
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Issue a deprecation warning if a function decorated with
:func:`composite <hypothesis.strategies.composite>`
does not draw any values (:issue:`3384`).

Thanks to Grzegorz Zieba, Rodrigo Girão, and Thomas Ball for
working on this at the EuroPython sprints!



This patch improves the error messages in :obj:`example() <hypothesis.example>`
argument validation following the recent release of :ref:`6.49.1 <v6.49.1>`.



This release allows :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.from_dtype` to generate
Unicode strings which cannot be encoded in UTF-8, but are valid in Numpy
arrays (which use UTF-32).

This logic will only be used with :pypi:`Numpy` >= 1.19, because earlier
versions have `an issue <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/15363>`__
which led us to revert :ref:`Hypothesis 5.2 <v5.2.0>` last time!



This patch fixes some inconsistency between argument handling for
:obj:`example <hypothesis.example>` and :func:`given <hypothesis.given>`
(:issue:`2706 <2706issuecomment-1168363177>`).



This release uses :pep:`612` :obj:`python:typing.ParamSpec` (or the
:pypi:`typing_extensions` backport) to express the first-argument-removing
behaviour of :func:`st.composite <hypothesis.strategies.composite>`
and signature-preservation of :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.functions`
to IDEs, editor plugins, and static type checkers such as :pypi:`mypy`.



:func:`hypothesis.event` now works for hashable objects which do not
support weakrefs, such as integers and tuples.

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