
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This release improves the :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.array_shapes`
strategy, to choose an appropriate default for ``max_side`` based on the
``min_side``, and ``max_dims`` based on the ``min_dims``. An explicit
error is raised for dimensions greater than 32, which are not supported
by Numpy, as for other invalid combinations of arguments.

Thanks to Jenny Rouleau for writing this feature at the
`PyCon 2019 Mentored Sprints <https://us.pycon.org/2019/hatchery/mentoredsprints/>`__.


Not secure

The :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type` strategy now supports
:class:`python:range` objects (or ``xrange`` on Python 2).

Thanks to Katrina Durance for writing this feature at the
`PyCon 2019 Mentored Sprints <https://us.pycon.org/2019/hatchery/mentoredsprints/>`__.


Not secure

This release fixes a very rare edge case in the test-case mutator,
which could cause an internal error with certain unusual tests.


Not secure

This patch makes Hypothesis compatible with the Python 3.8 alpha, which
changed the representation of code objects to support positional-only
arguments. Note however that Hypothesis does not (yet) support such
functions as e.g. arguments to :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds`
or inputs to :func:`given <hypothesis.given>`.

Thanks to Paul Ganssle for identifying and fixing this bug.


Not secure

This patch improves the performance of unique collections such as
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.sets` when the elements are drawn from a
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.sampled_from` strategy (:issue:`1115`).


Not secure

This release adds the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.functions` strategy,
which can be used to imitate your 'real' function for callbacks.

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