
Latest version: v1.4.2

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Not secure
Date: 2021-07-18

Blog post:

The 0.12.0 release is a minor release with a lot of exciting and a huge amount of bug fixes. We are very excited about the growing community and the many contributions we received. In particular we would like to thank douglas-raillard-arm, mathrick, jlstevens, hyamanieu, Liam-Deacon, Stubatiger, ablythed, syamajala, Hoxbro, jbednar, brl0, OBITORASU, fleming79, dhruvbalwada and rmorshea for contributing various fixes and improvements and the core developers xavArtley, MarcSkovMadsen and philippjfr for continuing to push the development of Panel.


- Add `ReactiveHTML` ([1894](, [#2091](, [#2092](, [#2098](, [#2115](, [#2210](, [#2287](, [#2290](, [#2332](, [#2345](, [#2372](, [#2373](, [#2374](, [#2383](, [#2384](, [#2393](, [#2397](, [#2399](, [#2400](, [#2401 [2402](, [#2404](, [#2533](, [#2535](
- Add `Terminal` Widget based on xterm.js ([2090](
- Adding a `DatetimePicker` widget ([2107](, [#2135](
- Add editable sliders ([2111](, [#2133](, [#2208](
- Add `FlexBox` layout ([2233](, [#2511](
- Add ability to configure global template ([2271](
- Add `GridStack` layout ([2375](
- Add `PDF` pane ([2444](
- Add `/panel-preview` endpoint for Jupyter server extension ([2341](, [#2361](
- Add `Tqdm` Indicator ([2079](


- Add empty `Progress` bar ([2088](
- Optimize initialization of templates ([2096](
- Serialize `Perspective` schema ([2130](
- Updated `JSON` pane to accept single quote and wrap properly ([2143](, [#2443](
- Improvements for `Perspective` ([2153](
- Improve handling of server prefix and proxied deployment scenarios ([2159](, [#2162](
- Add support for setting bokeh theme ([2164](, [#2166](, [#2170](
- Completely overhauled the default index template ([2198](, [#2340](
- Enhancements for `Template` modals ([2269](, [#2523](
- Make the Template sidebar width configurable ([2301](
- Improve look and feel and styling of Fast templates ([2303](, [#2469](, [#2484](, [#2488](
- Allow setting kwargs in `Reactive.controls` ([2304](
- Add global configuration variable to always throttle sliders ([2306](
- Add support for controlling text alignment in `DataFrame` and `Tabulator` ([2331](
- Add `Tabulator` theme for Fast Templates ([2425](
- Add ability to make only certain `Tabulator` rows selectable ([2433](
- Add `visible` parameter to all components ([2440](
- Send `Plotly` restyle and relayout events rather than full updates ([2445](
- Add `push_notebook` helper function for syncing bokeh property changes in notebooks ([2447](
- Improve visual styling of `Card` ([2343](, [#2348](, [#2376](, [#2437](, [#2527](
- Ensure `config` variables are configured per user session ([2358](, [#2455](, [#2481](
- Add `save_layout` and `prevent_collision` to `ReactTemplate` and `FastGridTemplate` ([2296](, [#2357](
- Add ability to declare root application from `panel serve` ([2392](
- Support jslinking Parameterized class ([2441](
- Improve `config.sizing_mode` behavior ([2442](
- Add separate `RangeSlider` `value_start` and `value_end` parameters ([2457](, [#2468](
- Allow saving Templates ([2461](
- Bundle `Tabulator` resources to allow usage in airgapped environment ([2471](
- Ensure `Trend` indicator title wraps ([2483](
- Scroll on `Tabulator` selection ([2503](
- Increase notebook resource load timeout ([2515](
- Auto-detect VSCode and Colab comms ([2536](
- Add tooltip to ``Tabulator`` cells to see unformatted value ([2543](

Bug fixes:

- Fix missing video in `Video` ([2109](
- use idom.config to set dist dir ([2117](
- Remove bootstrap CSS from `FastGridTemplate` ([2123](
- Fix issues with `Ace` z-index ([2126](
- Fix updating of `Tabulator` selection property ([2128](
- Ensure changes on ReactiveData source are scheduled correctly ([2134](
- Fixed `Player` looping when start is 0 ([2141](
- Fix divide by zero issues on Trend indicator ([2148](
- Ensure `GridSpec` override handles duplicate matches ([2150](
- Fix for `loading` parameter widget linking ([2160](
- Fix `Tabulator` ajax call on empty data ([2161](
- Fix `Tabulator` sorting and data initialization ([2163](
- Fix editing `Tabulator` with filters applied ([2165](
- Fix theming on `HoloViews` plot updates ([2209](
- Fixed data handling on `Perspective` pane ([2212](
- Improve template and resource management for png export ([2221](
- Improve and standardize selection behavior of `Tabulator` ([2230](
- Ensure JS changes to `Plotly` pane are applied if not explicitly triggered ([2251](
- Fix server-side Tabulator selection changes ([2252](
- Fix update of `Param` subobjects ([2255](
- Add support for `vtkCornerAnnotations` ([2257](
- Improve request handling for remote pagination on `Tabulator` ([2265](
- Allow setting `Param` precedence to None ([2266](
- Disable nested field separators on `Tabulator` ([2289](
- Fix errors when applying `Perspective` filters ([2300](, [#2521](
- Ensure `Param` pane handles changes to unknown parameter ([2346](
- Fix issues with local `Audio` and `Video` ([2380](
- Ensure `ReactiveData` emits correct old data in event ([2398](
- Ensure `Plotly` interactivity works when `Plotly` panes are displayed in tabs ([2418](, [#2463](
- Fix `Ace` widget disabled parameter ([2449](
- Ensure external resources are configured correctly on save ([2452](
- Ensure table formatters and editors are copied on render to avoid bokeh errors ([2453](
- Allow unicode auth response body ([2462](
- Workaround TypeError for non-string json keys on `Plotly` pane ([2465](
- Fix issue with throttled updates on Param ([2470](
- Ensure `Tabulator` style is applied while streaming ([2478](
- Fix issues setting resources on save ([2492](
- Fix `VideoStream` unpause ([2508](
- Ensure `DataFrame` and `Tabulator` widget data can be updated in callback ([2510](
- Fix chaining of `bind` functions ([2513](
- Fix broken serialisation when syncing url parameters ([2520](
- Fix `Perspective` for string types ([2525](
- Fix race condition in `--autoreload` ([2539](


- Update `Server_Deployment.ipynb` ([2118](
- Expand description of `watch=True` in `Param.ipynb` ([2120](
- Switch to PyData Sphinx Theme ([2139](
- Replace altair iris example with penguins ([2213](
- Enable Binder ([2198](
- Updates and fixes for Developer Guide ([2381](
- Fixed `Tabs` documentation ([2448](
- Added basic description and example of the `Tabulator.configuration` parameter ([2412](
- Add parameters to `Plotly` reference guide ([2385](
- Add useful links to developer docs ([2319](
- Add documentation about parameterized components ([2454](
- Demonstrate how to lazily load tabs ([2479](


- Compatibility with HoloViews 2.0 ([2344](
- Fix Tabulator styling with pandas 1.3 ([2512](


- Remove add_periodic_callback method ([2439](
- Remove deprecated panel.callbacks modules
- Remove deprecated Ace pane and Audio Widget ([2427](
- Remove Progress widget docs ([2451](
- Tabulator no longer loaded by default, must be initialized with `pn.extension('tabulator'](` ([#2364](


Not secure
Date: 2021-04-14

The 0.11.3 release is another micro-release in the 0.11 series primarily focused on updating the documentation theme and a regression in loading `Tabulator` data.

Bug fixes:

- Fix `Tabulator` sorting and data initialization ([2163](
- Improved handling of `IDOM` build directory ([2168](


- Switch to PyData Sphinx Theme ([2139](


Not secure
Date: 2021-04-08

The 0.11.2 release is a micro-release fixing a number of smaller bugs. Many thanks to Hoxbro, dhruvbalwada, rmorshea, MarcSkovMadsen, fleming79, OBITURASU and philippjfr for their contributions to this release.


- Optimize adding of roots to templates to avoid multiple preprocessing cycles ([2096](
- Use schema to support date(time) dtypes on `Perspective` ([2130](

Bug fixes:

- Fix regression on `Video` pane causing video not to be rendered at all ([2109](
- Fix missing closing tag in Fast templates ([2121](
- Remove bootstrap CSS from `FastGridTemplate` ([2123](
- Ensure `Tabulator` selection can be set from Python ([2128](
- Ensure changes on ReactiveData objects are scheduled correctly on server ([2134](
- Fix for `Player` widget when start value is 0 ([2141](
- Support single quotes on JSON pane ([2143](
- Fix divide by zero issues when value_change is computed from zero baseline ([2148](
- Ensure `GridSpec` handles overrides across multiple cells ([2150](
- Fix for `loading` parameter widget linking ([2160](
- Use relative URLs for resource loading to ensure proxied apps work ([2159](
- Fix `Tabulator` ajax call on empty data ([2161](


- Fix typo in Binder section of server deployment documentation ([2118](
- Improve documentation surrounding watch=True in Param user guide ([2120](


- Ensure IDOM pane configures paths correctly for latest version ([2117](, [#2132](


Not secure
Date: 2021-03-15

The 0.11.1 release is a micro-release addressing a number of smaller
bugs in the last release. Many thanks to the contributors to this
release including Hoxbro, xavArtley, Jacob-Barhak and philippjfr.


- Allow setting horizontal and vertical alignment separately ([2072](
- Expose widgets `visible` property ([2065](
- Allow bind to extract dependencies and evaluate other dynamic functions ([2056](
- Allow setting `root_directory` on `FileSelector` widget ([2086](

Bug fixes:

- Fixed loading of jQuery in `BootstrapTemplate` ([2057](
- Fix VTK imports to ensure `VTKVolume` pane renders grids ([2071](
- Fix loading of template resources from relative paths ([2067](
- Fix `Spinner` component overflow ([2070](
- Handle integer column names on `Perspective` widget ([2069](
- Fix bundling of template resources ([2076](
- Fix `value_throttled` in `pn.depends` decorator ([2085](


- Switch GitHub OAuth to use header authorization token ([2073](


Not secure
Date: 2021-03-01

The 0.11.0 release brings a number of exciting new features to Panel
as well as some enhancements and bug fixes. This release is also
required for Bokeh 2.3 compatibility since a lot of changes to the
Bokeh property system required updates. Many thanks to the many
contributors to this release including MarcSkovMadsen, xavArtley,
hyamanieu, cloud-rocket, kcpevey, kaseyrussell, miliante,
AjayThorve and philippjfr.

Major features:

- A `Perspective` pane based on the FINOS Perspective library ([2034](
- Implement `--autoreload` functionality for the Panel server ([1983](
- Add `--warm` option to panel serve, useful for pre-loading items into the state cache ([1971](
- Add ability to define JS modules and Template specific resources ([1967](
- `panel.serve` now supports serving static files and Bokeh apps, not just Panel apps ([1939](
- Add a `TrendIndicator` for conveniently showing history and value of a numeric quantity ([1895](
- Add `TextToSpeech` widget ([1878](
- Add `SpeechToText` widget ([1880](
- Add `loading` parameter and spinners to all components ([1730](, [#2026](
- Add `IDOM` pane to develop interactive HTML components in Python ([2004](
- Add powerful new `Tabulator` widget for flexible and configurable display of tabular data ([1531](, [#1887](


- Add watch argument to `bind` function so that covers all the features of pn.depends ([2000](
- Add `format` parameter to DatetimeRangeInput widget ([2043](
- Allow `ParamMethod` and `ParamFunction` to evaluate lazily ([1966](
- Add `value_input` parameter to TextInput widgets ([2007](
- Implement `Glyph3dMapper` support for `VTK` panes ([2002](, [#2003](
- Add Jupyter server extension to serve resources ([1982](
- Enhancements for `DarkTheme` ([1964](
- Add `refresh` functionality to `FileSelector` ([1962](
- Add support for Auth0 authentication ([1934](
- Avoid recursive preprocessing slowing down rendering ([1852](
- Add support for per-layer tooltips on `DeckGL` pane ([1846](
- Add `Viewer` baseclass for custom user components ([2045](

Bug fixes:

- Fixed `FileSelector` file icon on selected files ([2046](
- Drop query args when checking URLs ([2037](
- Fix `Card.header_background` propagation ([2035](
- Disable `GoldenTemplate` sidebar when empty ([2017](
- Ensure `Card.collapsed` and `` parameters are synced ([2009](
- Fix inline resources when saving ([1956](
- Switch `Param` pane widget type when bounds (un)defined ([1953](


- Compatibility with Bokeh>=2.3 ([1948](, [#1988](, [#1991](
- Updated `ECharts` pane to 5.0.2 of JS library ([2016](


- Document pn.bind in API user guide ([1973](


Not secure
Date: 2021-01-18

Another micro-release in the 0.10.x series focusing primarily on bug and regression fixes. Many thanks to miliante, MarcSkovMadsen, Hoxbro, jlstevens, jbednar and philippjfr.

Bug fixes:

- Fix inverted axes on HoloViews plots ([1732](
- Fix enabling/disabling of FileDownload widget ([1510](, [#1820](
- Fix issues serving template resources on server with route prefix ([1821](
- Fixes for rendering ECharts from pyecharts ([1874](, [#1876](
- Fix issues with scroll behavior when expanding/collapsing Card/Accordion ([1833](, [#1884](
- Ensure DiscreSlider label is correctly linked to value ([1906](
- Fix support for setting header_color and header_background on all templates ([1872](
- Ensure that Template preprocessors are applied during initialization ([1922](


- Support throttled in Param widget ([1800](
- Support rendering of hvPlot Interactive objects ([1824](
- Allow recording session launch time in server session_info ([1909](
- Add Button.value parameter ([1910](
- Support upload of multiple parameters on FileInput ([1911](
- Improve support for DarkTheme in templates ([1855](, [#1856](


- Fixed IntSlider and FloatSlider example ([1825](
- Updated instructions for using Panel in JupyterLab ([1908](

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