
Latest version: v1.4.1

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Not secure
Date: 2022-10-28

This release primarily addresses regressions introduced in 0.14.0 and various long standing bugs. Many thanks to external contributors liu-kan and KedoKudo and the maintainers Hoxbro, maximlt and philippjfr for contributing a number of fixes.

Minor enhancements

- Improve support for `requests` in pyodide ([3973](
- Add option to clear value of DatetimePicker ([3990](
- Add support for hashing dates in pn.cache ([4004](
- Silence `EMPTY_LAYOUT` warnings ([4056](


- Fix Jupyterlite and latest PyScript compatibility ([4040](


Webassembly conversion

- Correctly handle resource mode in when converting to WebAssembly ([3967](

Jupyter and Server

- Correctly handle future exceptions on threads ([3977](
- Fix `panel serve` index template ([3980](
- Do not error if `curdoc` has been destroyed ([3994](
- Ensure extensions loaded in jupyter kernel are served by StaticHandler ([4000](
- Various fixes for OAuth handling with `pn.serve` ([4006](
- Fix bug in `on_load` callback exception handling ([4007](
- Ensure periodic callbacks are only started on main thread ([4011](
- Ensure jupyter server extension handles explicit `root_dir` ([4029](
- Ensure futures are correctly awaited when executed on thread ([4031](


- Ensure `Tabulator` handles filtering on edited values correctly if `show_index=False` ([3988](, [#4016](
- Ensure `Tabulator` declares numeric sorter for numeric dtypes ([3999](
- Fix regression initializing `DiscreteSlider` with non-integer value ([4009](
- Ensure that template.config.raw_css is correctly applied ([4018](
- Fix handling `MenuButton` clicks when `split=True` ([4021](
- Ensure styling on `Tabulator` with empty DataFrame does not error ([4028](
- Allow changing `level` on `Debugger` widget ([4057](


Not secure
Date: 2022-09-30

This release focuses on three main themes:

- Support for running Panel apps entirely in the browser using WebAssembly (via Pyodide and PyScript)
- Improvements in the app-user experience by making it easier to build responsive and performant applications
- Improvements in the developer experience through static typing and docstrings.

Many, many thanks to everyone who filed issues or contributed to this release. In particular we would like to thank janimo, xavArtley, thuydotm, jmosbacher, dmarx, 2WoLpH, ipopa144, sdc50 for contributions and philippjfr, Hoxbro, maximlt, and MarcSkovMadsen for ongoing maintenance and development.


- Add support for converting Panel apps to pyscript/pyodide ([3817](, [#3830](, [#3851](, [#3856](, [#3857](, [#3858](, [#3860](, [#3861](, [#3863](, [#3864](, [#3868](, [#3878](
- Manage our own CDN to improve performance and reliability for delivering JS payloads ([3867](, [#3870](
- Add ability to `defer_load` of components ([3882](
- Add `pn.widget` helper function ([1826](, [#3589](
- Add `config.exception_handler` to easily capture, log and notify users about errors ([3893](
- Implement `pn.cache` function for memoization support ([2411](
- Rewrite server extension to run Panel applications in kernels so that previews run in the same environment as the deployed app ([3763](
- Add ability to define authorization callback ([3777](
- Support memray profiler ([3509](
- Add liveness endpoint ([3832](
- Add ability to configure exception handler ([3896](


- Ensure OAuth redirects to requested app and retains query arguments ([3555](
- Add extension entry point ([3738](
- Update Admin Logs page to use `Tabulator` ([3694](
- Ensure `location.unsync` unsets query params ([3806](
- Allow None value on numeric sliders and `LiteralInput` ([3174](
- Allow serving admin panel with `pn.serve` ([3798](
- Improve `ReactiveHTML` loop support and validation ([3813](
- Support declaring `Perspective.plugin_config` pane ([3814](
- Do not flicker busy indicator during `--autoreload` check ([3804](
- Improve robustness of `state.curdoc` in threaded and async contexts ([3776](, [#3810](, [#3834](
- Support datetime bounds for `DatetimePicker` and `DatetimeRangePicker` ([3788](
- Allow setting the Oauth provider using environment variables ([3698](
- Implement `Player.value_throttled` ([3756](
- Ensure that URL query parameters are preserved during OAuth ([3656](
- Improve `Markdown` code syntax highlighting ([3758](
- Ensure components do not re-render if `background` or `loading` parameters change ([3599](
- Add ability to define admin dashboard plugins ([3668](
- Do not calculate embed state for disabled widgets ([3757](
- Add hard bounds to editable sliders ([3739](
- Add bundling of shared resources ([3894](
- Add `Tabulator` as default `param.DataFrame` widget ([3912](


- Overhaul documentation ([3568](
- Improve Fast Template docstrings ([3570](
- Reorganize docs and convert static notebooks to Markdown ([3875](, [#3833](
- Add DevelopingCustomModels to the webpage ([3710](
- Improve typing ([3561](, [#3562](, [#3592](, [#3604](, [#3714](, [#3729](

Compatibility & Version updates

- Support ipywidgets>=8.0 ([3782](
- Bump jsoneditor package ([3838](
- Upgrade to Tabulator 5.3.2 ([3784](
- Improve Django compatibility ([3843](, [#3835](
- Remove all usage of deprecated `Pane`



- Ensure closed websocket does not cause errors
- Handle session and websocket close cleanly ([3769](
- Fix prefix handling for admin page ([3809](
- Support admin dashboard in multi-process deployments ([3812](
- Improve document cleanup when not invoked using `server_destroy` ([3842](
- Ensure `pn.state.execute` dispatches immediately if possible ([3859](
- Ensure autoload.js resources are appropriately prefixed ([3873](


- Fix support for copying cells and creating new views in JupyterLab ([3652](
- Ensure output renders in VSCode notebook with latest ipywidgets ([3765](
- Resolve issues with Jupyter slowdown due to event_loop patching on Windows ([3770](
- Ensure old comm managers do not raise errors in notebook ([3853](
- Simplify rendering of ipywidget ([3937](


- Do not re-render `Tabulator` on `css_classes` or `background` change ([3598](
- Ensure expand icon updates on `Tabulator.expanded` change ([3703](
- Update `page` Parameter when pagination is 'local' ([3704](
- Do not apply `sorters` on `Tabulator` cell edits ([3744](
- Ensure `Tabulator.controls` renders ([3768](
- Ensure correctness of event row and selection indices in `Tabulator` ([3771](, [#3841](
- Fix issues with frontend and backend sorters being out of sync in Tabulator ([3825](, [#3839](
- Fix default values of a list header filter in `Tabulator` ([3826](
- Fix the edit event with a python filter in `Tabulator` ([3829](
- Disable client-side date filtering on `Tabulator` ([3849](
- Support editing of pandas masked array dtypes in `Tabulator` ([3850](
- Fix issues editing a cell when client-side filtering applied ([3852](
- Do not recompute data when local pagination is enabled ([3854](
- Don't skip filtering when the column name is undefined ([3862](


- Fix `` ([3579](
- Fix issues with `Matplotlib.high_dpi` option ([3591](, [#3594](
- Ensure layout recomputes on `HTML`/`Markdown` re-rerender ([3616](
- Allow overriding all widget parameters on `Param` pane ([3754](
- Ensure `DatePicker` start/end are transformed when jslinked ([3759](
- Ensure notifications can be enabled without a template ([3820](
- Ensure `ReactiveHTML` inline callbacks on loop variables return correct node ([3840](
- Ensure that `Perspective` does not take precedence on empty dict ([3936](
- Improve `sizing_mode` behavior when width/height are specified ([3955](
- Do not load notyf resources unless notifications are enabled ([3958](


Not secure
Date: 2022-05-20


- Add repr to cell and edit events ([3434](
- Improvements for pyodide handling ([3444](, [#3508](, [#3511](
- Add support for `Plotly` animation frames ([3449](
- Implement single and multi-selection in Vega pane ([3470](, [#3499](, [#3505](
- Add typehints to help developers and users ([3476](
- Add `pn.state.execute` method to run callbacks in the right context ([3550](
- Add support for asynchronous `on_edit`/`on_click` Tabulator callbacks ([3550](
- Add `DatetimeRangeSlider` widget ([3548](

Bug fixes

- Fix pyodide array buffer conversion ([3409](
- Allow `placeholder` to be updated on `TextEditor` ([3427](
- Fix issues editing data in sorted columns ([3431](
- Ensure bokeh correctly detects whether `HTML`/`Markdown` contains latex ([3438](
- Ensure notifications work on server created with `pn.serve` and `.show` ([3445](
- Replace slickgrid background image in custom `FastTemplate` CSS ([3461](
- Ensure `param.Array` is synced correctly in `ReactiveHTML` ([3456](
- Ensure selection on filtered `Tabulator` does not raise out-of-bounds error ([3462](
- Ensure updating `Tabulator` does not reset scroll position ([3450](
- Various fixes for `FastTemplate` CSS ([3464](
- Ensure `Tabulator` `on_click` and `on_edit` events return correct row when paginated ([3410](
- Fix broken JupyterLab preview ([3469](
- Skip `Tabulator` row selection when clicking on expand button ([3474](
- Ensure overflow in `MaterialTemplate` is not clipped ([3492](
- Allow providing `--index` for directory style apps ([3493](
- Ensure Tabulator expanded rows are sized correctly after re-render ([3507](
- Make CodeHandler robust to document that has been destroyed ([3510](
- Do not sync `DataFrame` widget `sorters` parameter with bokeh model ([3527](
- Ensure that HoloViews callback events are not auto-dispatched ([3528](
- Ensure non-updateable `Pane` can be updated inside `Tabs` ([3532](
- Fix slowdown of JupyterLab on Windows ([3531](
- Fix issue with inverted data when editing a cell in a sorted Tabulator column ([3531](
- Ensure `Tabulator` has correct layout after re-render ([3536](
- Do not log events generated by admin page on the admin page ([3539](
- Fix Tabulator events when the original column is not a string ([3541](


- Adds docstrings to layouts ([3417](
- Show how to filter categorical and temporal data from `Altair`/VegaLite ([3401](
- Document how to make a `Tabulator` column non-editable ([3489](


Not secure
Date: 2022-04-15

Blog post:


- Add support for scheduling global callbacks ([2661](
- MathJax now supported in `Markdown` and `HTML` ([2847](
- Improved support for async (e.g. in ParamMethod/ParamFunction, bind, onload etc.) ([2964](, [#3264](, [#2737](
- Support rendering Panel objects in Jupyterlite and Pyodide ([3252](, [#3361](, [#3381](
- Add `JSONEditor` widget ([1974](
- Add quill.js based `TextEditor` widget ([2875](
- Add `GenericLoginHandler` for custom OAuth ([2873](, [#2960](
- Implement `Notifications` API for templates ([3093](
- Implement built-in threading ([2597](, [#2632](, [#3081](
- Implement profiling page for Panel ([2645](, [#2664](, [#2667](, [#2707](, [#2905](
- Implement support for `Vega` events ([2592](
- Implement `ArrayInput` widget ([2047](
- Add `Debugger` widget ([2548](
- Add LinearGauge indicator ([3222](
- Add `ComponentResourceHandler` to server ([3284](, [#3289](, [#3303](



- Editable sliders `name` can be changed ([2678](
- Make `Plotly` pane resize when window resizes ([2704](
- `Viewer` objects can now be used with `pn.serve` ([2769](
- `VTK` improvement for NaN handling ([2826](
- Add support for configuring `Vega` output ([2846](
- Add a `groups` parameter to `Select` widget ([2876](
- Add `Card.hide_header` option ([2947](
- Support bytes and pathlib.Path objects on Image ([2963](, [#3294](
- Add programmatic control over Player widget ([2970](, [#2994](
- Add alphabetical and custom sort to `Param` ([2986](
- Add `autoplay` and `muted` to `Audio` and `Video` ([3053](
- Add a `disabled_options` parameter to a custom Select widget ([3067](
- Expose the `orientation` parameter of the button group widgets ([3083](
- Add support for rendering pandas styler objects ([3152](
- `Viewer` now better at working with `depends` functions ([3159](
- Improve support for jinja2 loops in `ReactiveHTML` ([3236](
- Add ability to require explicit load of ReactiveHTML extension ([3254](
- Improve datetime handling of sliders ([3276](
- Add support for multiple files in `` ([3300](
- Add improved Tabs model that resolves sizing and hover issues ([3301](, [#3321](, [#3329](


- Add support to expand rows in `Tabulator` ([2762](, [#2837](, [#3010](, [#3163](
- Implement client-side filtering on `Tabulator` ([2815](, [#3298](
- Add `Tabulator.header_align` parameter ([2861](
- Implement `Tabulator.on_edit` callbacks ([2887](, [#3209](, [#2958](
- Implement DateEditor and DatetimeEditor for `Tabulator` ([2899](, [#3008](
- Implement `Tabulator.buttons` ([3111](
- Redesign `Tabulator.styles` handling ([3175](
- Set default alignment for `Tabulator` ([3194](
- Bidirectionally sync `Tabulator.sorters` ([3217](
- Add support for setting percentage widths on `Tabulator` columns ([3239](
- Add `Tabulator.on_click` callback ([3245](
- Restore `Tabulator` scroll position after patch ([3273](
- Enable max row limits for `Tabulator` ([3306](


- Add basic JupyterLab theme support ([2848](
- Support jupyter server `root_dir` with lab extension ([3172](
- Avoid multiple extension execution in the notebook ([3266](
- Added fullpath to `jupyter_server_extension` ([3270](

General improvements

- Warn users if extension is not loaded before server page is rendered ([2766](
- Sync URL location hash interactively ([2982](
- Change accent and header background color for Fast Templates ([2984](
- Add thread safety and TTL to `pn.state.as_cached` ([3198](
- Add py.typed file to support mypy ([3055](
- Handle authentication errors ([3096](
- Support saving png to file-like objects ([3155](
- Check if there are any query parameters in `baseurl` and adds it to `` if possible ([3214](
- Improve handling of `--index` CLI argument ([3221](
- Fix event dispatch ([3231](
- Add azure oauth v2.0 endpoint support ([3224](
- Ensure `gc.collect` is not excessively called ([3259](
- Added `panel.reactive` and `panel.viewable` to namespace ([3157](
- Consistent handling of page title ([3290](



- Fix warnings in `ReactiveHTML` regex ([2786](
- Fixed UTF-8 decoding in Terminal widget ([2880](
- Allow a `param.Selector` with no objects to be casted to `AutocompleteInput` ([2966](
- Update `ButtonGroup` value when changing options ([2999](
- Fix `TQDM` style color reset ([3040](
- Fix align-items on `Flexbox` ([3122](
- Fix issue serializing `Spinner` with negative value ([3154](
- Fixes for jslinking `HoloViews` components ([3165](
- `BooleanStatus` and `LoadingSpinner` now update when changing color ([3191](
- Fix `Widget.from_param` when precedence is negative ([3199](
- Ensure `DiscreteSlider` label is updated ([3278](
- Ensure `ReactiveHTML` template variables only escapes exact matches ([3279](
- Fix handling of single and empty options on `DiscreteSlider` ([3297](
- Ensure `Progress` correctly initializes as indeterminate ([3307](
- Always resolve DOM nodes in ReactiveHTML._scripts ([3311](
- Fixes `CrossSelector.disabled` parameter ([3326](
- Fix `EditableSlider` updates when no `value_throttled` is set ([3387](


- Fix HTMLTemplateFormatter on `Tabulator` ([2781](
- Fix layout of `Tabulator` with non-default theme ([3147](
- Ensure `Tabulator` selection is not reset on patch ([3287](
- Fix `` method ([3292](
- Restore ability to limit number of `selectable` rows on `Tabulato` ([3295](
- Ensure `Tabulator` value update reports correct old value ([3308](


- Fix Fast template vertical slider CSS ([3045](
- Fix template `theme.css` ([3057](
- Ensure roots are rendered into `GoldenTemplate` ([3313](
- Ensure correct theme is applied to `HoloViews` pane in template ([3386](


- Added check for bool in `Location.parse_query` ([2759](
- Ensure cleanup happens when enabling `--warm` or `--autoreload` with Bokeh 2.4 ([2760](
- Ensure autoload.js correctly determines `state.rel_path` ([2776](
- Fix issue with `.app` method ([3047](
- Add document argument to autoload_js_script call ([3100](
- Avoid sending messages on closed or closing Websocket ([3115](
- Fix Django resource handling ([3116](
- Fix handling of `loading_max_height` ([3205](
- Fix Django `DocConsumer` ([3281](
- Fix `jupyter_server_config` for preview server extension ([3291](
- Fix handling of `oauth_provider` argument to `` ([3293](
- Allow exporting absolute paths when saving ([3305](


- Added `ToggleGroup` docs ([2679](
- Adds a code of conduct ([2892](
- Add docstrings to sliders module ([3176](
- Gallery Examples for Graphviz and NetworkX ([2732](
- Add layouts + throttling sections to Performance docs ([3171](
- Adds `Plotly` styling gallery notebook ([3038](
- Adds a matplotlib style guide notebook to gallery ([3036](
- Adds vega altair style example for the gallery. ([3032](
- Wrap new gallery examples into apps ([2546](
- Add docstring to panel module ([3177](
- added documentation for gcp ([3119](
- Add docs about the file size limits of the `FileInput` widget ([3044](
- Add docstrings for most widgets and panes ([3352](, [#3353](, [#3354](, [#3359](, [#3365](, [#3366](, [#3367](, [#3369](


- Update to latest version of `Perspective` ([3318](
- Update `Vega` version ([3320](
- Update `ipywidgets` support for compatibility with latest bokeh ([3206](, [#3299](
- Bump plotly.js version ([3227](
- Updates to Param 2.0 API ([2845](
- Updates for Python 3.10 deprecations ([3065](
- Update and improve `DeckGL` pane ([3158](

API Changes

- Make `Param.mapping` public ([3173](
- Switch `DatetimePicker` `start`/`end` to `param.Date` ([3202](
- `Perspective` parameters renamed: `row_pivots` -> `split_by`, `column_pivots` -> `group_by` and `computed_columns` -> `expressions` ([3318](


Not secure
Date: 2021-03-27

The 0.12.7 release primarily fixes an incompatibility with the new jinja2 3.1.0 release. Many thanks to maartenbreddels, govinda18, raybellwaves and the maintainers maximlt and philippjfr for contributing further fixes to this release.

Bug fixes:

- Wrong offset when memoryview format is non-byte ([3206](
- Support jupyter server root_dir with lab extension ([3172](


- add note on enabling panel widget on Jupyter Lab ([3029](
- Remove redundant and confusing JupyterLab install instructions ([3037](


- Fix jinja2 imports ([3258](


Not secure
Date: 2021-12-08

The 0.12.6 release fixes a major regression introduced in the last release along with a small number of pre-existing bugs.


- Always load imported bokeh extensions ([2957](
- Fix regression rendering `HoloViews` plotly backend ([2961](

Bug fixes:

- Do not run `Ace` import on initialization ([2959](
- Improve handling of `ReactiveHTML` cleanup ([2974](, [#2993](
- Ensure empty `Str` has same height as non-empty ([2981](
- Ensure `Tabulator` supports grouping on numeric columns ([2987](
- Fix `Tabulator` with multi-index and pagination ([2989](
- Allow index as column name in table widgets ([2990](
- Ensure TemplateActions component does not have height ([2997](

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