
Latest version: v1.6.0

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Upgrade Instructions
* In `requirements.txt`:
* Replace `psycopg2` with `psycopg>=3.1.8`
* In `Settings.py`:
* Add `'fontawesomefree',` to the `INSTALLED_APPS`
* Change the `STATICFILES_STORAGE=...` in `settings.py` to

"default": {
"BACKEND": "django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage",
"staticfiles": {
"BACKEND": ...,

* Replace `INFO_EMAIL = ...` by `CONTACTS = {'general': ...}`
* To enable new export function:
* Add `'import_export',` to the `INSTALLED_APPS`
* Set `IMPORT_EXPORT_EXPORT_PERMISSION_CODE` e.g. to `'view'` to limit access to the export functionality.
* Note: The previous excel exports are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Make sure the new exports fit your needs.
* If not done already, in your `settings.py` set `USE_TZ = TRUE` and `TIMEZONE` to where your organization is based. If the setting was not set before, all your job times will be moved with the setting in place. Use the hidden page `/command/shifttime`, to fix that.
* Permissions:
* Give the `can_create_lists` permission to users who should be able to create the depot list manually.
* Give the `notified_on_depot_change` permission to users who should be informed, if a member wants to change their depot.
* Check your subscription sizes: Numbers may have been added to the name if uniqueness with product was not fulfilled. You may want to update the name in that case. 507
* Update cron job of depot list generation command: Use `--future` if needed. Behavior when not using the flag will change in a future release.
* If you use a custom depot list generator in `DEFAULT_DEPOTLIST_GENERATORS`, adjust it for the new `days` argument. 627
* The icon sets except for fontawesome have been removed. they can be reinstalled if needed using the [STYLES](https://juntagrico.readthedocs.io/en/latest/settings.html#styles) setting.

Downgrade options
* The subscription overview has been changed. If you need to revert back to the old overview add this after including `juntagrico.urls` in `urls.py`: `path(r'', include('juntagrico.downgrade.urls_1_5')),`

Member Features
* New subscription overview page 651
* Subscriptions and their parts can now be cancelled regardless if they are already activated or not, i.e., cancellation date can be before activation date. The state can now only be "waiting", "active" or "inactive". The cancellation date is displayed separately in addition where the state is shown. 647
* If you have more than one subscription type set up members can now change a part instead of having to cancel and reorder. The result is the same but the process is more intuitive and also works when the member has only one part. 490
* Display the technical support email address after a failed login attempt and after password reset. 508

Admin Features

* Removed all length limitations on text area fields. Including for mail templates. 637
* Specify email addresses that appear as senders on automatic email for each email topic using the new `CONTACTS` setting. 508
* Use permissions to define who can send from these email addresses in the email form.

* Waiting subscription can be deactivated directly. This will set activation date to the same date as deactivation. 647
* Added option to specify subscription types that are delivered every x weeks. 615 512 by PaulKC
* View and edit subscription memberships with join and leave dates in member admin. 593
* Use autocomplete field on member in subscription membership inline. 593
* The display name of the subscription parts in the size change view can now be adjusted with the `SUB_OVERVIEW_FORMAT.part_format` setting. 490

* Multiplier of job can now be any float number >= 0 instead of just integers. I.e. jobs counting half are now possible. 583

* Depots can now be organized into custom delivery tours. The amounts will now be summed per tour on the depot overview. Previously it was assumed, that depots with the same depot weekday are served in the same tour. 609
* Existing depot weekdays are converted to tours.
* Deliveries now need to be assigned to a tour. Previously the day of the delivery was used to implicitly assign it to a depot using the weekday. Existing deliveries are migrated according to this previous behavior.
* The depot weekday is still used and shown on the depot detail page as "pick-up day".
* Manual Depot list management 574
* Option to generate depot lists manually
* Option to manage depot changes of subscriptions manually
* Notification if member changes depot
* Option to generate Depot lists for specific reference dates. 627
* New option "--days" on the `generate_depot_lists` command.

* Added more share acquisition reasons to select from 582

Filter Lists
* Improve loading time of member filter list by around 70% 524
* Show phone numbers of member and co-members in assignment management list with option to hide them. 523
* In filter lists moved link for impersonation to separate icon. Clicking on the user name now always opens the member edit page. 523

* Improved export workflow and functionality: Export members, subscriptions and shares directly from the admin page with the button on the top right on the list views. Exports can be filtered and various formats are available for download. Assignment counts can now be exported for a freely selectable period of time. 599
* New member export option, that lists how many assignments each member did in each activity area. 563
* New subscription part export. 653

* Cancellation of a waiting subscription or part, will not delete it anymore. 647
* Use correct language for richtext editor 639
* Fix title of job calendar event for Google Calendar and Apple Calendar 640 by siancu
* Fix in the evaluation of "today". The bug caused unexpected results, when modifying data at a time where the UTC day didn't match the organizations day, e.g. between midnight and 1:00 or 2:00 for central European countries. 638
* Fixed initial date in form to set share dates in admin. Field showed date of last server start, because date was evaluated on definition. 638
* Use the term "open jobs" instead of "current jobs" on main page, because full jobs are not shown 636
* On assignment count 596
- Don't count assignments of members that have left a subscription
- Fix double counting of assignments of members that switch subscription mid year. Assignments are now counted according to when the job was done and join/leave dates of the subscription membership
- Fix sorting of assignment counts with decimals in management list.
* Hide subscription sizes that have no subscription types in order form. 490
* On old subscription overview:
* Do not show extra subscriptions in the members subscription size change view. 490
* Fixed: When having an extra subscription part the member was wrongly shown the option to cancel their last normal subscription part. 490
* Fix to enable sorting of locations in admin 514
* Uniqueness of name and product combination on subscription size is now properly checked. 507
* The mailtexts command now works regardless of the available objects in the database. 509

For Developers

Upgraded Dependencies
* Upgraded to Django 4.2. See compatibility information https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/releases/4.2/ #641
* Upgraded python dependencies. See `requirements.txt`. 639 by siancu
* Fixes warning about `default_auto_field` on django-impersonate. 523
* Upgraded js dependencies 639
* bootstrap to 4.6.2
* datatables to 1.13.7
* fontawesome to 6.4.2
* leaflet to 1.9.4
* jquery to 3.7.1
* tinymce 5.10.8

New functions
* Added Signals that trigger when member joins or leaves an activity area. 628
* Simplified text modifications in `RegisterMemberForm` and added documentation. 630

Changed functions
* On `generate_depot_list` command 574
* Added "--no-future" flag to prevent depot changes in the generate depot list command also on generation day.
* The "--future" flag will in a future release be required to apply depot changes before generation of the list.
* Assignment count functions 596
- Enable assignment counting for arbitrary periods
- Count assignments of future jobs or don't, using a simple `count_jobs_until` argument
- Refactor: Move all assignment counting logic to one place, annotate all assignments data with a few methods
- Speed improvements: Faster assignment overview and export
* move from flake8 to ruff 645 by motu55

Removed functions
- Removed unused `Subscription.part_change_date()` and `Subscription.future_amount_by_type()`
- Removed unused `cancel_extra_sub()`
- Removed unused `templates/management_lists/typechangelist.html`
- Removed unused `BillingPeriodDao` 638
- Removed unused icon sets 639

Changed Templates










New Contributors
* siancu made their first contribution in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/640

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/compare/1.5.8...1.6.0-rc1


What's Changed

* Details about subscription and shares could be seen by other members
* Members "reachable by email" preference could be bypassed

* Order upcoming jobs by date by zuckerruebe in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/620
* Fix contacts in job reminder email by flurin-conradin in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/649
* Fix leaflet marker icon when using ManifestStaticFileStorage by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/648
* Allow order of new subscription, when old subscription has been cancelled, but not deactivated yet by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/650

* add getting started with development guide by tcinbis in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/621
* list the extensions in the documentation by patrickuhlmann in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/626

Modified Templates
* `createsubscription/select_depot.html`
* `mails/member/job_reminder.txt`
* `depot.html`
* `depot_change.html`
* `job.html`

New Contributors
* zuckerruebe made their first contribution in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/620
* tcinbis made their first contribution in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/621

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/compare/1.5.7...1.5.8


What's Changed
* Corrected typo in share_certificate.html by dimitrifranov in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/600
* atomic creation by motu55 in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/594
* fix special chars in plain text emails by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/590
* fix member cancellation if member has cancelled but not paid back share by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/591
* ask for login when opening versions page by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/604

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/compare/1.5.6...1.5.7


What's Changed
* fix admin error on adding job without time without past jobs edit per… by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/573
* improve wording by patrickuhlmann in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/577
* fix required assignment count for trial subs by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/575
* 576 fix readability of lists by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/578

New Contributors
* patrickuhlmann made their first contribution in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/577

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/compare/1.5.5...1.5.6


Features & Improvements
* **Batch mailer sends mass emails in smaller batches** by weilen-mc in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/551
* Set ``DEFAULT_MAILER = 'juntagrico.util.mailer.batch.Mailer'`` to enable the batch mailer
* The option ``juntagrico.util.defaultmailer.Mailer`` is deprecated, use ``juntagrico.util.mailer.default.Mailer`` instead
* Simplified overriding job status field in job list in frontend by weilen-mc in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/552
* Modify requirements.txt to allow early security updates by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/570

* Fix required assignments by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/562
* 525 cancel also unpaid shares on membership cancellation by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/571
* fix phone number display in depot change email by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/569
* Language: rephrase extra-sub cancellation rule by nixnuex in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/565
* 536 Add config for membership cancellation notice period by nixnuex in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/537
* Fixes in Django Admin
* Fix subscription type admin search by nixnuex in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/566
* fix read-only one time job admin by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/519
* Fix old subs by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/560
* Label shares better by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/567
* fix autocomplete job type field and job type filter visibility by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/568
* 458 fix mass job copy for past jobs if not can_edit_past_jobs by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/459
* Fix subscription validation in cases where member rejoins another subscription by pascalfree in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/545

New Contributors
* weilen-mc made their first contribution in https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/pull/552

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/juntagrico/juntagrico/compare/1.5.4...1.5.5


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