
Latest version: v6.100.1

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This patch fixes pretty-printing of combinations of :class:`enum.Flag`
values, which was previously an error (:issue:`3709`).



Improve shrinking of floats in narrow regions that don't cross an integer
boundary. Closes :issue:`3357`.



:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_regex` now supports the atomic grouping
(``(?>...)``) and possessive quantifier (``*+``, ``++``, ``?+``, ``{m,n}+``)
syntax `added in Python 3.11 <https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.11.html#re>`__.

Thanks to Cheuk Ting Ho for implementing this!



If the :envvar:`HYPOTHESIS_NO_PLUGINS` environment variable is set, we'll avoid
:ref:`loading plugins <entry-points>` such as `the old Pydantic integration
<https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/integrations/hypothesis/>`__ or
`HypoFuzz' CLI options <https://hypofuzz.com/docs/quickstart.html#running-hypothesis-fuzz>`__.

This is probably only useful for our own self-tests, but documented in case it might
help narrow down any particularly weird bugs in complex environments.



Fixes some lingering issues with inference of recursive types
in :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type`. Closes :issue:`3525`.



This release further improves our ``.patch``-file support from
:ref:`version 6.75 <v6.75.0>`, skipping duplicates, tests which use
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.data` (and don't support
:obj:`example() <hypothesis.example>`\ ), and various broken edge-cases.

Because :pypi:`libCST` has released version 1.0 which uses the native parser
by default, we no longer set the ``LIBCST_PARSER_TYPE=native`` environment
variable. If you are using an older version, you may need to upgrade or
set this envvar for yourself.

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