
Latest version: v6.100.1

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This release fixes deprecation warnings about ``sre_compile`` and ``sre_parse``
imports and ``importlib.resources`` usage when running Hypothesis on Python 3.11.

Thanks to Florian Bruhin for this contribution.



This release updates :func:`xps.indices` by introducing an ``allow_newaxis``
argument, defaulting to ``False``. If ``allow_newaxis=True``, indices can be
generated that add dimensions to arrays, which is achieved by the indexer
containing ``None``. This change is to support a specification change that
expand dimensions via indexing (`data-apis/array-api408



This release adds a ``names`` argument to :func:`~hypothesis.extra.pandas.indexes`
and :func:`~hypothesis.extra.pandas.series`, so that you can create Pandas
objects with specific or varied names.

Contributed by Sam Watts.



This patch updates the type annotations for :func:`given <hypothesis.given>`
so that type-checkers will warn on mixed positional and keyword arguments,
as well as fixing :issue:`3296`.



Fixed a type annotation for ``pyright --strict`` (:issue:`3287`).



This patch makes it an explicit error to call
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.register_type_strategy` with a
`Pydantic GenericModel <https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/usage/models/#generic-models>`__
and a callable, because ``GenericModel`` isn't actually a generic type at
runtime and so you have to register each of the "parametrized versions"
(actually subclasses!) manually. See :issue:`2940` for more details.

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