
Latest version: v2.1.1

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New features
- blhost:
- add new command: ele_message
- nxpdebugmbox:
- add command: read UUID from device
- update PyOCD to latest version to support CMSIS DAP FW v3
- nxpdevhsm:
- USER_PCK rename to CUST_MK_SK
- nxpimage:
- add subcommand group for generate and parse certificate block
- replace private key to signature provider in master boot image
- OTFAD support for RT1170
- ifr:
- add commands read/write
- pfr:
- add CMPA erase command

- nxpdebugmbox:
- fix AP selection issue for PyOCD and PEMICRO
- fix DAC verification when there is only 1 root key
- nxpimage:
- fix MBI issue with HMAC
- shadowregs:
- fix endianness for OTP MASTER KEY

- drop support for Python 3.7


New features
- nxpdevhsm
- split reset option in nxpdevhsm into two; disable init reset by default


- nxpdebugmbox:
- fix Linux error on PyOCD
- fix PyOCD and PEmicro connection for kw45xx and k32w1xx
- nxpdevhsm:
- fix buffer base address for DevHSM operations
- nxpimage:
- fix handling exception when the root cert index is wrong

- tphost/tpconfig:
- incorrect output in TP PG command in case of an failure


New features

- nxpdebugmbox:
- add check of root of trust hash in dat authentication
- enable debug authentication protocol on RT1180
- nxpdevhsm:
- reset target before and after DevHSM SB3 file creation
- nxpimage:
- XMCD support
- signed messages support for RT1180
- add bootable image for RT10xx, RT1180, RT1170, LPC55S3x
- implement IEE encryption
- support Memory ID for erase in sb21
- support Memory ID for enable and load in sb21
- implement JUMP and JUMP_SP commands in BD file for SB2.1
- enable encryption in AHAB container
- tphost/tpconfig:
- create command for loading ProvFW
- add command for retrieving TP_RESPONSE without models or smart card
- smart card reader name hash identification
- debug authentication improvements
- unify memory access cross all debuggers
- replace json file with yml file for TZ
- support for k32w1xx, kw45xx
- improve format of debugging logger


- nxpdebugmbox:
- remove duplicated option --protocol for gendc command
- nxpdevhsm:
- fix skipping commands from config file
- nxpimage:
- fix non working 384/521 ECC keys for signature in AHAB container
- fix CRC mode in external flash for lpc55s3x
- failure on start due to boot_image hook definition
- pfr:
- command line parameter '-t' is duplicated
- tphost/tpconfig:
- TPhost load-tpfw requires TP device definition
- OEM ProvFW boot-check incorrectly fails with non-verbose flavor

Known issues

- nxpdebugmbox:
- we do not support CMSIS-DAP version 2 (bulk pipes, https://arm-software.github.io/CMSIS_5/DAP/html/group__DAP__ConfigUSB__gr.html)
This means sw debuggers such as MCU-Link v3 will not work (nxpdebugmbox will not detect the debugger probe)
This issue will be resolved in next version of SPSDK


New features

- nxpimage:
- add support for BEE
- enable OTFAD on RT1180
- pfr:
- move the functionality of pfrc tool into PFR tool
- tphost/tpconfig:
- implement USB re-enumeration in TPHost after OEM ProvFW is started
- create command for checking the Chain of Trust used in TP
- investigate TP performance loss during device reset after TP is completed
- add possibility to select TP SmartCard via card reader's name
- unify option for getting template across tools
- add API for parsing XMCD
- support cryptography >= 37.0.0
- support bincopy 17.14


- nxpdevscan:
- fix hanging up for serial communication
- tphost/tpconfig:
- blhost_port should not be mandatory in TP target settings
- fix disabling timeout in TP is ignored
- fix documentation regarding SB31 programFuses


New features

- nxpimage:
- add OTFAD support for RT5xx and RT6xx devices
- pfr:
- read command allows independent binary and yaml exports
- shadowregs:
- new subcommand: fuses-script
- add OEM cert size check into TPConfig


- nxpdebugmbox:
- fix debug authentication for RT595
- nxpimage:
- fix sb21 command line argument in documentation
- fix the use of pyyaml's load in tests (use safe_load())


New features

- nxpimage application as replacement for elftosb
- nxpcrypto application for generating and verifying keys, certificates, hash digest, converting key's format
- trust provisioning applications (tphost and tpconfig)
- blhost:
- support LifeCycleUpdate command for RT1180
- add option to specify peripheral index of SPI/I2C for LIBUSBSIO
- allow lowercase names in the filter for USB mboot devices
- nxpdebugmbox:
- utility to read/write memory using debug probe
- nxpimage:
- support of Master Boot Images
- support AHAB container for RT1180
- support of Secure Binary 2.1 / 3.1
- support for TrustZone blocks
- support for Bootable images for RTxxx devices
- support for FCB block parsing and exporting for RTxxx and some RTxxxx devices
- simply binary image support, like create, merge, extract and convert (S19,HEX,ELF and BIN format)
- pfr:
- load PFR configuration directly from chip using BLHOST
- sdphost:
- support for SET_BAUDRATE command
- support for iMX93
- drop support for Python 3.6
- pypemicro dependency update in order to cover latest bug fixes in this package
- libusbsio update to version 2.1.11
- unify debug options within applications
- API to compute RKTH
- support LPC553x in elftosb/nxpimage
- support dual image boot on RT5xx and RT6xx
- replace click/sys.exit with raising an SPSDKAppError exception
- encryption of remapped images


- blhost:
- efuse_program_once returns failure message when using 'lock' option but still the fuse is burnt
- fix in re-scanning LIBUSBSIO devices when target MCU is not connected
- scan_usb() should return nxp devices
- read memory command doesn't print read data when mem region is defined
- elftosb:
- fix trustzone config template for rt5xx and rt6xx
- fix MBI_PLainRamRTxxx image
- fix CRC bootable image on RT685 EVK
- fix image located in FLASH executed in RAM on RT6xx
- fix burning fuses in BD file
- nxpdebugmbox:
- fix in Jlink debugger probe initialization
- fix get-crp command

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