
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This patch improves the error message from the :command:`hypothesis write`
command if :pypi:`black` (required for the :doc:`ghostwriter <ghostwriter>`)
is not installed.

Thanks to Nikita Sobolev for fixing :issue:`2604`!


Not secure

When reporting failing examples, or tried examples in verbose mode, Hypothesis now
identifies which were from :obj:`example(...) <hypothesis.example>` explicit examples.


Not secure

This patch contains some internal refactoring.
Thanks to Felix Sheldon for fixing :issue:`2516`!


Not secure

An array drawn from :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.arrays` will own its own memory; previously most arrays returned by
this strategy were views.


Not secure

:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds` will use the ``__signature__`` attribute of
the target, if it exists, to retrieve type hints.
Previously :func:`python:typing.get_type_hints`, was used by default.
If argument names varied between the ``__annotations__`` and ``__signature__``,
they would not be supplied to the target.

This was particularly an issue for :pypi:`pydantic` models which use an
`alias generator <https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/usage/model_config/#alias-generator>`__.


Not secure

This patch makes the :doc:`ghostwriter <ghostwriter>` much more robust when
passed unusual modules.

- improved support for non-resolvable type annotations
- :func:`~hypothesis.extra.ghostwriter.magic` can now write
:func:`~hypothesis.extra.ghostwriter.equivalent` tests
- running :func:`~hypothesis.extra.ghostwriter.magic` on modules where some
names in ``__all__`` are undefined skips such names, instead of raising an error
- :func:`~hypothesis.extra.ghostwriter.magic` now knows to skip mocks
- improved handling of import-time errors found by the ghostwriter CLI

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