
Latest version: v9.1.0

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Download by running from command line:

pip install --upgrade music21

This is the last release of the v5 series so that work on v6 which may bring some backwards incompatible changes -- all deprecated features will be removed, as will support for Python 3.5 (by the time v6 is released, Py3.8 will be out and this keeps w/ music21 policy of supporting the last three Python releases). The release of v5.7 also marks the End-of-Life for music21 v4 (the last release to support Python 2.7); if someone wants to continue supporting v4/Python 2.7 in music21, please let me know, but I'm so happy with how quickly almost all of us have moved to Python 3. Looking forward to major tablature improvements, SMuFL support, and much faster development thanks to "f-strings" in v6.

The music21 user community continues to be active and robust as attested by the number of contributed features below. Thanks for keeping me sustained during my non-music Admin time! Among the most notable improvements are (in reverse chronological order):

* Type hints on major objects and functions in the library and the promise of more (once Py3.5 is dropped) soon. Those who use fancy IDEs like PyCharm will reap major bug checks!

* The most extensive typo-checking / spell-checking / linting ever done to music21 -- the code now has that new car smell.

* `Stream.measures(4, "5a")` -- measure suffixes work in many more places in the code.

* Pizzicato notes export properly in MusicXML

* Chorale metadata improved (thanks to doctor-schmidt!)

* Improvements to MEI accidental handling (kudos raffazizzi)

* KeySignatures work better in multi-voice contexts (thanks pconerly)

* Bugs that made `.getContextByClass()` sometimes inconsistent (especially with forward searches) fixed.

* Harmony objects (ChordSymbols, etc.) sort before Notes so that the harmony of a note at the offset can be found easier. And proper musicxml offset support (thanks a-papadopoulos)

* `Chord.notes` gives direct access to the underlying Note objects that make up a Chord. Chords also get a good `__eq__` test.

* MuseScore 3 support (thanks YoWenqin)

* Accidental fixes for ABC (thanks dvdrndlph)

* Added Neo-Riemannian analysis features (thanks MarkGotham) and triads can now know which hexatonic system they belong to.

* Fixes to MusicXML chord input.

* Barlines now use "type=double" instead of "style=double", since in v6 they will get full `style.Style` behavior.

* User's Guide gets the long awaited Chapter 58 on Sites and Contexts for advanced users.

* Clefs get a `.name` property so that the class does not need to be parsed.

* Grace notes no longer cause obscure bugs in `Stream.makeNotation()`.

* A bug in Interval.direction for some perfect intervals is fixed (thanks ryaanahmed and team for identifying the bug)

As always, I want to acknowledge MIT Music and Theater Arts and the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences for encouraging the development of music21. Founding contributions to music21 were made by the Seaver Institute and the National Endowment for the Humanities.


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Version 5.5 brings some small but important improvements to `music21` and is a maintenance release. V5.5 is the first release to no longer support Python 3.4, so please use Python 3.5 or higher to upgrade.

Important changes and bugfixes.

1. Chord.commonName gets many improvements, detecting for instance, the differences between dominant-seventh chords and augmented sixths.
1. much better metadata on Bach Chorals (thanks Norman!)
1. Stream.voiceToParts() is much improved and gets an optional `separateById` keyword argument which will only merge voices whose `.id` matches. -- this is very exciting to me from an analytical perspective and one reason I decided to release now.
1. Volpiano is upgraded to a full conversion method. Most people will go, "buh??" people who work with Gregorian chant will rejoice.
1. obj.activeSite is set more reliably.
1. better error messages if a stream cannot be chordified.
1. ABC parses all major and minor keys properly -- there were a few bugs especially on sharp keys in minor before. (Thanks a-papadopoulos )
1. "Cad64" is now an acceptable RomanNumeral alternative for "I64" for all you theorists out there who cringed when writing it. Resolves to I64 in major context (or as a secondary dominant) and i64 in minor contexts.
1. bug fixes on rounding approximate durations (such as in MIDI parsing)
1. `converter.parse('tinyNotation: ...', raiseExceptions=True)` allows tinyNotation to bubble up anything that prevents reading a token. off by default, but useful for debugging. Expect this keyword to start appearing (w/ default False) for other conversion methods.
1. Changed: as promised years ago, the default on Stream.recurse() is now NOT to include the caller itself in recursion. Use keyword argument "includeSelf=True" to do so. Recurse keywords are keyword only.
1. Changed: arguments to Music21Object.contextSites are keyword only. This fixes a few little bugs. Same with Stream.elementsChanged()
1. MusicXML stores Fingerings properly (thanks hofst !)
1. Fixes for extreme pitchbends (very close to wheel minimum) on MIDI.


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music21 v5.3 is the latest release for music21 and the first since the v5 (v5.1) release in March 2018. The biggest feature is a major improvement to the quality of the Bach Chorales in the corpus, thanks to the amazing work of Doctor Norman Schmidt to check the files and add lyrics for all chorales. The upgrade also adds missing repeat signs (and collapses several sections that were expanded repeats).

And it's not just Dr. Schmidt we have to thank: music21 v5.3 represents an important milestone in community involvement, where for the first time, the community's pull requests have contributed much more to the development than the MIT dev. team. As I (Cuthbert) move to a new role in Digital Humanities at MIT and have less time for active music21 development, I hope that this activity continues and music21's development accelerates!

Some changes, big and small:

* ABC parsing improvements, especially Chord Symbols (Thanks to Alex Papadopoulos and Vincent Degroote) and ties and grace notes.
* Stream.containerInHierarchy(note) -- given a Score object, will retain the container (Measure or Voice) that the note or other element is in. Long-requested method.
* ChordSymbol subclass NoChord for absence of chords (thanks Alex!)
* Significant speedup in MIDI parsing (Thanks HalfVoxel)
* New module in analysis.segmentByRests (thanks to Mark Gotham)
* Chord.isSeventhOfType([0, 4, 7, 10]) lets you search for more obscure seventh chords.
* improvements to braille output (thanks ajirving)
* Setting the root or bass of a chord directly, will attempt to use the actual pitch from the chord as the root.
* compatibility w/ newer versions of Sphinx
* ABC supports C major (thanks David Randolph)
* Improvements to docs, including ability to cut and paste code (click the >>> button on the top right)
* bug fixes for Python 3.7.
* repr bug fixes (thanks Adrian Borucki).
* ChordSymbols with Fretboards in the tablature package now export to MusicXML (import coming soon). Thanks Luke Poeppel.
* Musescore output works even if there are spaces in the filepath (thanks Philip Kirlin)
* Move to Keyword-only status: musicxml.archiveTools.*, `deleteOriginal`, Stream.iterators.Iterator parameters,
* Deprecations: several unused and seldom-used Stream methods: _yieldReverseUpwardsSearch, restoreActiveSites, Chord.findRoot() (call Chord.root() instead).
* Some obscure beaming routines moved from TimeSignature to Beams.
* Lots of obscure bugs fixed through linting.

In keeping with the release of Py 3.7, and our policy of supporting the last three versions of Python, music21 v5.3 will be the last version to support Python 3.4. Please upgrade to at least Python 3.6 to stay current. A reminder that Python 2 users should use music21 v.4 or upgrade Python.

Thanks always to MIT, the NEH, and the Seaver Institute for their support of music21.

**music21 v.5 is PYTHON 3 ONLY**

Do not upgrade to this version if you are using Python 2.7 (or better still, upgrade yourself to Python 3.6 instead). It runs on Python 3.4-3.6 only. `music21` v.4 is the last version to support Python 2.

`music21` v.5 brings with it seven months of determined work by an open-source team to streamline music analysis. The move to Python 3 allowed us to greatly simplify the codebase and to speed up many commonly used features in `music21`. If you are apprehensive about switching to Python 3, I hope you'll be convinced that it is worth it the first time you run `chordify()` on a large score v.5. and see that what might have taken an hour can now be done in few seconds. A great number of bugs involving working with non-English text have been fixed.

As a new major release, `music21` breaks backwards compatibility where necessary and deprecates underused functions and things that can be done better in other ways. We're always trying to balance bringing new features with keeping the software as simple to use as possible.

Major changes:

* Python 3 only. Yes, I said that but I'm saying it again. This change has made developing much faster and a lot more fun. Also it's made music21 more powerful and faster.

* Chordify moves from O(n^2) to O(n) time -- Chordify on large scores works great now.

* MusicXML roundtrip now preserves much about appearance, style, metadata, etc. -- you can now load a musicxml file into music21 and back into your software and 90% of the time you'll get visually the same result as the original software. Finale roundtrip is especially good!

* Corpora searching is much better and much faster. Metadata is stored in pickle format.

* Feature Extraction runs multicore by default. Together with the average of 10x faster chordify, feature extraction on large datasets on multicore systems is now very strong. Parallel processing is easier and much better documented.

* Features with JSymbolic equivalents much more closely match the spec and new features have been added (thanks Micah Walter!)

* Many routines that used to return string filepaths now return pathlib.Path objects. Especially useful for people running on Python 3.6

* Almost all functions deprecated in v. 4 have been removed.

* Many keyword functions now require the keyword, so instead of `makeNotation(True)`, call `makeNotation(inPlace=True)`, since explicit is better than implicit, this is a good way of being sure that only the right arguments are being changed.

* parsing of Volpiano (Gregorian chant notation) added.

* RehearsalMarks are now supported internally and in MusicXML reading/writing.

* Other musicXML improvements: Volume of individual notes is now imported and exported. Glissandi and barlines and transposition work better. More elements can be hidden. Empty spaces in MusicXML measures are converted to hidden rests, to avoid gapped streams. Pitches in chords on musicxml import are always sorted from lowest to highest. Fretboard diagrams are supported and Instrument objects have the MusicXML v. 3 sound tags attached. (thanks to Luke Poeppel for these last two)

* Corpora improvments: works by Amy Beach, Schubert (Lindebaum), better Bach Chorales (thanks Dr. Norman Schmidt), and Scott Joplin. Errors in various pieces fixed.

* Scales and IntervalNetworks run much faster and are better documented.

* voiceLeading.VoiceLeadingQuartet improved. compatibility change: improperResolution renamed to isProperResolution and improved. Former title implied that False meant it was proper; now the title reflects the output. Many other fixes and improvements thanks to Ryaan Ahmed.

* analysis.transposition -- searches pitch lists for number of distinct transpositions; neoriemannian analysis improvements (thanks to Mark Gotham for both) Stream alignment tools in alpha.analysis (thanks to Emily Zhang)

* Copyright and other metadata is preserved in many formats on import. This is just being a good neighbor.

* Demos and most alpha code has been moved to a new separate repository: -- they will be updated much less frequently. This will also make code development faster. Thanks to all who have contributed to music21's development. We'll be able to get more demos into the codebase by not needing to update them at every moment.

* Bugs fixed: chords not in voices in measures with voices were not found in some routines. Instrument objects without midiProgram explicitly set get a program on MIDI output. MIDI no longer inserts a rest at the beginning (thanks KKONZ). Chord.normalOrder fixed (thanks luiselroquero), bugs in Capella parsing. Bugs related to Apple File System High Sierra not sorting files by default. Accented braille characters are exported properly.

* Docs can be downloaded as a separate zip file.

I have no major backward-incompatable plans for the near future, so I expect v.5 to have a longer life than the last few releases (at least 18 months, and possibly 2-3 years), but work will continue on smaller subreleases to come. Thanks again to MIT, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, and the Music and Theater Arts section for their support of `music21` and the Seaver Institute and the National Endowment for the Humanities for financial support.


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Music21 v. 5 beta 1 (5.0.6b1) is also a release candidate -- except for bug fixes, I do not expect to make any changes to music21 v.5 between here and the final release.

Note again: music21 v.5 is Python 3 only. Use v.4 for Python 2.7.

Changes since Alpha 2:
* braille -- accented characters translate to braille
* features -- many jSymbolic Feature Extractors match the spec more closely (thanks to Micah W. for the patches). Expect more of these improvements throughout the v.5 lifecycle.
* Bach chorales -- improvements to naming and texts. Expect more of these improvements throughout v.5. Thank you to Dr. Norman Schmidt for these.
* Improvements and fixes in -- thanks to Ryaan Ahmed
* More objects can be hidden with "hideObjectOnPrint"
* Joplin, Maple Leaf Rag added to corpus
* Guitar and other fretboards supported. Thanks to Luke Poeppel
* Improvements to IPython/music21j MIDI
* Added stream alignment tools in alpha.analysis. Thanks to Emily Zhang
* docs for Stream.insertAndShift improved greatly.
* separate zip file for docs.


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main changes since alpha 1:

* Better parallel processing system (esp. in terms of docs)
* Pitches are 30% faster to create, notes are 15% faster. You do create notes, don't you? :-)
* Better musicxml support: volume. Improvements to transposition, glissando, barlines
* Corpus: added works by Amy Beach, Schubert (Lindenbaum), fixed missing Bach Chorales (thanks Dr. Schmidt!) and error in Haydn op. 1 no. 1 movement 1(thanks Joshua Ballance)
* Scales, IntervalNetwork: faster and better documented.
* NeoRiemannian analysis greatly improved (thanks Mark Gotham!)
* voiceLeading.VoiceLeadingQuartet improved. compatibility change: improperResolution renamed to isProperResolution and improved. Former title implied that False meant it was proper; now the title reflects the output.
* Instrument objects now have their MusicXML v.3 sound tags attached (thanks Luke P.!)
* Bugs fixed: chords not in voices in measures with voices were not found in some routines. Instrument objects without midiProgram explicitly set get a program on MIDI output. MIDI no longer inserts a rest at the beginning (thanks KKONZ). Chord.normalOrder fixed (thanks luiselroquero), bugs in Capella parsing. Bugs related to Apple File System High Sierra not sorting files by default.

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