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Not secure
- Autoscaler has added Azure Support. (7080, 7515, 7558, 7494)
- Ray autoscaler helps you launch a distributed ray cluster using a single command line call!
- It works on Azure, AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Yarn, Slurm and local nodes.
- Distributed reference counting is turned on by default. (7628, 7337)
- This means all ray objects are tracked and garbage collected only when all references go out of scope. It can be turned off with: `ray.init(_internal_config=json.dumps({"distributed_ref_counting_enabled": 0}))`.
- When the object store is full with objects that are still in scope, you can turn on least-recently-used eviction to force remove objects using `ray.init(lru_evict=True)`.
- A new command `ray memory` is added to help debug memory usage: (7589)
- It shows all object IDs that are in scope, their reference types, sizes and creation site.
- Read more in the docs: https://ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/memory-management.html.

> ray memory
Object ID Reference Type Object Size Reference Creation Site
; worker pid=51230
ffffffffffffffffffffffff0100008801000000 PINNED_IN_MEMORY 8231 (deserialize task arg) __main__..sum_task
; driver pid=51174
45b95b1c8bd3a9c4ffffffff010000c801000000 USED_BY_PENDING_TASK ? (task call) memory_demo.py:<module>:13
ffffffffffffffffffffffff0100008801000000 USED_BY_PENDING_TASK 8231 (put object) memory_demo.py:<module>:6
ef0a6c221819881cffffffff010000c801000000 LOCAL_REFERENCE ? (task call) memory_demo.py:<module>:14

API change
- Change `actor.__ray_kill__()` to `ray.kill(actor)`. (7360)
- Deprecate `use_pickle` flag for serialization. (7474)
- Remove `experimental.NoReturn`. (7475)
- Remove `experimental.signal API`. (7477)

- Add Apache 2 license header to C++ files. (7520)
- Reduce per worker memory usage to 50MB. (7573)
- Option to fallback to LRU on OutOfMemory. (7410)
- Reference counting for actor handles. (7434)
- Reference counting for returning object IDs created by a different process. (7221)
- Use `prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG)` on Linux instead of reaper. (7150)
- Route asyncio plasma through raylet instead of direct plasma connection. (7234)
- Remove static concurrency limit from gRPC server. (7544)
- Remove `get_global_worker()`, `RuntimeContext`. (7638)
- Fix known issues from 0.8.2 release:
- Fix passing duplicate by-reference arguments. (7306)
- Fix Raise gRPC message size limit to 100MB. (7269)

- New features:
- Exploration API improvements. (7373, 7314, 7380)
- SAC: add discrete action support. (7320, 7272)
- Add high-performance external application connector. (7641)
- Bug fix highlights:
- PPO torch memory leak and unnecessary torch.Tensor creation and gc'ing. (7238)
- Rename sample_batch_size => rollout_fragment_length. (7503)
- Fix bugs and speed up SegmentTree.

- Integrate Dragonfly optimizer. (5955)
- Fix HyperBand errors. (7563)
- Access Trial Name, Trial ID inside trainable. (7378)
- Add a new `repeater` class for high variance trials. (7366)
- Prevent deletion of checkpoint from user-initiated restoration. (7501)

- [Parallel Iterators] Allow for operator chaining after repartition. (7268)
- [Parallel Iterators] Repartition functionality. (7163)
- [Serve] `serve.route` returns a handle, add `handle.scale`, `handle.set_max_batch_size`. (7569)
- [RaySGD] PyTorchTrainer --> TorchTrainer. (7425)
- [RaySGD] Custom training API. (7211)
- [RaySGD] Breaking User API changes: (7384)
- `data_creator` fed to TorchTrainer now must return a dataloader rather than datasets.
- TorchTrainer automatically sets "DistributedSampler" if a DataLoader is returned.
- `data_loader_config` and `batch_size` are no longer parameters for TorchTrainer.
- TorchTrainer parallelism is now set by `num_workers`.
- All TorchTrainer args now must be named parameters.

- New Java actor API (7414)
- `RayRemote` annotation is removed.
- Instead of `Ray.call(ActorClass::method, actor)`, the new API is `actor.call(ActorClass::method)`.
- Allow passing internal config from raylet to Java worker. (7532)
- Enable direct call by default. (7408)
- Pass large object by reference. (7595)

- Progress towards Ray Streaming, including a Python API. (7070, 6755, 7152, 7582)
- Progress towards GCS Service for GCS fault tolerance. (7292, 7592, 7601, 7166)
- Progress towards cross language call between Java and Python. (7614, 7634)
- Progress towards Windows compatibility. (7529, 7509, 7658, 7315)
- Improvement in K8s Operator. (7521, 7621, 7498, 7459, 7622)
- New documentation for Ray Dashboard. (7304)

Known issues
- Ray currently doesn't work on Python 3.5.0, but works on 3.5.3 and above.

We thank the following contributors for their work on this release:
rkooo567, maximsmol, suquark, mitchellstern, micafan, ClarkZinzow, Jimpachnet, mwbrulhardt, ujvl, chaokunyang, robertnishihara, jovany-wang, hyeonjames, zhijunfu, datayjz, fyrestone, eisber, stephanie-wang, allenyin55, BalaBalaYi, simon-mo, thedrow, ffbin, amogkam, TisonKun, richardliaw, ijrsvt, wumuzi520, mehrdadn, raulchen, landcold7, ericl, edoakes, sven1977, ashione, jorenretel, gramhagen, kfstorm, anthonyhsyu, pcmoritz


Not secure
- Pyarrow is no longer vendored. Ray directly uses the C++ Arrow API. You can use any version of pyarrow with ray. (7233)
- The dashboard is turned on by default. It shows node and process information, actor information, and Ray Tune trials information. You can also use `ray.show_in_webui` to display custom messages for actors. Please try it out and send us feedback! (6705, 6820, 6822, 6911, 6932, 6955, 7028, 7034)
- We have made progress on distributed reference counting (behind a feature flag). You can try it out with `ray.init(_internal_config=json.dumps({"distributed_ref_counting_enabled": 1}))`. It is designed to help manage memory using precise distributed garbage collection. (6945, 6946, 7029, 7075, 7218, 7220, 7222, 7235, 7249)

Breaking changes
- Many experimental Ray libraries are moved to the util namespace. (7100)
- `ray.experimental.multiprocessing` => `ray.util.multiprocessing`
- `ray.experimental.joblib` => `ray.util.joblib`
- `ray.experimental.iter` => `ray.util.iter`
- `ray.experimental.serve` => `ray.serve`
- `ray.experimental.sgd` => `ray.util.sgd`
- Tasks and actors are cleaned up if their owner process dies. (6818)
- The `OMP_NUM_THREADS` environment variable defaults to 1 if unset. This improves training performance and reduces resource contention. (6998)
- We now vendor `psutil` and `setproctitle` to support turning the dashboard on by default. Running `import psutil` after `import ray` will use the version of psutil that ships with Ray. (7031)

- The Python raylet client is removed. All raylet communication now goes through the core worker. (6018)
- Calling `delete()` will not delete objects in the in-memory store. (7117)
- Removed vanilla pickle serialization for task arguments. (6948)
- Fix bug passing empty bytes into Python tasks. (7045)
- Progress toward next generation ray scheduler. (6913)
- Progress toward service based global control store (GCS). (6686, 7041)

- Improved PyTorch support, including a PyTorch version of PPO. (6826, 6770)
- Added distributed SGD for PPO. (6918, 7084)
- Added an exploration API for controlling epsilon greedy and stochastic exploration. (6974, 7155)
- Fixed schedule values going negative past the end of the schedule. (6971, 6973)
- Added support for histogram outputs in TensorBoard. (6942)
- Added support for parallel and customizable evaluation step. (6981)

- Improved Ax Example. (7012)
- Process saves asynchronously. (6912)
- Default to tensorboardx and include it in requirements. (6836)
- Added experiment stopping api. (6886)
- Expose progress reporter to users. (6915)
- Fix directory naming regression. (6839)
- Handles nan case for asynchyperband. (6916)
- Prevent memory checkpoints from breaking trial fault tolerance. (6691)
- Remove keras dependency. (6827)
- Remove unused tf loggers. (7090)
- Set correct path when deleting checkpoint folder. (6758)
- Support callable objects in variant generation. (6849)

- Ray nodes now respect docker limits. (7039)
- Add `--all-nodes` option to rsync-up. (7065)
- Add port-forwarding support for attach. (7145)
- For AWS, default to latest deep learning AMI. (6922)
- Added 'ray dashboard' command to proxy ray dashboard in remote machine. (6959)

Utility libraries
- Support of scikit-learn with Ray joblib backend. (6925)
- Parallel iterator support local shuffle. (6921)
- [Serve] support no http headless services. (7010)
- [Serve] refactor router to use Ray asyncio support. (6873)
- [Serve] support composing arbitrary dags. (7015)
- [RaySGD] support fp16 via PyTorch apex. (7061)
- [RaySGD] refactor PyTorch sgd documentation. (6910)
- Improvement in Ray Streaming. (7043, 6666, 7071)

Other improvements
- Progress toward Windows compatibility. (6882, 6823)
- Ray Kubernetes operator improvements. (6852, 6851, 7091)
- Java support for concurrent actor calls API. (7022)
- Java support for direct call for normal tasks. (7193)
- Java support for cross language Python invocation. (6709)
- Java support for cross language serialization for actor handles. (7134)

Known issue
- Passing the same ObjectIDs multiple time as arguments currently doesn't work. (7296)
- Tasks can exceed gRPC max message size. (7263)

We thank the following contributors for their work on this release:
mitchellstern, hugwi, deanwampler, alindkhare, ericl, ashione, fyrestone, robertnishihara, pcmoritz, richardliaw, yutaizhou, istoica, edoakes, ls-daniel, BalaBalaYi, raulchen, justinkterry, roireshef, elpollouk, kfstorm, Bassstring, hhbyyh, Qstar, mehrdadn, chaokunyang, flying-mojo, ujvl, AnanthHari, rkooo567, simon-mo, jovany-wang, ijrsvt, ffbin, AmeerHajAli, gaocegege, suquark, MissiontoMars, zzyunzhi, sven1977, stephanie-wang, amogkam, wuisawesome, aannadi, maximsmol


Not secure

- `ObjectID`s corresponding to `ray.put()` objects and task returns are now reference counted locally in Python and when passed into a remote task as an argument. `ObjectID`s that have a nonzero reference count will not be evicted from the object store. Note that references for `ObjectID`s passed into remote tasks inside of other objects (e.g., `f.remote((ObjectID,))` or `f.remote([ObjectID])`) are not currently accounted for. (6554)
- `asyncio` actor support: actors can now define `async def` method and Ray will run multiple method invocations in the same event loop. The maximum concurrency level can be adjusted with `ActorClass.options(max_concurrency=2000).remote()`.
- `asyncio` `ObjectID` support: Ray ObjectIDs can now be directly awaited using the Python API. `await my_object_id` is similar to `ray.get(my_object_id)`, but allows context switching to make the operation non-blocking. You can also convert an `ObjectID` to a `asyncio.Future` using `ObjectID.as_future()`.
- Added experimental parallel iterators API (6644, 6726): `ParallelIterator`s can be used to more convienently load and process data into Ray actors. See the [documentation](https://ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/iter.html) for details.
- Added multiprocessing.Pool API (6194): Ray now supports the `multiprocessing.Pool` API out of the box, so you can scale existing programs up from a single node to a cluster by only changing the import statment. See the [documentation](https://ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/multiprocessing.html) for details.

- Deprecated Python 2 (6581, 6601, 6624, 6665)
- Fixed bug when failing to import remote functions or actors with args and kwargs (6577)
- Many improvements to the dashboard (6493, 6516, 6521, 6574, 6590, 6652, 6671, 6683, 6810)
- Progress towards Windows compatibility (6446, 6548, 6653, 6706)
- Redis now binds to localhost and has a password set by default (6481)
- Added `actor.__ray_kill__()` to terminate actors immediately (6523)
- Added 'ray stat' command for debugging (6622)
- Added documentation for fault tolerance behavior (6698)
- Treat static methods as class methods instead of instance methods in actors (6756)

- DQN distributional model: Replace all legacy tf.contrib imports with tf.keras.layers.xyz or tf.initializers.xyz (6772)
- SAC site changes (6759)
- PG unify/cleanup tf vs torch and PG functionality test cases (tf + torch) (6650)
- SAC for Mujoco Environments (6642)
- Tuple action dist tensors not reduced properly in eager mode (6615)
- Changed foreach_policy to foreach_trainable_policy (6564)
- Wrapper for the dm_env interface (6468)

- Get checkpoints paths for a trial after tuning (6643)
- Async restores and S3/GCP-capable trial FT (6376)
- Usability errors PBT (5972)
- Demo exporting trained models in pbt examples (6533)
- Avoid duplication in TrialRunner execution (6598)
- Update params for optimizer in reset_config (6522)
- Support Type Hinting for py3 (6571)

Other Libraries
- [serve] Pluggable Queueing Policy (6492)
- [serve] Added BackendConfig (6541)
- [sgd] Fault tolerance support for pytorch + revamp documentation (6465)


We thank the following contributors for their work on this release:

chaokunyang, Qstar, simon-mo, wlx65003, stephanie-wang, alindkhare, ashione, harrisonfeng, JingGe, pcmoritz, zhijunfu, BalaBalaYi, kfstorm, richardliaw, mitchellstern, michaelzhiluo, ziyadedher, istoica, EyalSel, ffbin, raulchen, edoakes, chenk008, frthjf, mslapek, gehring, hhbyyh, zzyunzhi, zhu-eric, MissiontoMars, sven1977, walterddr, micafan, inventormc, robertnishihara, ericl, ZhongxiaYan, mehrdadn, jovany-wang, ujvl, bharatpn


Not secure

This is the first release with gRPC direct calls enabled by default for both tasks and actors, which substantially improves task submission performance.

- Enable gRPC direct calls by default (6367). In this mode, actor tasks are sent directly from actor to actor over gRPC; the Raylet only coordinates actor creation. Similarly, with tasks, tasks are submitted directly from worker to worker over gRPC; the Raylet only coordinates the scheduling decisions. In addition, small objects (<100KB in size) are no longer placed in the object store. They are inlined into task submissions and returns when possible.

Note: in some cases, reconstruction of large evicted objects is not possible with direct calls. To revert to the 0.7.7 behaviour, you can set the environment variable `RAY_FORCE_DIRECT=0`.

- [Dashboard] Add remaining features from old dashboard (6489)
- Ray Kubernetes Operator Part 1: readme, structure, config and CRD realted file (6332)
- Make sure numpy >= 1.16.0 is installed for fast pickling support (6486)
- Avoid workers starting with the same random seed (6471)
- Properly handle a forwarded task that gets forwarded back (6271)

- (Bug Fix): Remove the extra 0.5 in the Diagonal Gaussian entropy (6475)
- AlphaZero and Ranked reward implementation (6385)

- Add example and tutorial for DCGAN (6400)
- Report trials by state fairly (6395)
- Fixed bug in PBT where initial trial result is empty. (6351)

Other Libraries
- [sgd] Add support for multi-model multi-optimizer training (6317)
- [serve] Added deadline awareness (6442)
- [projects] Return parameters for a command (6409)
- [streaming] Streaming data transfer and python integration (6185)


We thank the following contributors for their work on this release:

zplizzi, istoica, ericl, mehrdadn, walterddr, ujvl, alindkhare, timgates42, chaokunyang, eugenevinitsky, kfstorm, Maltimore, visatish, simon-mo, AmeerHajAli, wumuzi520, robertnishihara, micafan, pcmoritz, zhijunfu, edoakes, sytelus, ffbin, richardliaw, Qstar, stephanie-wang, Coac, mitchellstern, MissiontoMars, deanwampler, hhbyyh, raulchen


Not secure


- Remote functions and actors now support kwargs and positionals (5606).
- `ray.get` now supports a `timeout` argument (6107). If the object isn't available before the timeout passes, a `RayTimeoutError` is raised.
- Ray now supports [detached actors](https://ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced.html#detached-actors) (6036), which persist beyond the lifetime of the script that creates them and can be referred to by a user-defined name.
- Added [documentation](https://ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deploy-on-yarn.html) for how to deploy Ray on YARN clusters using [Skein](https://jcrist.github.io/skein/) (#6119, 6173).
- The Ray scheduler now attempts to schedule tasks fairly to avoid starvation (5851).


- Progress towards a new backend architecture where tasks and actor tasks are submitted directly between workers. 5783, 5991, 6040, 6054, 6075, 6088, 6122, 6147, 6171, 6177, 6118, 6188, 6259, 6277
- Progress towards Windows compatibility. 6071, 6204, 6205, 6282
- Now using cloudpickle_fast for serialization by default, which supports more types of Python objects without sacrificing performance. 5658, 5805, 5960, 5978
- Various bugfixes. 5946, 6175, 6176, 6231, 6253, 6257, 6276,


- Now using pytorch's function to see if gpu is available. 5890
- Fixed APEX priorities returning zero all the time. 5980
- Fixed leak of TensorFlow assign operations in DQN/DDPG. 5979
- Fixed choosing the wrong neural network model for Atari in 0.7.5. 6087
- Added large scale regression test for RLlib. 6093
- Fixed and added test for LR annealing config. 6101
- Reduced log verbosity. 6154
- Added a microbatch optimizer with an A2C example. 6161


- Search algorithms now use early stopped trials for optimization. 5651
- Metrics are now outputted via a tabular format. Errors are outputted on a separate table. 5822
- In the distributed setting, checkpoints are now deleted automatically post-sync using an rsync flag. Checkpoints on the driver are garbage collected according to the policy defined by the user. 5877
- A much faster ExperimentAnalysis tool. 5962
- Trial executor callbacks now take in a “Runner” parameter. 5868
- Fixed `queue_trials` so to enable cluster autoscaling with a CPU-Only Head Node. 5900
- Added a TensorBoardX logger. 6133

Other Libraries

- Serving: Progress towards a new Ray serving library. 5854, 5886, 5894, 5929, 5937, 5961, 6051


We thank the following contributors for their amazing contributions:

zhuohan123, jovany-wang, micafan, richardliaw, waldroje, mitchellstern, visatish, mehrdadn, istoica, ericl, adizim, simon-mo, lsklyut, zhu-eric, pcmoritz, hhbyyh, suquark, sotte, hershg, pschafhalter, stackedsax, edoakes, mawright, stephanie-wang, ujvl, ashione, couturierc, AdamGleave, robertnishihara, DaveyBiggers, daiyaanarfeen, danyangz, AmeerHajAli, mimoralea


Not secure


- The Ray autoscaler now supports Kubernetes as a backend (5492). This makes it possible to start a Ray cluster on top of your existing Kubernetes cluster with a simple shell command.
+ Please see the Kubernetes section of the [autoscaler documentation](https://ray.readthedocs.io/en/latest/autoscaling.html) to get started.
+ This is a new feature and may be rough around the edges. If you run into problems or have suggestions for how to improve Ray on Kubernetes, please file an issue.

- The Ray cluster dashboard has been revamped (5730, 5857) to improve the UI and include logs and error messages. More improvements will be coming in the near future.
+ You can try out the dashboard by starting Ray with `ray.init(include_webui=True)` or `ray start --include-webui`.
+ Please let us know if you have suggestions for what would be most useful to you in the new dashboard.


- Progress towards refactoring the Python worker on top of the core worker. 5750, 5771, 5752
- Fix an issue in local mode where multiple actors didn't work properly. 5863
- Fix class attributes and methods for actor classes. 5802
- Improvements in error messages and handling. 5782, 5746, 5799
- Serialization improvements. 5841, 5725
- Various documentation improvements. 5801, 5792, 5414, 5747, 5780, 5582


- Added a link to BAIR blog posts in the documentation. 5762
- Tracing for eager tensorflow policies with `tf.function`. 5705


- Improved MedianStoppingRule. 5402
- Add PBT + Memnn example. 5723
- Add support for function-based stopping condition. 5754
- Save/Restore for Suggestion Algorithms. 5719
- TensorBoard HParams for TF2.0. 5678

Other Libraries

- Serving: Progress towards a new Ray serving library. 5849, 5850, 5852


We thank the following contributors for their amazing contributions:

hershg, JasonWayne, kfstorm, richardliaw, batzner, vakker, robertnishihara, stephanie-wang, gehring, edoakes, zhijunfu, pcmoritz, mitchellstern, ujvl, simon-mo, ecederstrand, mawright, ericl, anthonyhsyu, suquark, waldroje

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