated to set the avg_price of commodities from
the EDDN, so there&39;s no need to set it within the import, and since that
value is constantly changing anyway, it&39;s kind of pointless to do so as
well. ([`d12643a`](

* Delete temp entries if EDDB does ever add them. ([`67094aa`](

* Correctly test to see if item is already in the list. ([`b1655ea`](

* Try again, this time in a way that works. ([`e816682`](

* Manually add Salvage commodities missing from EDDB dump.

EBBD still hasn&39;t gotten around to adding the Salvage items &34;Antique
Jewellery&34;, &34;Gene Bank&34;, and &34;Time Capsule&34;. At this point I don&39;t think
they ever will, so we&39;ll just add them manually. ([`3be8047`](

* TD Crest as Windows Icon

Just for fun, the TD crest in Windows Icon form to make your shortcuts look cool. ([`bf68513`](

* Merge branch &39;master&39; of ([`b22ba96`](

* Reverting this change - it&39;s a little TOO fragile.

Even a ctrl-c trashes the database and requires a -O clean. That might be just going too far :) ([`a9b0150`](

* Merge branch &39;master&39; of ([`995a70a`](

* Fix 19 ([`51640c6`](

* Cure another potential disk thrasher ([`6dcb086`](

* Make comment reflect &39;progbar&39; addition. ([`b5db1c6`](

* Add progbar to the does-not-override-default list of options. ([`9396380`](

* Exclude Ship and Upgrade Vendor information in &39;solo&39; mode as well. ([`645903e`](

* Add option for solo players to never get crowd-sourced market data. ([`0401aa0`](

* Thanks to Bernd for pointing out an embarrassing typo.... ([`7bb9bfc`](

* Make the ship name comment clearer as to intention of relevant code. ([`9f33d5d`](

* Handle all variations of &34;Mark&34; in ship names and fix to be &34; Mk. &34;. ([`c613d54`](

* Also handle cases with no leading space for ship names with a &34;Mark&34;. ([`7ec0d1a`](

* Revert 36389d5, fix name properly. ([`cfe0ee2`](

* Fix import of Krait Mk II

So, there is disagreement.

Coriolis has Krait Mk II
EDDB has Krait MkII

Unlike other similar ships it&39;s not Mk. (see the &39;.&39;) either, so completely different to other cases.

(In game it appears to actually be Krait MkII, so EDDB looks to be correct and maybe we blame FDEV for being inconsistent as the root of the problem)

So we have this fix until/unless things change. ([`36389d5`](

* Make sure PRAGMA is set up every time.

synchronous and temp_store aren&39;t persistent, so we need to do this every time we connect to the DB. ([`7b149ca`](

* Database tunings

The data is easily replaced from master source, so do stuff in memory for additional speed and risk the power cut. ([`3174deb`](

* Fix 18 ([`8b4048e`](

* Remove temporary code, problems fixed upstream. ([`aac50c3`](

* Fix ([`97a3ef9`](

* Add padSize to command line arguments and implement.

Fixes 9 ([`12b925b`](

* Switch to MPL2 ([`49ce01a`](

* Remove GPL ([`33973dc`](

* Give eyeonus his lower case &39;e&39; ([`4ce0642`](

* Merge branch &39;master&39; of ([`ae8793c`](

* Temp. fix to new ships not in EDDB yet.

When EDDB adds the new ships, we&39;ll have to change the code to reflect
that. ([`7a6e25f`](

* Add newest rares & corrections per BGOL release. ([`1e077b9`](

* Merge branch &39;master&39; of ([`af12a33`](

* Only catch DB locked exception. ([`f5ef573`](

* eyeonus prefers a small &39;e&39; ([`7e6c11f`](

* Merge branch &39;master&39; of ([`86fa3eb`](

* Updated copyright & shebangs in main code. ([`14068ab`](

* Changed to GPL 3.0

Oliver&39;s original copyright allowed anything
You are free to use, redistribute, or even print and eat a copy of
this software so long as you include this copyright notice.
I guarantee there is at least one bug neither of us knew about.

So long as this is maintained, adding a more restrictive license should be no problem.
Note that EDDBLink standalone is separately released under LGPL 3.0 ([`1d3b120`](

* Fix typo. ([`5aad063`](

* Fix typo. ([`874b71e`](

* 2-space line breaks... again ([`4debbb7`](

* 2 space line breaks... ([`1aa41f5`](

* Drastically shorten readme.

Remove the long documentation from the readme - migrated into wiki. Update copyright. Add wiki links.
Oh and put the picture in, pictures are cool. ([`1414a0d`](

* Update main copyright ([`6824f4e`](

* Update lsp default to 12.5

Fix 11 ([`7e382ae`](

* Always update from_live to 0.

Need to come up with a better way to make plugin not update from_live to
0 when updating a listener server using a &39;listings_live.csv&39;.

This method causes more problems than it solves. ([`3556ebc`](

* Updated shebang for server ([`bc8b8a6`](

* Keep penalty within [0,1] (13)

* Update

Cap distance penalty proportion at 1 to prevent weirdness if passing numbers greater than 100. Anyway, it is defined as a percentage so should be strictly in [0, 1].

* Keep value >=0 too, while we&39;re at it. ([`1cb0b4d`](

* Move from_live assignment outside of if statement. Fix 12 ([`71405b2`](

* Print headers if TD detects no content-length header on non-chunked. 10 ([`5fe7e8a`](

* Update progress bar to include percentage. ([`aba4715`](

* Update from_live based on which listings file the data is coming from. ([`62269f8`](

* Reduce number of requests to server. ([`f291a56`](

* Make the actual default ls penalty match documentation. ([`224b8f3`](

* Too many 0&39;s. ([`4696f07`](

* Apparently the default penalty was 0, not 0.5

Revert last and change the default to what it &34;should&34; be. May decide to
change the boost back, but I want to see my results with the default
first. ([`862736d`](

* Reduced maximum boost to +0.1.


. Merged Tyler Lund's support for posting data to EDDN from edapi.
. (kfsone) Merged Maddavo data.


. (kfsone) Maddavo Horizons import.

Jan 16 2016 (bgol, horizon branch):
. Fixed typo in EDAPI plugin
. Horizon ship updates (thanks dave, fixes 4)

Jan 15 2016 (bgol, horizon branch):
. Overlooked one check for noPlanet switch. Fixes bug 2
. Latest maddavo data update.

Dec 22 2015 (bgol, horizon branch):


. (kfsone) Alternate fix for edapi.

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