
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [FEATURE] Add package, contributors and metrics filter in Algolia script for expectation ([7000]( (thanks kod-er)
* [FEATURE] `BatchMetadata` for all fluent `DataAsset`s ([7392](
* [FEATURE] Introducing CapitalOne DataProfilerColumnDomainBuilder as well as multiple improvements to CapitalOne codebase and testability. ([7498](
* [BUGFIX] Repair SparkSession initialization behavior to disallow restarting, unless explicitly instructed through configuration ([7444](
* [BUGFIX] Skip dialect specific tests if no flag passed or flag not available ([7443](
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that MetricStore Records "data_asset_name" Properly ([7458](
* [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect type hint and correct typographical errors in DomainBuilder docstrings and fill in missing docstrings ([7467](
* [BUGFIX] Reset Metrics Registry in order to keep state of Metrics Registry test cases Runs mutually consistent ([7473](
* [BUGFIX] Corrected typographical errors in two docstrings ([7506](
* [BUGFIX] Typo in min versions install ([7516](
* [DOCS] New ADR proposal for patch version support ([7451](
* [DOCS] Remove outdated instructions for building documentation ([7457](
* [DOCS] Updating the docs to gx_dev ([7455](
* [DOCS] Fixes typo in code snippet for "How to organize Batches in a file-based Data Asset" guide ([7465](
* [DOCS] Postgresql drivername fix for SQLAlchemy compatibility. Closes 7464 ([7466]( (thanks Itzblend)
* [DOCS] Corrects code snippets ([7470](
* [DOCS] Add a note about installing version of pyspark that matches Spark version ([7483](
* [DOCS] adding cloud language to quickstart ([7484](
* [DOCS] doc-409 Corrects links in databricks guide ([7485](
* [DOCS] Doc-472 Corrects numbering of steps in guide ([7478](
* [DOCS] DOC-474 Updates URL for usage statistics page ([7477](
* [DOCS] Testing ADR ([7495](
* [DOCS] corrects typo in GCS setup guide ([7514](
* [MAINTENANCE] Case whens argument change for SQLAlchemy 2.0 compatibility ([7416](
* [MAINTENANCE] `mypy` `1.1.1` update ([7452](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove v2 api CLI ([7440](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 in /docs/docusaurus ([7447](
* [MAINTENANCE] Updating language per issue 3572 ([7456](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove v2 api expectations tests ([7439](
* [MAINTENANCE] Move and create new docs-specific pipeline ([7422](
* [MAINTENANCE] select call style change for SQLAlchemy 2 compatibility ([7378](
* [MAINTENANCE] Decruft ([7460](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add tests for `_register_metric_functions` in the `MetricProvider` class hierarchy. ([7459](
* [MAINTENANCE] SqlAlchemy2 Compatibility - implicit autocommit ([7400](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump ua-parser-js from 0.7.31 to 0.7.34 in /docs/docusaurus ([7474](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove SQLAlchemyDataset/Datasource ([7471](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /docs/docusaurus ([7475](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump sideway/formula from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /docs/docusaurus ([7487](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump ipython from 7.31.1 to 8.10.0 in /docs_rtd ([7491](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump cross-fetch from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5 in /docs/docusaurus ([7488](
* [MAINTENANCE] Deprecated API features detected warning for SQLAlchemy 2.0 compatibility ([7490](
* [MAINTENANCE] type-checking implementation files ([7454](
* [MAINTENANCE] Small Refactor of ColumnDomainBuilder for code elegance and computational performance improvements ([7492](
* [MAINTENANCE] Lower pydantic requirement to v1.9.2 or greater ([7482](
* [MAINTENANCE] Connection.connect warning for SQLAlchemy 2.0 compatibility ([7489](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pass `PandasDatasource` `batch_metadata` as `kwargs` to remove possibility of `None` on `DataAsset` model ([7503](
* [MAINTENANCE] Make `dataset_name` a parameter for Expectations tests or create name from `Expectation` name, which ensures only limited number of tables created. ([7476](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix sqlalchemy warnings for pandas + sql fluent datasources ([7504](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump gitpython from 3.1.7 to 3.1.30 in /docs_rtd ([7494](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump certifi from 2020.6.20 to 2022.12.7 in /docs_rtd ([7497](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump jupyter-core from 4.6.3 to 4.11.2 in /docs_rtd ([7496](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump nbconvert from 5.6.1 to 6.5.1 in /docs_rtd ([7508](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump numpy from 1.21.0 to 1.22.0 in /docs_rtd ([7509](
* [MAINTENANCE] Revert PR 7490 ([7515](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use YAMLHandler in tests and docs ([7507](
* [MAINTENANCE] Dedicated airflow 2.2.0 async test ([7518](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove airflow2 min depdency test. ([7524](
* [CONTRIB] - Add new column expectation not be null and empty ([7449]( (thanks tmilitino)


* [BUGFIX] Fix LegacyRow import. ([7446](


* [FEATURE] Develop PandasDBFSDatasource (as part of Fluent Datasources) ([7372](
* [FEATURE] Make SQL datasources add asset methods public. ([7387](
* [FEATURE] Develop SparkDBFSDatasource (as part of Fluent Datasources) ([7380](
* [FEATURE] add optional `id` to Fluent Datasources and DataAsset schemas ([7334](
* [FEATURE] Fluent SQLDatasource accepts arbitrary `kwargs` ([7394](
* [FEATURE] Fluent `SQLDatasource` `create_temp_table` ([7407](
* [FEATURE] F/great 1463/add updates with datasource obj ([7401](
* [FEATURE] Fluent SparkDataframeDatasource with DataframeDataAsset ([7425](
* [BUGFIX] Add FluentBatchRequest early exit to convert_to_json_serializable ([7381](
* [BUGFIX] Handle non-string fluent batch request options in convert_to_json_serializable ([7386](
* [BUGFIX] Fix bug with case sensitive execution env ([7393](
* [BUGFIX] Fixing typographical errors and argument omissions ([7398](
* [BUGFIX] Remove Query ID from exception for query.template_values metric ([7373]( (thanks itaise)
* [BUGFIX] Fluent `PandasFilesytemDatasources` data_connector fixes ([7414](
* [DOCS] Add back GX logo to README ([7391](
* [DOCS] DOC-473: Adds shared components for fluent and state management updates ([7404](
* [DOCS] DOC-473 Adds guide "How to set up GX to work with SQL databases" ([7409](
* [DOCS] DOC-473 Adds guide "How to set up GX to work with data on GCS" ([7408](
* [DOCS] Pending doc updates for Data Context state management and fluent Datasource configuration ([7301](
* [DOCS] Put code examples under test ([7417](
* [MAINTENANCE] Make sure sqlalchemy 2.0 warnings are emitted when running pipelines ([7379](
* [MAINTENANCE] Make sure all existing warnings are ignored in full CI pipeline ([7389](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add PR title checker GitHub Action ([7365](
* [MAINTENANCE] Re-enable warnings as errors ([7383](
* [MAINTENANCE] Test against minimum SQLAlchemy versions ([7396](
* [MAINTENANCE] : split up ([7402](
* [MAINTENANCE] Consolidate Cloud tutorials ([7395](
* [MAINTENANCE] Change for `connection.execute()` for SQLAlchemy 2 compatibility ([7384](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump SQLAlchemy lower bound to 1.4.0 ([7413](
* [MAINTENANCE] Validate `ExpectationConfiguration` before adding to suite ([7366](
* [MAINTENANCE] Convert to python built in warning categories ([7415](
* [MAINTENANCE] Move NotImported to and start using it. ([7421](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.8 in /docs/docusaurus ([7419]( (thanks dependabot[bot])
* [MAINTENANCE] PandasFilesystemDatasource stubs and Schema corrections ([7428](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 in /docs/docusaurus ([7429]( (thanks dependabot[bot])
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump webpack from 5.74.0 to 5.76.3 in /docs/docusaurus ([7430]( (thanks dependabot[bot])
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix some failing tests when running pytest with no args locally ([7426](
* [MAINTENANCE] only provide `py.typed` files for fully typed sub-packages ([7438](
* [MAINTENANCE] Some fluent datasource methods should be private ([7437](
* [CONTRIB] Adding support for date for the row condition parser ([7359]( (thanks maayaniti)
* [CONTRIB] Limit results for two expectations ([7403]( (thanks itaise)
* [CONTRIB] [MAINTENANCE] Custom query expectation and editing query.template_values metric ([7390]( (thanks mantasmy)


* [FEATURE] Fluent CRUD operation stubs ([7347](
* [FEATURE] Implement DataBricks (DBFS) DataConnector for Fluent Datasources needs ([7355](
* [BUGFIX] BigQuery performance uses updated `add_or_update_expectation_suite()` method ([7325](
* [BUGFIX] Ensure Correct JSON and Dictionary Dump Output of Serialized Fluent Objects ([7336](
* [BUGFIX] Fluent Datasources - empty "assets" key on serialization ([7341](
* [BUGFIX] Use Path().glob Instead of Path(). Issue 7239 ([7327]( (thanks richardohara)
* [BUGFIX] Patch misc errors in advance of v0.16.1 release ([7371](
* [BUGFIX] `ephemeral_data_asset` broken data docs links ([7367](
* [BUGFIX] Fluent `batch_request_options` ignore `None` values ([7368](
* [BUGFIX] Add FluentBatchRequest early exit to convert_to_json_serializable ([7381](
* [DOCS] Adding ADR ([7314](
* [DOCS] Add Cloud onboarding tutorial ([7333](
* [DOCS] Fix onboarding cloud tutorial ([7348](
* [DOCS] SQL Alchemy 2 Warnigns ([7292](
* [DOCS] Update Cloud Getting Started Guide ([7364](
* [MAINTENANCE] In Fluent Datasources: Configuration Serialization Methods Do Not Need to be Public ([7332](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add crud methods to context.sources ([7328](
* [MAINTENANCE] Split out mysql and multi db docs integration tests into a separate job ([7331](
* [MAINTENANCE] [MAINTENANCE ] Include all `.pyi` files in package data ([7340](
* [MAINTENANCE] Separate docs_integrations tests by backend ([7342](
* [MAINTENANCE] Parallelize integration tests - move test definitions ([7345](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update test around unneeded deprecation warning threshold ([7351](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove deprecated code from `Validator` ([7353](
* [MAINTENANCE] ruff 0.0.255 ([7349](
* [MAINTENANCE] add sqla deps to type-checking CI step ([7350](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove deprecated code around `generator_asset` ([7356](
* [MAINTENANCE] Revert accidental changes pushed to `develop` ([7363](
* [MAINTENANCE] D/sql alchemy 2 warnings ([7362](
* [MAINTENANCE] Warnings are errors + Suppress warnings in preparation for supporting SQLAlchemy 2.x ([7352](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up miscellaneous deprecated code ([7358](
* [MAINTENANCE] Rename misc internal uses of `ge_cloud_id` ([7360](
* [MAINTENANCE] Patch deprecation warning in `EVR.__eq__` ([7374](
* [MAINTENANCE] remove imprecise wording in the new datasource notebook ([7369](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add additional warning ignores to pyproject.toml ([7375](
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable `snowflake` V3 Expectations Tests ([7370](
* [MAINTENANCE] Temporarily disable warnings as errors for v0.16.1 release ([7382](


* [FEATURE] Provide S3 access/operations to new PandasDatasource ([7197](
* [FEATURE] F/great 1393/add more zep column splitters ([7203](
* [FEATURE] Fluent datasources have separate asset registries ([7193](
* [FEATURE] Improve Trino types support ([6588]( (thanks ms32035)
* [FEATURE] F/great 1393/add sql multi col splitter ([7236](
* [FEATURE] `EphemeralDataContext.convert_to_file_context()` ([7175](
* [FEATURE] New Datasources: Support S3 access for SparkDatasource ([7232](
* [FEATURE] Implementation of Microsoft Azure Blob Storage DataConnector ([7246](
* [FEATURE] Implementation of Google Cloud Storage DataConnector ([7249](
* [FEATURE] Develop PandasGoogleCloudStorageDatasource (as part of New Datasources) ([7253](
* [FEATURE] Develop PandasAzureBlobStorageDatasource (as part of New Datasources) ([7254](
* [FEATURE] Develop SparkGoogleCloudStorageDatasource SparkAzureBlobStorageDatasource (as part of New Datasources) ([7255](
* [FEATURE] Enable creating Checkpoint and SimpleCheckpoint with Validator ([7275](
* [FEATURE] Editor support for Fluent Datasources dynamic `.add_<DS_TYPE>()` methods ([7273](
* [FEATURE] M/great 1708/move fluent datasources out of experimental ([7294](
* [FEATURE] `PandasDatasource` in-memory `DataFrameAsset` ([7280](
* [FEATURE] Fluent Datasources - `ConfigStr` config substitution support ([7309](
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that Marshmallow UUIDs are converted to strings before usage ([7219](
* [BUGFIX] `docs-integration` tests failing after CRUD updates ([7220](
* [BUGFIX] Adding exception logging to store-related failures ([7202]( (thanks ciguaran)
* [BUGFIX] Patch outdated Azure relative paths ([7247](
* [BUGFIX] `params_with_json_schema` is undefined in `ExpectSelectColumnValuesToBeUniqueWithinRecord._prescriptive_renderer` ([7261](
* [BUGFIX] Patch Cloud workflow for `add_or_update_datasource` ([7242](
* [BUGFIX] Stop modifying input batch request when getting a batch list. ([7269](
* [BUGFIX] Single dynamic pandas model failures don't result in all models failing when used ([7277](
* [BUGFIX] Fix typographical error in type used in "isinstance()" comparison in BatchManager (was generating "must be formal [...] Batch" warning erroneously) ([7291](
* [BUGFIX] Correct a typographical error in specific path-forming template name for SparkDatasource-Microsoft Azure Blob Storage combination ([7302](
* [BUGFIX] Use timezone-aware datetimes in checkpoint run information by default. ([7244](
* [BUGFIX] `row_conditions` now allow whitespace ([7313](
* [BUGFIX] Scope `PandasDatasource` reader method types and serialization (1 of 2) ([7306](
* [BUGFIX] AssertError Duing Great Expectations Installation ([7285]( (thanks richardohara)
* [BUGFIX] Provide Error Checking for "expectation_suite_name" in Checkpoint Constructor and Run Methods ([7320](
* [BUGFIX] Scope `PandasDatasource` reader method types and serialization (2 of 2) ([7318](
* [BUGFIX] raise error if no identifier provided to get checkpoint/expectation suite ([7321](
* [BUGFIX] Fluent Datasources: Ensure that Datasource and DataAsset Model Serialization Does Not Include `"name"` Field ([7323](
* [DOCS] Versioning instructions and fix references for versioning ([7221](
* [DOCS] Fix links to images in welcome page ([7222](
* [DOCS] Add API docs build to versioning instructions ([7230](
* [DOCS] Move readme_assets under docs/ ([7231](
* [DOCS] Fix hyperlinks in docs ([7264](
* [DOCS] Scan yaml examples for class names that should be part of the public API ([7267](
* [DOCS] Update location to run yarn commands ([7276](
* [DOCS] Fix reference to M1 Mac installation guide ([7279](
* [DOCS] Remove additional warnings from API docs build. ([7282](
* [DOCS] Fix blog links in `parse_strings_as_datetimes` warnings ([7288](
* [DOCS] Fix unsupported chars in API docs ([7310](
* [DOCS] Add instructions to cli for creating data assets ([7326](
* [MAINTENANCE] No line number snippets checker ([7216](
* [MAINTENANCE] Re-enable snippet checker ([7217](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor New SparkDatasource in order to prepare for adding support for Cloud Files Storage environments ([7223](
* [MAINTENANCE] Repo Cleanup: Move docs related files under docs dir ([7227](
* [MAINTENANCE] Time series expectations ([7182](
* [MAINTENANCE] Contrib time series generators ([7235](
* [MAINTENANCE] ci & local type-checking parity - pyspark ([7237](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix CI dev pipeline - skip orphaned schema check on min pandas version ([7241](
* [MAINTENANCE] Make a copy of azure pipeline definition files in new locations ([7233](
* [MAINTENANCE] Complete migration of Azure CI/CD config to `ci` directory ([7245](
* [MAINTENANCE] ruff v0.0.253 - enable `PYI` rules ([7243](
* [MAINTENANCE] Optionally allow `None` values in `RenderedAtomicContent` ([7240](
* [MAINTENANCE] `PandasDatasource` `read_DataAsset` methods return a `Validator` ([7226](
* [MAINTENANCE] Rename default pandas ephemeral data asset ([7251](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix linting errors in `contrib/` ([7259](
* [MAINTENANCE] Keep repo root consistent ([7260](
* [MAINTENANCE] Threshold for public API report ([7262](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update the signature of Fluent datasource factory methods ([7266](
* [MAINTENANCE] Move some scripts into ci folder ([7271](
* [MAINTENANCE] `_PandasDataAsset` positional argument support ([7258](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor to utilize common DataConnector instantiation and Connection Test Error Message templates for New FilePath Datasources ([7268](
* [MAINTENANCE] Merge `PandasDatasource` read method signatures with associated `_PandasDataAsset`s ([7272](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use ruff linting on scripts folder ([7270](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix for docs build warnings ([7229](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add maybe imports ([7274](
* [MAINTENANCE] Proper mocking of AbstractDataContext for testing ([7281](
* [MAINTENANCE] Warn if sqlalchemy version is >= 2.0.0 ([7283](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove Prefix "Batch" from "BatchSorter" and "BatchSortersDefinition" (in New Datasources) ([7284](
* [MAINTENANCE] Call the correct sqlalchemy method to eliminate deprecation warning ([7293](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fluent Datasources - initial snippet tests ([7278](
* [MAINTENANCE] add `ruff` `PTH` `use-pathlib` ` noqa` comments ([7290](
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable SparkDatasource add_asset() methods to accept "header" and "infer_schema" arguments; fix typos in docstrings. ([7296](
* [MAINTENANCE] enable `ruff` `use-pathlib` `PTH` rules ([7297](
* [MAINTENANCE] Replace fluent data connector names with a constant ([7299](
* [MAINTENANCE] Apply ruff path rules for contrib ([7300](
* [MAINTENANCE] Rename column splitter to splitter. ([7303](
* [MAINTENANCE] Run airflow operator tests in GX pipeline ([7298](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add build docs to block PR pipeline ([7307](
* [MAINTENANCE] Linting for `tests/datasource` ([7308](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix test_build_docs stage ([7311](
* [MAINTENANCE] Elide Duplication of "name" Key from Fluent Datasource and DataAsset Configuration ([7312](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove nonexistent pypi ref in README. Add WIP warning in README. ([7304](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix a bug in the hourly generator. Add hourly functionality to genera… ([7305](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update allowed deprecation warning threshold in advance of `0.16.0` ([7317](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fluent Datasource stubs for dynamic Pandas add_asset methods ([7315](
* [MAINTENANCE] Stub files for Fluent `PandasDatasource` and `py.typed` ([7322](
* [MAINTENANCE] `row-condition` also includes tabs in conditional expectation ([7324](
* [CONTRIB] -add athena credential support ([7186]( (thanks tmilitino)
* [CONTRIB] expect_multicolumn_sum_values_to_be_equal_to_single_column ([7224]( (thanks swittchawa)
* [CONTRIB] [BUGFIX] Update custom multi-column expectation logic and default kwargs ([7252]( (thanks yussaaa)
* [CONTRIB] Feature/expect column values to match thai ([7238]( (thanks swittchawa)


* [FEATURE] Utilize DataConnector in service of new DataAsset implementations ([7094](
* [FEATURE] F/great 1393/add initial non datetime sql splitters ([7183](
* [FEATURE] Experimental `PandasDatasource` with single-batch `_PandasDataAsset`s ([7173](
* [FEATURE] Experimental filesystem `DataAsset`s `path` in batch request options and batch metadata ([7129](
* [FEATURE] Default `PandasDatasource` ([7196](
* [BUGFIX] : Allow CLI to work with `RuntimeDataConnector` ([7187]( (thanks luke321321)
* [BUGFIX] Patch GX Cloud `validator.save_expectation_suite()` workflow ([7189](
* [BUGFIX] Dynamic pandas asset model field substitution ([7212](
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 5 ([7181](
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 4 ([7176](
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 6 ([7171](
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 7 ([7192](
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 9 ([7195](
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 11 ([7201](
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 8 ([7194](
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 10 ([7199](
* [DOCS] Fix broken link in ([7211]( (thanks Erin-GX)
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 12 ([7214](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update changelog when updated release 0.15.49 ([7179](
* [MAINTENANCE] Raise store config `ClassInstantiationError` from original `DataContextError` ([7174](
* [MAINTENANCE] New Datasources: Delineate "SparkFilesystemDatasource" (instead of "SparkDatasource") -- to be congruent with "PandasFilesystemDatasource" ([7178](
* [MAINTENANCE] Small Refactor to Enable PandasDatsource for multiple Storage Environments ([7190](
* [MAINTENANCE] Replace `regex` with `batching_regex` for fluent filesystem-like datasources ([7207](
* [MAINTENANCE] Misc `DataContext` state management & API cleanup ([7215](

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