
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This patch fixes :issue:`1667`, where passing bounds of Numpy
dtype ``int64`` to :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.integers` could
cause errors on Python 3 due to internal rounding.


Not secure

Hypothesis now seeds and resets the global state of
:mod:`np.random <numpy:numpy.random>` for each
test case, to ensure that tests are reproducible.

This matches and complements the existing handling of the
:mod:`python:random` module - Numpy simply maintains an
independent PRNG for performance reasons.


Not secure

This is a no-op release to add the new ``Framework :: Hypothesis``
`trove classifier <https://pypi.org/classifiers/>`_ to
:pypi:`hypothesis` on PyPI.

You can `use it as a filter <https://pypi.org/search/?c=Framework+%3A%3A+Hypothesis>`_
to find Hypothesis-related packages such as extensions as they add the tag
over the coming weeks, or simply visit :doc:`our curated list <strategies>`.


Not secure

The :ref:`Hypothesis for Pandas extension <hypothesis-pandas>` is now
listed in ``setup.py``, so you can ``pip install hypothesis[pandas]``.
Thanks to jmshi for this contribution.


Not secure

This patch fixes :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type` on Python 2
for classes where ``cls.__init__ is object.__init__``.
Thanks to ccxcz for reporting :issue:`1656`.


Not secure

The ``alphabet`` argument for :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.text` now
uses its default value of ``characters(exclude_categories=('Cs',))``
directly, instead of hiding that behind ``alphabet=None`` and replacing
it within the function. Passing ``None`` is therefore deprecated.

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