
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This release adds a new :class:`~hypothesis.extra.redis.RedisExampleDatabase`,
along with the :class:`~hypothesis.database.ReadOnlyDatabase`
and :class:`~hypothesis.database.MultiplexedDatabase` helpers, to support
team workflows where failing examples can be seamlessly shared between everyone
on the team - and your CI servers or buildbots.


Not secure

This patch ensures that if the :ref:`"hypothesis" entry point <entry-points>`
is callable, we call it after importing it. You can still use non-callable
entry points (like modules), which are only imported.

We also prefer `importlib.metadata <https://docs.python.org/3/library/importlib.metadata.html>`__
or :pypi:`the backport <importlib_metadata>` over `pkg_resources
which makes ``import hypothesis`` around 200 milliseconds faster


Not secure

This patch adds some helpful suggestions to error messages you might see
while learning to use the :obj:`example() <hypothesis.example>` decorator
(:issue:`2611`) or the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.one_of` strategy.


Not secure

This release upgrades the :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.from_dtype` strategy
to pass optional ``**kwargs`` to the inferred strategy, and upgrades the
:func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.arrays` strategy to accept an ``elements=kwargs``
dict to pass through to :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.from_dtype`.

``arrays(floating_dtypes(), shape, elements={"min_value": -10, "max_value": 10})``
is a particularly useful pattern, as it allows for any floating dtype without
triggering the roundoff warning for smaller types or sacrificing variety for
larger types (:issue:`2552`).


Not secure

This patch reformats our code with the latest :pypi:`black` to
take advantage of the support for magic trailing commas.


Not secure

This release significantly improves the performance of Hypothesis's internal
implementation of automaton learning. However this code does not run as part
of the user-accessible API so this has no user-visible impact.

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