
Latest version: v0.10.2

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* **REFACTOR:** orders are now clipped so that only the pixels deemed to be within the flux receiving regions of the order are extracted (according to the static calibration spectral format table).
* **REFACTOR:** `soxspipe prep` will now warn user if no FITS files are found in the workspace directory and quit before moving any files (safer).
* **REFACTOR:** `soxspipe session` commands will look for a sessions directory before creating any new files and folders (cleaner).
* **REFACTOR:** `read_spectral_format` function can now return limits to the usable region of each spectral order if a dispersion map is given.
* **FIXED**: fixes to make detect_continuum more robust.


* **ENHANCEMENT:** intra-order background (scattered light) fits are now being written to FITS image files in the QC directories and reported at the end of a recipe run.
* **ENHANCEMENT:** added a `create_dispersion_solution_grid_lines_for_plot` function to allow adding dispersion solution grid to QC plots. This is extremely useful for quickly diagnosing problems with the fits.
* **REFACTOR:** All product FITS files now pass fitverify without error or warnings. All issues were due to using '-' instead of underscores in FITS binary table column names.
* **REFACTOR:** bad-pixel values set to 0 in data extensions of products
* **REFACTOR:** nans have been replaced by zero in FITS image product
* **FIXED**: a mismatch between daofind results and the original input pixel table was causing dispersion solution to break (a recent bug introduced during code optimisations)
* **FIXED**: the internal soxspipe logger was being interfered with by astropy so that logs were sometimes getting redirected to the wrong place


* **FEATURE:** added a `predict_product_path` function to determine the product path from a recipe's input sof file
* **FEATURE:** Merging of individual order extracted spectra from object frame into a single spectrum for each arm
* **FEATURE:** Object spectra are now extracted from the sky-subtracted frames using the Horne 86 method
* **FEATURE:** Real SOXS data is now included in the unit-test suite (starting to replace simulated data unit-tests). `soxs-disp-solu` recipe so far.
* **FEATURE:** SOXS NIR Xe line-lists added to static-calibration suite (single and multi pinhole).
* **FEATURE:** when running a recipe, `soxspipe` writes informative logs to stdoutAND to a log file adjacent to the recipe's product file(s). Error logs are also written if a recipe fails (see docs).
* **ENHANCEMENT:** recipe timing added to the end of the logs
* **ENHANCEMENT:** fitted lines from the dispersion solution are written out to file as a QC product
* **ENHANCEMENT:** flux (and other daostarfinder metrics) are now recorded in the detected line-list QC file. This will help measure degradation of arc-lamps over time.
* **ENHANCEMENT:** FWHM and pixel-scale added to fitted lines from the dispersion solution
* **ENHANCEMENT:** legends added to many of the QC plots
* **ENHANCEMENT:** OB ids now getting add to the data-organiser database tables.
* **ENHANCEMENT:** object trace FITS binary table added to stare-mode products (alongside complimentary QC plot)
* **ENHANCEMENT:** products and QC outputs are differentiated in the table reported upon recipe completion (see label column).
* **ENHANCEMENT:** verifying the master flat used to calibrate object/std spectra has the same slit-witdh as used to take the science frames
* **REFACTOR:** `init` command has been subsumed into the prep command. The `prep` command will generate a settings file to live within the prepared workspace.
* **REFACTOR:** `misc/` directory created by data-organiser even if empty
* **REFACTOR:** close matplotlib plot after writing plots to file
* **REFACTOR:** command-line startup speeds improved
* **REFACTOR:** continuum fitting code made more robust against edge cases (orders of the fit are automatically reduced if fit does not converge)
* **REFACTOR:** soxspipe now has a 'full' and a 'lite' test-suite. Using the lite suite will speed up deploying of new releases.
* **DOCS:** updated docs with a more robust SOXSPIPE upgrade path (users having issue with `conda update ...`)
* **FIXED**: sky-subtraction code and data-organiser fixed to work with binned data


* **FEATURE:** we now have a data-organiser to sort data, prepare the required SOF files and generate reduction scripts.
* **ENHANCEMENT:** '.db', '.yaml', '.sh' and '.log' extensions skipped when moving items to the misc folder
* **ENHANCEMENT:** move information printed to STDOUT when preparing a workspace to inform the user of how the data is organised
* **ENHANCEMENT:** code can automatically adjust polynomial fitting parameters to find a dispersion solution if those provided in the settings file fail.
* **ENHANCEMENT:** uncompression of fits.Z files (if any) occurs before data-organising
* **REFACTOR:** speed & robustness improvements to dispersion solution to 2D image map conversion.
* **REFACTOR:** much fast check for product existence so recipes are quickly skipped if they have already run.
* **REFACTOR:** removed the `intermediate-data-root` setting renamed to a more accurate `workspace-root-dir`
* **REFACTOR:** removed the `reduced-data-root` setting.
* **REFACTOR:** updating all depreciated pandas commands so pipeline is now compatible with 1.X and 2.X versions of pandas
* **FIXED** pandas 1.X and pandas 2.X were doing different things when renaming columns in data-frames. Both 1.X and 2.X now work in the pipeline.


* **REFACTOR:** Big improvements on sky-subtraction
* **REFACTOR:** UV order-edge detection more robust
* **REFACTOR:** changed quickstart guide compress to gzipped tar
* **REFACTOR:** updated default settings to be more robust


* **FEATURE:** UV D-Lamp and QTH-Lamp master flats now being stitched together
* **FEATURE:** errors in error maps now being treated correctly and propagating to combined images
* **FEATURE:** Pipeline can now 'remember' where it left off in the reduction cascade. If it has run a recipe before it will exit with a message to the user informing them how to force the recipe to rerun.
* **FEATURE:** added a `twoD_disp_map_image_to_dataframe` function to toolkit
* **ENHANCEMENT:** PRO CATG now written to product FITS header
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Handling of binned images when generating flats and order-locations
* **ENHANCEMENT:** Where possible, product files are given the same name as the SOF file used to generate them (replacing `.sof` extension with `.fits`)
* **ENHANCEMENT:** SOF files can now contain a file 'tag' to allow users to read the SOF file contents and know exactly which files are being passed to the recipe (e.g. `MASTER_BIAS_UVB`, `LAMP,DORDERDEF_UVB` ... )
* **ENHANCEMENT:** dispersion solution now working with simulated NIR SOXS data
* **ENHANCEMENT:** quicklook now renders dispersion solution grid
* **ENHANCEMENT:** \~40% speed gain in combining images.
* **REFACTOR:** 2D Map generation now ~6-8 times faster (seeding solutions with nearest neighbour with cubic spline method)
* **REFACTOR:** SOF filenames reworked to contain the UTC observation date instead of MJD (more in-line with ESO ecosystems)
* **REFACTOR:** updated workflow for master bias combination
* **REFACTOR:** updated workflow for master dark combination
* **REFACTOR:** QC PDF plots now added to their own directory separate from the products
* **REFACTOR:** products now sub-divided into recipe directories (e.g. `./products/soxs-mbias/`)
* **DOCS:** mflat docs brought up-to-date
* **DOCS:** mflat docs brought up-to-date
* **FIXED:** mflat recipe now exits if flat frames are not of a consistent exptime.

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