
Latest version: v6.100.1

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This introduces the rewriting of length filters on some collection strategies (:issue:`3791`).

Thanks to Reagan Lee for implementing this feature!



If a test uses :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.sampled_from` on a sequence of
strategies, and raises a ``TypeError``, we now :pep:`add a note <678>` asking
whether you meant to use :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.one_of`.

Thanks to Vince Reuter for suggesting and implementing this hint!



This patch registers explicit strategies for a handful of builtin types,
motivated by improved introspection in PyPy 7.3.14 triggering existing
internal warnings.
Thanks to Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick for helping us work out what changed!



This patch fixes an error when writing :doc:`observability <observability>` reports without a pre-existing ``.hypothesis`` directory.



This patch adds a new environment variable ``HYPOTHESIS_EXPERIMENTAL_OBSERVABILITY_NOCOVER``,
which turns on :doc:`observability <observability>` data collection without collecting
code coverage data, which may be faster on Python 3.11 and earlier.

Thanks to Harrison Goldstein for reporting and fixing :issue:`3821`.



This patch updates our vendored `list of top-level domains <https://www.iana.org/domains/root/db>`__,
which is used by the provisional :func:`~hypothesis.provisional.domains` strategy.

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