
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This release allows :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.from_dtype` to generate
Unicode strings which cannot be encoded in UTF-8, but are valid in Numpy
arrays (which use UTF-32).


Not secure

This patch fixes :issue:`2320`, where ``from_type(Set[Hashable])`` could raise
an internal error because ``Decimal("snan")`` is of a hashable type, but raises
an error when hashed. We now ensure that set elements and dict keys in generic
types can actually be hashed.


Not secure

This patch fixes an internal error when running in an :pypi:`IPython` repl or
:pypi:`Jupyter` notebook on Windows (:issue:`2319`), and an internal error on
Python 3.5.1 (:issue:`2318`).


Not secure

This patch fixes a bug where errors in third-party extensions such as
:pypi:`hypothesis-trio` or :pypi:`hypothesis-jsonschema` were incorrectly
considered to be Hypothesis internal errors, which could result in
confusing error messages.

Thanks to Vincent Michel for reporting and fixing the bug!


Not secure

This release converts the type hint comments on our public API to
:pep:`484` type annotations.

Thanks to Ivan Levkivskyi for :pypi:`com2ann` - with the refactoring
tools from :ref:`5.0.1 <v5.0.1>` it made this process remarkably easy!


Not secure

This patch makes :func:`~hypothesis.stateful.multiple` iterable, so that
output like ``a, b = state.some_rule()`` is actually executable and
can be used to reproduce failing examples.

Thanks to Vincent Michel for reporting and fixing :issue:`2311`!

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