
Latest version: v6.100.1

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This patch refactors some internals of :class:`~hypothesis.stateful.RuleBasedStateMachine`.
There is no change to the public API or behaviour.



This patch moves some internal code, so that future work can avoid
creating import cycles. There is no user-visible change.



This patch enables :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.register_type_strategy` for subclasses of
:class:`python:typing.TypedDict`. Previously, :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type`
would ignore the registered strategy (:issue:`2872`).

Thanks to Ilya Lebedev for identifying and fixing this bug!



This release lays the groundwork for automatic rewriting of simple filters,
for example converting ``integers().filter(lambda x: x > 9)`` to

Note that this is **not supported yet**, and we will continue to recommend
writing the efficient form directly wherever possible - predicate rewriting
is provided mainly for the benefit of downstream libraries which would
otherwise have to implement it for themselves (e.g. :pypi:`pandera` and
:pypi:`icontract-hypothesis`). See :issue:`2701` for details.



The Hypothesis :pypi:`pytest` plugin now requires pytest version 4.6 or later.
If the plugin detects an earlier version of pytest, it will automatically
deactivate itself.

`(4.6.x is the earliest pytest branch that still accepts community bugfixes.)

Hypothesis-based tests should continue to work in earlier versions of
pytest, but enhanced integrations provided by the plugin
(such as ``--hypothesis-show-statistics`` and other command-line flags)
will no longer be available in obsolete pytest versions.



If you use :pypi:`pytest-html`, Hypothesis now includes the
:ref:`summary statistics for each test <statistics>` in the HTML report,
whether or not the ``--hypothesis-show-statistics`` argument was passed
to show them in the command-line output.

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