
Latest version: v1.4.1

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Date: 2023-11-29

This micro-release primarily addresses two important regressions related to the Tabulator `text_align` option and OAuth failing if the `id_token` does not contain the required user information. We are very excited to welcome TBym to the growing list of contributors and thank the core maintainers Hoxbro, ahuang11, MarcSkovMadsen and philippjfr for their contributions to this release.


- Allow passing partial function to tabulator filter ([5912](
- Allow defining custom callbacks for `ChatInterface` buttons ([5839](

Bug fixes

- Fix regression when setting `text_align` and `HTMLTemplateFormatter` on `Tabulator` ([5922](
- Ensure notifications are correctly destroyed ([5924](
- Fix header overflow issues in `FastGridTemplate` ([5935](
- Ensure `Audio` model respects sizing ([5936](
- Persist Tabulator selection across pages when `pagination='remote'` for all selection modes ([5929](
- Ensure `Tabulator` styler subset logic is not lost ([5938](
- Fix regression in OAuth when `id_token` does not contain user key ([5939](
- Ensure Vega/Altair plot with responsive width/height respects fixed width/height value when set ([5940](
- Ensure `BrowserInfo` is imported by default ([5942](


- Restore plot styling guides in how-to guide ([5919](
- Document support for emojis on Button labels ([5926](
- Update and improve `SVG` pane reference docs ([5934](


Not secure
Date: 2023-11-22

This micro-release focuses on a number of performance improvements, speeding up the initial rendering of simple apps by 2x in many cases. In addition it includes a number of smaller enhancements for various widgets, better support for async and threading and a number of bug fixes related to authentication, the `Tabulator` widget and a few other items. We are very pleased to welcome isumitjha and fohria as new contributors and want to thank our core team including maximlt, Hoxbro, MarcSkovMadsen, ahuang11 and philippjfr for their continuing contributions.


- Speed up `Pane.clone` ([5848](
- Speed up `config` attribute access ([5851](
- Cache templates loaded from string ([5854](
- Only load extension entrypoints once ([5855](
- Do not freeze document models unless needed ([5864](


- Use the compiled version of Pyodide by default ([5808](
- Add support for `AutocompleteInput.search_strategy` parameter ([5832](
- Use `stdlib_module_names` when determining pyodide dependencies ([5818](
- Add `Tabulator.sortable` parameter ([5827](
- Add delay for tooltip to show up for buttons ([5860](
- Add `serialize` method on `ChatMessage` and `ChatFeed` ([5764](
- Allow running onload and defer_load tasks on threads ([5865](
- Allow Image panes for `ChatMessage.avatar` ([5870](
- Allow async callbacks on `FileDownload` ([5878](
- Allow running scheduled tasks on threads ([5879](

Bug fixes

- Fix Google OAuth default scopes ([5823](
- Fix logic for cleaning up OAuth user ([5824](
- Set `text_align` correctly if `Tabulator` is given Bokeh `formatter` ([5866](
- Fix `FileDownload` `embed=True` style for `Fast` design ([5875](
- Enable `Tabulator` selection across pages with `pagination="remote"` and `selectable="checkbox"` ([5889](
- Fix rendering of `VTK` colorbar ([5902](
- Ensure HoloViews `DynamicMap` updates when widget dimension has unit ([5904](
- Add space between `MaterialTemplate` app and site title separator ([5905](
- Consistently handle errors during authentication ([5909](


- Updates for Numpy 2.0 compatibility ([5817](
- Improve notebook handling when loading bokeh dev versions ([5820](


- Enhance `extension` and `config` docs ([5790](
- Document setting a *multiselect* header filter on `Tabulator` ([5825](
- Add missing `GridSpec` docs ([5840](
- Fix for getting_started widgets example ([5859](
- Add more references to Panel Chat Examples ([5881](
- Document `Tabulator` fontawesome css ([5892](
- Fix broken link to panel tagged items in holoviz blog ([5903](
- MenuButton docs improvements ([5907](


Not secure
Date: 2023-10-31

This micro-release primarily ships a variety of bug and regression fixes focusing on auth, the chat components, and WASM (i.e. PyScript and Pyodide) support. It also adds an enhancement to the auth components that now makes it possible to let users access applications as a guest. Many thanks to
our new contributors art3xa, polivbr and tupui as well as our core development team including MarcSkovMadsen, maximlt, ahuang11 and philippjfr.


- Add support for authenticating as guest using OAuth and basic auth components ([5743](

Bug fixes

- Ensure `ColorMap` widget correctly handles shared layout and display parameters ([5732](
- Fix accessing refreshed `access_token` ([5734](
- Ensure `Markdown` code blocks always wrap ([5738](
- Fix returning `state.user_info` if no `id_token` is present in cookies ([5747](
- Fix `Widget.from_param` type annotation ([5754](
- Fix auto send for `ChatInterface` with `TextAreaInput` ([5762](
- Add support for iframe `srcdoc` on `Location` ([5774](
- Ensure `` applies correctly with changing data ([5757](
- Ensure `panel convert` can correctly detect `transformers_js` import ([5772](
- Adjust `ReactiveHTML` css resources for relative paths ([5779](
- Ensure invalid query parameters warn instead of erroring ([5781](
- Apply pyscript CSS by default without the splashscreen ([5784](
- Ensure components which require DOM element to be attached can be rendered in `Card` ([5786](


- Fix typo in examples/reference/widgets/StaticText.ipynb ([5739](
- Add `ReactiveExpr` reference docs and change default widget location ([5755](, [#5760](
- Fix pyscript WASM example ([5771](
- Improve documentation for deep linking docs ([5752](


Not secure
Date: 2023-10-23

This minor release packs many exciting new features, specifically a new `` subpackage containing components with powerful capabilities for interacting with LLM whether local or remote. Secondly this release adds compatibility with Param 2.0 bringing powerful new features including the ability to leverage reactive expressions using the `rx` wrapper and deeper support for reactively linking parameters, expressions and bound functions on Panel components. Lastly we overhauled the OAuth implementations adding support for code authorization and password based OAuth grant workflows and automatically refreshing the `access_token` when it expires. Beyond that this release includes many enhancements and numerous bug fixes. Special thanks to our first time contributors aktech and monodera and returning contributors cdeil, pierrotsmnrd and TheoMartin. We also want to highlight the contribution of our new core contributor ahuang11 for developing the chat components and recognize MarcSkovMadsen and philippjfr for their efforts on testing and improving these new components. Finally we thank the entire core team Hoxbro, MarcSkovMadsen, maximlt, ahuang11 and philippjfr for their continued efforts.


- Integrate support for param reactive expressions and expose `pn.rx` ([5138](, [#5582](
- Implement `ChatMessage`, `ChatFeed` and `ChatInterface` components ([5333](
- Unify OAuth implementations and refresh `access_token` ([5627](
- Add `ColorMap` widget ([5647](


- Add unit to widget in `HoloViews` pane if provided ([5535](
- Allow registering global `on_session_destroyed` callback ([5585](
- Implement `auto_grow` on `TextAreaInput` ([5592](
- Add ability to redirect users from authorization callback ([5594](
- Add support for `Path` object in `FileDownload` ([5607](
- Add authorization_code and password based OAuth login handlers ([5547](
- Add format to `EditableFloatSlider` and `EditableIntSlider` ([5631](
- Add support for decorating async functions with `` ([5649](
- Map `param.Bytes` to `FileInput` widget ([5665](

Bug fixes

- Fixes for `Column` invisible `scroll_button` taking space ([5532](
- Guard undefined values from being set on `BrowserInfo` ([5588](
- Fix thumbnails and use Panel design on index page ([5595](
- Fix regressions in `TextEditor` caused by migration to shadow DOM ([5609](
- Sync `location` state from request ([5581](
- Fix `Select` widget label offset in Material Design ([5639](
- Override token contents when reusing sessions ([5640](
- Fix patching a table with a `DataFrame` with a custom index ([5645](
- Set `FloatPanel` status correctly on initialization ([5651](
- Fix patching table with `pd.Timestamp` values ([5650](
- Ensure `notifications` and `browser_info` are loaded when `HoloViews` is loaded ([5657](
- Gracefully handle resolution of invalid paths in `_stylesheets` ([5666](
- Handle patching tables with `NaT` values ([5675](


- Add support for Python 3.12 and drop Python 3.8 support
- Upgrade to Param 2.0 as minimum required version
- Compatibility with Bokeh 3.3.0


- Improved docs on deploying with GCP ([5531](
- Add Streamlit migration guide for chat components ([5670](


Not secure
Date: 2023-09-18

This micro-release primarily fixes some critical regressions that were introduced in the 1.2.2 release, along with some other minor bug fixes. Many thanks for our users for reporting these issues so quickly and monodera, ndmlny-qs, ahuang11, mattpap, Hoxbro and philippjfr for their contributions to the release.


- Add ability to change admin page endpoint ([5447](
- Authentication `/logout` endpoint now serves configurable template ([5514](
- Add options to sanitize `HTML` panes ([5516](

Bug fixes

- Fix regression introduced in 1.2.2 causing issues with periodic callbacks and `--autoreload` ([5490](
- Fix regression introduced in 1.2.2 causing issues with authorization callbacks ([5504](
- Fix regression introduced in 1.2.2 related to logout redirects ([5484](
- Fix extracting `panel convert` requirements from requirements.txt ([5509](
- Ensure visibility is applied correctly for all components when initialized as False ([5508](
- Fix rendering of backticks in `ReactiveHTML` ([5512](
- Ensure Quill `TextEditor` correctly detects selections and renders HTML ([5511](
- Fix `Markdown` rendering with the MyST parser ([5497](
- Fix OAuth login endpoint when `--prefix` is set ([5492](


- Update outdated `DateRangeSlider.step` documentation ([5510](


Not secure
Date: 2023-08-31

This micro-release is likely the last in the 1.2.x series with a large number of bug fixes and a few enhancements to existing components. The enhancements include the ability to control the scroll position on a `Column`, improvements for authentication and authorization, the ability to add click event handlers to `Perspective` and a few other items. Bug fixes also center fixes for authentication, some improvements when rendering `Tabulator` avoiding various race conditions in its rendering pipeline, and fixes for `Perspective`, `Echarts`, `DeckGL` and a few other components. We are very grateful for a large number of community contributions to this release and welcome and congratulate new contributors s22chan, RaulPL, dogbunny, thomasjpfan, SultanOrazbayev and pierrotsmnrd. Many thanks also to returning contributors TBym, Lnk2past, ndmlny-qs, owenlamont and our core developer team MarcSkovMadsen, ahuang11, Hoxbro, maximlt, and philippjfr.


- Add scroll button, auto-scroll and scroll position options to `Column` ([5245](, [#5365](, [#5369](, [#5403](
- Add cache busting to server CSS resources ([5414](
- Add `Tabulator.title_formatters` parameter ([5421](
- Provide the the accessed path to authorization checks ([5386](
- Add `Perspective` click events ([5430](
- Add and improve `` and `` context managers to control events ([5444](
- Allow to passing `basic_login_template` argument to panel server ([5454](

Bug fixes

- Ensure `BasicAuth` forwards to original URL after login ([5357](
- Correct return types from `threading.Thread` to `` ([5396](
- Various guards and fixes ensuring `Tabulator` re-renders correctly ([5410](, [#5412](
- Avoid extra executions when executing periodic callback with counter ([5344](
- Ensure updates to `DataModel` are correctly scheduled on the event loop ([5360](
- Fixes for displaying single newlines in `Markdown` output and add `renderer_options` ([5376](
- Allow update of `Accordion` title without updating content ([5413](
- Fix authentication handling when prefix is set ([5422](
- Fix serialization issues affecting `TextLayer` objects in `DeckGL` ([5427](
- Fix height responsiveness of `Perspective` pane ([5429](
- Ensure `FileDownload` button can be clicked anywhere ([5431](
- Ensure `ReactiveHTML` children are rendered just like other models ([5434](
- Set `Perspective` properties correctly to avoid causing unfocus on keypresses ([5432](
- Ensure `FloatPanel` correctly exposes its children to allow linking ([5433](
- Do no reset `Tabulator` options if DataFrame indexes are unchanged ([5436](
- Add ability to work around issues when removing series from `ECharts` ([5435](
- Fix race conditions when initializing and rendering IPyWidgets in notebooks ([5462](
- Tweak `Accordion` CSS to remove gaps and avoid border overlap ([5460](
- Ensure columns are deleted when updating traces on `Plotly` pane to avoid corruption ([5464](
- Invalidate layout when `TextEditor` CSS loads ([5465](
- Ensure `FloatPanel` reflects closed status ([5466](
- Fix handling of string dtypes on `Perspective` pane ([5467](


- Fix incorrectly linked images in streamlit migration guide and VSCode guide ([5327](, [#5329](
- Improve developer instructions ([5305](, [#5380](, [#5426](


- Compatibility with param 2.0 watchers ([5350](, [#5455](

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