
Latest version: v6.100.1

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This release introduces strategies for array/tensor libraries adopting the
`Array API standard <https://data-apis.org/>`__ (:issue:`3037`).
They are available in :ref:`the hypothesis.extra.array_api extra <array-api>`,
and work much like the existing :doc:`strategies for NumPy <numpy>`.



This patch fixes :issue:`961`, where calling ``given()`` inline on a
bound method would fail to handle the ``self`` argument correctly.



This release allows :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.slices` to generate ``step=None``,
and fixes an off-by-one error where the ``start`` index could be equal to ``size``.
This works fine for all Python sequences and Numpy arrays, but is undefined behaviour
in the `Array API standard <https://data-apis.org/>`__ (see :pull:`3065`).



This release makes :doc:`stateful testing <stateful>` more likely to tell you
if you do something unexpected and unsupported:

- The :obj:`~hypothesis.HealthCheck.return_value` health check now applies to
:func:`~hypothesis.stateful.rule` and :func:`~hypothesis.stateful.initialize`
rules, if they don't have ``target`` bundles, as well as
- Using a :func:`~hypothesis.stateful.consumes` bundle as a ``target`` is
deprecated, and will be an error in a future version.

If existing code triggers these new checks, check for related bugs and
misunderstandings - these patterns *never* had any effect.



This release teaches :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type` a neat trick:
when resolving an :obj:`python:typing.Annotated` type, if one of the annotations
is a strategy object we use that as the inferred strategy. For example:

.. code-block:: python

PositiveInt = Annotated[int, st.integers(min_value=1)]

If there are multiple strategies, we use the last outer-most annotation.
See :issue:`2978` and :pull:`3082` for discussion.

*Requires Python 3.9 or later for*
:func:`get_type_hints(..., include_extras=False) <typing.get_type_hints>`.



This patch makes unique :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.arrays` much more
efficient, especially when there are only a few valid elements - such as
for eight-bit integers (:issue:`3066`).

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