
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This patch fixes :issue:`1999`, a spurious bug raised when a :func:`st.composite <hypothesis.strategies.composite>` function was passed a keyword-only argument.

Thanks to Jim Nicholls for his fantastic bug report.


Not secure

This release deprecates ``GenericStateMachine``, in favor of
:class:`~hypothesis.stateful.RuleBasedStateMachine`. Rule-based stateful
testing is significantly faster, especially during shrinking.

If your use-case truly does not fit rule-based stateful testing,
we recommend writing a custom test function which drives your specific
control-flow using :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.data`.


Not secure

This patch fixes a very rare example database issue with file permissions.

When running a test that uses both :func:`given <hypothesis.given>`
and ``pytest.mark.parametrize``, using :pypi:`pytest-xdist` on Windows,
with failing examples in the database, two attempts to read a file could
overlap and we caught ``FileNotFound`` but not other ``OSError``\ s.


Not secure

This patch has a minor cleanup of the internal engine.
There is no user-visible impact.


Not secure

This patch clarifies some error messages when the test function signature
is incompatible with the arguments to :func:`given <hypothesis.given>`,
especially when the :obj:`settings() <hypothesis.settings>` decorator
is also used (:issue:`1978`).


Not secure

This release adds the :pypi:`pyupgrade` fixer to our code style,
for consistent use of dict and set literals and comprehensions.

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