
Latest version: v0.15.1.0

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- Do not use comparisons to empty list


- Do not check for scipy at runtime


- Write_mdf_file: clarify documentation on fmt arg
- Write_mdf_file: fix bug in detecting filename extension
- Add NodeRole.LEARNING as an exclusion for mechanisms
- Fix bug in detecting imported modules in script


- Use opt_func instead of self.method to construct optuna study


- Convert value to string to compare to keyword


- Only purge python cache if CODEQL_PYTHON is set (2888)


- Use fixed seed for optuna sampler instances
- Seed optuna samplers (2875)
- Check that running/executing with no inputs produces a warning
- Enable node_spec_types test.
- Add invocation wrapper to use in benchmark fixture
- Only consider first 10 values in checks
- Remove spurious return statement
- Don't use deprecated pytest.warns(None)
- Escape special characters in regexp
- MDF: correct implicit use of locals in exec
- MDF: test equivalence using np assert_array_equal
- MDF: standardize model_backprop object naming
- MDF: rework. share code. correct shared state
- MDF: replace use of json-named functions with mdf-named
- MDF: use tempfile instead of manually named files
- MDF: rename
- Use matrix.modulated or get_mod_matrix() instead of mod_matrix
- Do not apply marks to a fixture (2901)


- Block sphinxcontrib-applehelp>=1.0.8
- Block sphinxcontrib-devhelp>=1.0.6
- Block sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp>=2.0.5
- Block sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml>=1.1.10
- Block sphinxcontrib-qthelp>=1.0.7


- Upload pr_number only once
- Do not upload distfile for version restricted run
- Add version restriction to test artifact name
- Bump versions of actions/{download,upload}-artifact (2893)
- Print additional CPU and memory info on all runners (2898)
- Use all logical cores to run tests (2900)


- Make sure the uploaded artifacts are unique (2892)


- Block sphinxcontrib-* that silently depend on sphinx >=5 (2880)


- Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4 (2865)
- Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (2879)


- Codestyle
- Use checked/universal API to access binary structures (2873)


- Update grpcio requirement from <1.60.0 to <1.61.0 (2855)
- Bump pycuda to <2024 (2869)
- Update pytest requirement from <7.4.4 to <7.4.5 (2870)
- Update pillow requirement from <10.2.0 to <10.3.0 (2872)
- Add scipy to requirements file
- Update beartype requirement from <0.16.0 to <0.17.0 (2804)
- Update pandas requirement from <2.1.5 to <2.2.1 (2890)
- Update dill requirement from <0.3.8 to <0.3.9 (2891)
- Update pytest requirement from <7.4.5 to <8.0.1 (2896)


- Remove stale warning filter.
- Error on SyntaxWarnings


- Assign values to ".base" attribute of a modulated Parameter

- add handling of partial differentials ("covariates") for BackPropagation learning (2766)
- support learning nested AutodiffCompositions (2801)
- support graph-scheduler graph structure conditions (2864)
- add form of episodic / external memory with EMComposition (2735)

- log: nparray, nparray_dictionary: add report_all_executions option that reports all executions for a given TIME_STEP (2844)


- Only pass initial_shared 'matrix' to function

Bug Fixes

- Fix for some tests that expect runtime type checks
- Fix some lgtm errors


- Add prefix to autogenerated names in deferred init
- Add predefined prefix to autogenerated names in deferred init (2664)
- _initialize_parameters: simplify user specified check
- Improve illegal argument detection
- Improve param_defaults
- Fix detecting constructor args during init
- Don't prune args to function init
- Don't try copying defaults with value None
- Fully disallow name when constructor arg present
- Rework constructor argument validation
- Parse to combine alt param specifications
- Skip assigning defaults of aliases
- Add unused learning parameters to compilation blocklist (2642)


- Assert for non-nested Composition run without input
- Correct context passing of pathways/add_node
- Correct context passing through add_projection
- Remove non-user-added projections from processing graph
- Fix INPUT roles for ControlMechanism -> inner Composition


- Allow specifying selection_function in constructor
- Remove extraneous function instantiation checks
- Correct _parse_distance_function_variable as used in _validate
- _validate: remove function instantiation and default setting
- _validate: check result of each combo of granularity and field_weights
- Make selection_function dependent on distance_function
- _parse_distance_function_variable: use variable argument


- Remove extraneous output_ports arg
- Fix control_allocation initialization
- Correct _parse_output_ports
- Remove __init__ parsing of monitor_for_control
- Remove __init__ parsing of control


- Do not recalculate costs on Port._update (2722)


- Use Flags instead of IntFlags for cost function enum


- Reset: handle empty previous_value


- Doc fixes on OptimizationFunction


- Make memory (_memory_init) a FunctionParameter


- Fix potentially uninitialized local variable
- Fix error on default bounds


- _validate_competition: fix reference to component name


- Remove unused LEARNED_PARAM


- Function: handle param mdf names for initializers
- Implement FitzHughNagumoIntegrator


- Avoid producing 3d value (2590)


- Don't suppress AttributeError in _parse/_validate methods
- Rework parse and validation method interface
- Handle Parameters as dependencies


- Pass up only sample and target


- Fix incorrect use of curly brackets in error strings (2690)


- Remove blank line at the end of file
- Correct transfer mech initial_value override test (2557)
- Add helper to tests that include parallel compiled execution (2591)
- Add missing composition tags. Remove redundant Scheduler instances. (2611)
- Extra role tests for pathway ending in control mechanism
- Use np.testing.assert_allclose to check resutls (2621)
- Use np.testing.assert_equal instead of assert np.all(==)
- Prefer np.testing.assert_equal to assert np.all(==)
- Use np.testing.assert_equal instead of np.all (2628)
- Convert to use autodiff_mode
- FP32 should only be used in compiled tests
- Check for execution mode PyTorch in test_optimizer specs
- Add helper function to return the first set of learning results
- Test_documentation_models: reenable parametrizations
- Allclose changes
- Test_nested_composition_run_trials_inputs: undo disable test parametrizations
- Test_nested_transfer_mechanism_composition_parallel shape mismatch
- TestRunInputSpecifications test_run_2_mechanisms_reuse_input: fix allclose
- TestRun test_run_2_mechanisms_reuse_input: fix allclose
- TestInputSpecifications test_run_2_mechanisms_reuse_input: fix allclose
- Test_connect_compositions_with_simple_states: fix allclose
- Test_linear_combination_function_in_mechanism: fix allclose
- Test_user_def_func_numpy: match 2d output to 2d input
- Test_LCAMechanism_threshold: fix allclose
- Test_output_ports: fix allclose
- Tests_output_port_variable_spec_composition: fix allclose
- Test_integrator_multiple_input: fix allclose
- TestRunInputSpecifications::test_2_mechanisms_input_5: fix allclose
- Test_assign_value: fix allclose
- Test_buffer_standalone: fix allclose
- Test_example_11: fix allclose
- Test_input_not_provided_to_run: fix allclose
- Test_input_specification_multiple_nested_compositions: fix allclose
- Test_transfer_mech_func: fix allclose
- Test_target_dict_spec_single_trial_scalar_and_lists_rl: fix allclose
- Test_AGTUtility_valid: fix allclose
- Test_connect_outer_composition_to_only_input_node_in_inner_comp_option2: fix allclose
- Test_single_array: fix allclose
- Test_transfer_mech_array_var_normal_array_noise: fix allclose
- Test_reset_run_2darray: fix allclose
- test_multilayer: fix allclose
- Test_log: fix allclose shape
- Test_gating_with_composition: fix allclose
- Replace assert np.allclose with np.testing.assert_allclose where tolerance fails
- Replace all unaffected assert np.allclose with np.testing.assert_allclose
- Remove asserts using zip loops where possible
- Adjust expected shape based on execution type
- Adjust shape of expected results based on execution mode
- Assert on results in "heterogenous_variable" tests
- Convert more tests to np.testing.assert_allclose (2633)
- Tighten tolerance for compiled results (2653)
- Test_call_after_construction_with_learning_pathway: fix missing assert (2647)
- Check expected learning results
- Use worksteal xdist balancer (2670)
- Add a 3rd set of expected results for small drift rate
- Ensure seed change test uses new seed (2675)
- Use pytest.param id instead of fake parameter
- Drop redundant return statements
- Use full precision expected result instead of changing tolerance
- Skip on CUDA
- Sanitize PEC tests (2688)
- Don't check newline encoding in the printf test (2691)
- Extract mechanism values to form homogeneous array
- Illegal kwargs: add missing asserts
- Integrator mech: fix variable->default_variable
- Remove duplicate 'const_data' debug flag
- Add a helper to generate power set
- Add helper to generate power set and use it to test compiler debug options (2707)
- Style
- Add TransferWithCosts test with all combinations of costs
- Do not include CostFunctions.ALL when constructing power set (2714)
- Enable GPU tests
- Add for invalid function_params
- Mark em_composition TestExecution as pytorch
- Mark test_import_composition as pytorch
- Use overlooked helper function
- Rename test Component


- Make sure inputs to cross entropy loss are at least 2d for torch<=1.11.x


- Use torch 1.11 with python3.10 and Windows (2667)


- Add all python3.10 win32 torch wheels >=1.12.0
- Add cattrs==23.1.1 to broken deps list (2686)


- Run all tests using --fp-precision=fp32 (2629)
- Add run using --benchmark-enable (2630)
- Add ipython 8.13.0 to blocklist for python <3.9 (2651)
- Add --forked run to test autogenerated names
- Don't build "base" version of docs using python 3.10 or 3.11
- Don't use latest python on macos for building docs
- Don't use python 3.7.17 on macos to build docs (2703)
- Disable pytest-xdist in benchmark ci job (2710)


- Add methods to return/filter projections between components


- Update to numpy<1.24.4 (2693)


- Add onnx==1.14.0 to broken_trans_deps (2663)
- Add pytest-forked to 'dev' requirements
- Restrict contourpy to <1.1.0 on x86 (32-bit) (2700)
- Restrict pillow to <10.0.0 on x86 (32-bit) (2716)


- Use sharp inequality of pytest-profiling upper bound


- Add support for storing all simulated results


- Add support for 'per-item' mode derivative


- Use constraints file instead of pre-installing packages on x86 (2584)
- Constraint broken transitive dependencies (2603)
- Add fp32 compilation only test job (2612)
- Run all tests with --fp-precision=fp32
- Add job running --benchmark-enable
- Add python 3.11 to docs CI
- Bump top python version 3.10->3.11


- Print numpy and CPU info before running tests


- _parse_initializer: cast initializer to numpy array


- Pass number of inputs to 'evaluate' function
- Convert shape mismatch warning to PNLCompilerWarning category
- Use WeakRefDictionary for node wrappers
- Add human readable name to _node_wrapper instances
- Use weak references and proxy objects in _node_wrapper objects (2613)
- Remove unnecessary data shape checks and workarounds (2634)
- Update and extend the collection of code generation statistics (2687)
- Represent integer types as unsigned in ctype
- Only write back shareable data (2718)
- Add more structure stat messages (2729)


- Sync stateful params back to CPU at the end of cuda_execute


- Use proxy object for _node_wrapper owning composition
- Move stats printing to LLVMBuilderContext destructor
- Include 'function' in cache stats for generated LLVM functions
- Collect statistics for number of cached and generated struct types
- Calculate and print cache hit rates
- Clarify output of module scope stats


- E713 test for membership should be 'not in'


- Do not upload inputs to shared memory.
- Do not use shared memory for inputs (2731)


- Generalize parameter writeback function (2643)
- Improve writeback handling of history and empty structures
- Do not write back "random_state" parameter
- Do not construct numpy arrays of empty structures
- Use "state" instead of context/CTX in debug print
- Print information about composition input struct if enabled
- Print information about "evaluate" output structure if enabled


- Apply prefix to autogenerated names for the first instance (2640)


- Bump minimum numpy version to 1.19.0 (2583)
- Update pytest requirement from <7.2.1 to <7.2.2 (2586)
- Update pandas requirement from <1.5.3 to <1.5.4 (2588)
- Update pytest-xdist requirement from <3.2.0 to <3.3.0 (2599)
- Update matplotlib requirement from <3.6.4 to <3.7.1 (2602)
- Update toposort requirement from <1.10 to <1.11 (2605)
- Update pytest requirement from <7.2.2 to <7.2.3 (2606)
- Update matplotlib requirement from <3.7.1 to <3.7.2 (2607)
- Update elfi requirement from <0.8.5 to <0.8.7 (2608)
- Update networkx requirement from <3.1 to <3.2 (2620)
- Update pillow requirement from <9.5.0 to <9.6.0 (2618)
- Update pandas requirement from <1.5.4 to <2.0.1 (2619)
- Use sharp inequality for bear type upper bound
- Fix dill dependency upper bound
- Use sharp inequality for leabra-psyneulink upper bound
- Sort alphabetically
- Add protobuf to dependency list
- Drop grpcio-tools
- Use sharp upper bounds and maintain alphabetical order (2624)
- Update pytest requirement from <7.2.3 to <7.3.1 (2627)
- Update beartype requirement from <0.13.0 to <0.14.0 (2625)
- Update pytest requirement from <7.3.1 to <7.3.2 (2635)
- Update pandas requirement from <2.0.1 to <2.0.2 (2646)
- Update graph-scheduler requirement (2638)
- Update fastkde requirement (2649)
- Update torch requirement from >=1.8.0,<1.14.0 to >=1.8.0,<2.1.0 (2652)
- Update beartype requirement from <0.14.0 to <0.15.0 (2658)
- Update llvmlite requirement from <0.40 to <0.41 (2657)
- Use exclusive upper bound for optuna (2661)
- Update pint requirement from <0.21.0 to <0.22.0 (2655)
- Update pytest-xdist requirement from <3.3.0 to <3.4.0 (2669)
- Update numpy requirement from <1.22.5 to <1.23.6
- Update numpy requirement from <1.22.5 to <1.23.6 (2672)
- Update pytest-cov requirement from <4.0.1 to <4.1.1 (2678)
- Update pandas requirement from <2.0.2 to <2.0.3 (2682)
- Update numpy requirement
- Update optuna requirement from <3.2.0 to <3.3.0 (2683)
- Update grpcio requirement from <1.43.0 to <1.56.0 (2676)
- Update pytest requirement from <7.3.2 to <7.3.3 (2696)
- Update autograd requirement from <1.6 to <1.7 (2704)
- Update grpcio requirement from <1.56.0 to <1.57.0 (2705)
- Update pytest requirement from <7.3.3 to <7.4.1 (2706)
- Update pandas requirement from <2.0.3 to <2.0.4 (2708)
- Update pillow requirement from <9.6.0 to <10.1.0 (2715)
- Update matplotlib requirement from <3.7.2 to <3.7.3 (2719)
- Update fastkde requirement (2747)


- Add Python 3.11 to the list of supported versions


- Check status of torch numpy bindings instead of specific version


- Inherit all component Exceptions from ComponentError (2595)


- Handle numpy 1.24 rugged arrays


- Ignore PNLInternalWarning by default


- Fit evaluate


- Use sharp inequality for jupyter upper bound


- Remove invalid escape sequences ([2531](


- OutputPort: include shape and type
- Improve handling of more complex Functions
- Set up stateful parameter index handling
- Implement DriftDiffusionIntegrator


- Allow _validate_ methods to reference other parameters ([2512](


- Use the correct execution mode in test_transfer_mech_integration_rate_0_8 ([2471](
- Tests, treewide: Add missing "composition" marks ([2472](
- MDF: make onnx noise generation more flexible
- Drop extra 'monitor' mechanism from the threshold modulation test
- Use numpy instead of python math module
- Use lambda function to get the name of tested function
- Consolidate Buffer Function test
- Use more than one iteration in test using stateful functions
- Run more than one iteration in tests that use stateful Functions
- Consolidate test of different input formats
- Consolidate testing of different mechanism functions
- Run more than one iteration in tests that use integrator mode
- Use 'num_trials' instead of manually calling 'execute'
- Overload 'benchmark' fixture with custom invocation
- Use the benchmark fixture unconditionally
- Use the benchmark fixture unconditionally
- Use the benchmark fixture unconditionally
- Use the benchmark fixture unconditionally
- Use custom benchmark fixture ([2529](
- Don't use the same position in default variable
- Add derivative test when using OUTPUT_MDOE=ALL
- Use keywords instead of hardcoded strings as parameters
- Add type of output to names of SoftMax tests
- Assert that func_mode is only one of the three valid options
- Tests, functions/SoftMax: Don't use nested 'params' dir to set parameters
- Use 'size' instead of 'content_size' in construction
- Check for compiled variant sooner
- Check for warning messages when there's a conflict between mech and function parameter
- Drop 'DECISION_TIME' output port
- Add custom name prefix to all components with default names generated during test collection
- Use custom name prefix for Components instantiated during test enumeration ([2542](
- Do not check for string value of numpy error embedded in MechanismError ([2569](
- Use mac/windows results for numpy>=1.22 and AVX512 CPUs


- Add support for computing derivatives using base function output ([2538](


- Use correct dimensionality when calculating full Jacobian ([2539](


- Re-associate floating point operations


- Restore functionality broken in 2528 ([2532](


- Restore correct computation of derivation
- Add support for 2d inputs to SoftMax derivative ([2534](
- Use "ALL" results to calculate derivative directly
- Use 'squeezed' version of output when calculating Jacobian


- Consider 'bias' parameter in 0 check in ReLU derivative function


- Optimize python version


- Rename 'variable' arguemnt to 'input'


- Add hash of requirements.txt to cache key of built pip packages ([2482](
- Restrict scipy to <1.9.2 on x86 ([2502](
- Use environment files to set outputs ([2506](
- Restrict scikit-learn to <1.1.3 on x86 ([2511](
- Fix setting of outputs
- Consider 'doc_requirements.txt' when generating cache key in doc CI jobs
- Consider 'dev_requirements.txt' when generating cache key in CI jobs
- Fix detection of wheel cache directory location ([2513](
- Restrict statsmodels to <0.13.3 on x86 ([2516](
- Run only the latest instance of the main CI workflows ([2537](
- Check env var to tag selected OSes to run on self-hosted runners ([2546](
- Generalize package name extraction from dependabot branch name ([2566](


- Skip CI job on pushes that only update documentation ([2560](


- Run codeql analysis on PRs to devel


- Only check version of a new package if it's in a requirements file
- Restrict jupyter-server to <2 ([2555](


- Cleanup installation of the bumped package before installing PNL ([2481](
- Skip package version check for not installed packages ([2483](


- Drop empty docstring ([2567](


- Add sin, cos builtins
- Implement compiled Angle and SoftMax derivative Functions ([2528](


- Implement binomial distribution for N==1 ([2552](


- Use visit_Constant instead of visit_{Num,NamedConstant} if available


- Ignore mdf test autogenerated files ([2527](


- Use top level import


- Add configurable prefix to auto generated component names


- Restrict modeci_mdf to 64bit cpython ([2473](
- Update pytest requirement from <7.1.3 to <7.1.4 ([2478](
- Update pandas requirement from <1.4.4 to <1.4.5 ([2477](
- Update matplotlib requirement from <3.5.4 to <3.6.1 ([2486](
- Update pandas requirement from <1.4.5 to <1.5.1 ([2488](
- Update autograd requirement from <1.5 to <1.6 ([2493](
- Update pytest-cov requirement from <3.0.1 to <4.0.1 ([2492](
- Update pandas requirement from <1.5.1 to <1.5.2 ([2503](
- Update matplotlib requirement from <3.6.1 to <3.6.2 ([2497](
- Update torch requirement from >=1.8.0,<1.12.0 to >=1.8.0,<1.13.0 ([2504](
- Update pytest-xdist requirement from <2.6.0 to <3.1.0 ([2510](
- Update pytest-benchmark requirement from <3.4.2 to <4.0.1 ([2507](
- Update pint requirement from <0.20.0 to <0.21.0 ([2509](
- Update pillow requirement from <9.3.0 to <9.4.0 ([2515](
- Update pytest requirement from <7.1.4 to <7.2.1 ([2508](
- Update matplotlib requirement from <3.6.2 to <3.6.3 ([2525](
- Update pandas requirement from <1.5.2 to <1.5.3 ([2548](
- Update torch requirement from >=1.8.0,<1.13.0 to >=1.8.0,<1.14.0
- Update torch requirement from >=1.8.0,<1.13.0 to >=1.8.0,<1.14.0 ([2553](
- Update pytest-xdist requirement from <3.1.0 to <3.2.0 ([2554](
- Use upper and lower bound for fastkde ([2561](
- Update pillow requirement from <9.4.0 to <9.5.0 ([2565](
- Bump fastkde from 1.0.19 to 1.0.20 ([2559](
- Update networkx requirement from <2.9 to <3.1 ([2570](
- Update toposort requirement from <1.8 to <1.9 ([2573](
- Update toposort requirement from <1.9 to <1.10 ([2575](
- Update matplotlib requirement from <3.6.3 to <3.6.4 ([2576](
- Update numpy requirement to <1.22.5
- Reassociate operations in the DriftDiffusionAnalytical function and update numpy to <1.22.5 ([2476](


- Drop mentions of ControlMechanismRegistry
- Drop mentions of GatingMechanismRegistry
- Cleanup. Reduce the number of warnings issued during test execution ([2541](


- Check that the compared value is not an empty list
- Add fastpath when checking if object is compatible with itself
- Safe_equals: handle dict-like objects in np arrays ([2551](


- Use np.where instead of opencoding it using map
- Refactor for better code reuse


- Use 'dir(builtins)' instead of '__builtins__'


- Switch compiled 'evaluate' to use composition simulation input ([2466](


- Move construction of simulation input out of "evaluate" function


- Use bytes instead of bytearray for RO access to ctype structures


- Fix typo "variale" -> "variable"
- Use 'evaluate' function params when constructing simulation input ([2467](


- Reuse type of index variable


- Update matplotlib requirement from <3.5.3 to <3.5.4 ([2463](


- Move upgrade of pip+wheel to its own step ([2461](


- Update modelspec requirement from <0.2.6 to <0.2.7 ([2458](


- Add missing whitespace after keyword ([2460](

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