
Latest version: v6.100.1

Safety actively analyzes 621173 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

``GenericStateMachine`` and
:class:`~hypothesis.stateful.RuleBasedStateMachine` now raise an explicit error
when instances of :obj:`~hypothesis.settings` are assigned to the classes'
settings attribute, which is a no-op (:issue:`1643`). Instead assign to
``SomeStateMachine.TestCase.settings``, or use ``settings(...)`` as a class
decorator to handle this automatically.


Not secure

Since :ref:`version 3.68.0 <v3.68.0>`, :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.arrays`
checks that values drawn from the ``elements`` and ``fill`` strategies can be
safely cast to the dtype of the array, and emits a warning otherwise.

This release expands the checks to cover overflow for finite ``complex64``
elements and string truncation caused by too-long elements or trailing null
characters (:issue:`1591`).


Not secure

Tests using :func:`given <hypothesis.given>` now shrink errors raised from
:pypi:`pytest` helper functions, instead of reporting the first example found.

This was previously fixed in :ref:`version 3.56.0 <v3.56.0>`, but only for
stateful testing.


Not secure

Traceback elision is now disabled on Python 2, to avoid an import-time
:class:`python:SyntaxError` under Python < 2.7.9 (Python: :bpo:`21591`,
:ref:`Hypothesis 3.79.2 <v3.79.2>`: :issue:`1648`).

We encourage all users to `upgrade to Python 3 before the end of 2019


Not secure

This patch shortens tracebacks from Hypothesis, so you can see exactly
happened in your code without having to skip over irrelevant details
about our internals (:issue:`848`).

In the example test (see :pull:`1582`), this reduces tracebacks from
nine frames to just three - and for a test with multiple errors, from
seven frames per error to just one!

If you *do* want to see the internal details, you can disable frame
elision by setting :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.verbosity` to ``debug``.


Not secure

The abstract number classes :class:`~python:numbers.Number`,
:class:`~python:numbers.Complex`, :class:`~python:numbers.Real`,
:class:`~python:numbers.Rational`, and :class:`~python:numbers.Integral`
are now supported by the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type`
strategy. Previously, you would have to use
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.register_type_strategy` before they
could be resolved (:issue:`1636`)

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