
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [FEATURE] Add tests for `Checkpoint` utilizing Pandas and Spark style Fluent Datasources. ([7740](
* [FEATURE] Fluent `BatchRequest` slicing ([7706](
* [BUGFIX] Patch Expectation registry issue introduced in 0.16.9 ([7771](
* [DOCS] Remove, relocate, consolidate, and edit Contributing content ([7669](
* [DOCS] Temporarily pin ipython for python 3.8 before building api docs ([7764](
* [DOCS] Update Links in Configure Topics ([7760](
* [DOCS] Link Updates ([7768](
* [MAINTENANCE] FDS Deployment Guide - Pandas S3 fix reference ([7755](
* [MAINTENANCE] IPython Python 3.8 upper bound ([7763](
* [MAINTENANCE] breakup mypy ci steps ([7761](
* [MAINTENANCE] fix async type-check step ([7772](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump Python version in `static_type_check` stage of async CI ([7773](


* [FEATURE] Implementing Fluent Datasources Support for Checkpoint ([7697](
* [FEATURE] FDS persist `DataAsset` to YAML file immediately on creation ([7705](
* [FEATURE] Cloud support FDS deletes ([7682](
* [FEATURE] Persist Cloud DataAssets on creation ([7748](
* [FEATURE] Add tests for `Checkpoint` utilizing Pandas and Spark style Fluent Datasources. ([7740](
* [BUGFIX] Render Correct Fonts in Data Assistant Plot graphs ([7676](
* [BUGFIX] fix rendering data asset name in microsoft teams notification ([7675](
* [BUGFIX] Register core Expectations JIT in Validator workflows ([7683](
* [BUGFIX] Data Context Datasource CRUD support for Fluent Datasources ([7660](
* [BUGFIX] Replace renamed fixture ([7711](
* [BUGFIX] Add missing pyspark reference ([7684]( (thanks willfeltman)
* [DOCS] Add fluent datasources and yaml configuration warning message ([7673](
* [DOCS] D/ /fluent connect to data overview ([7671](
* [DOCS] Update fluent In Progress Cautionary Note ([7681](
* [DOCS] Remove version reference ([7644](
* [DOCS] Removing in-progress from docs confirmed as up-to-date ([7686](
* [DOCS] Updated Datasource terms page ([7692](
* [DOCS] Removing json schema profiler documentation ([7694](
* [DOCS] Removing CLI-based suite edit workflow ([7689](
* [DOCS] Updated onboarding data assistant docs test script to Fluent-style ([7695](
* [DOCS] Update for fluent datasources: Expectations that span multiple batches evaluation params ([7668](
* [DOCS] Add fluent docs and test create and edit expectations with profiler ([7696](
* [DOCS] Quick docstring update for list_datasources ([7699](
* [DOCS] Retiring the CLI ([7700](
* [DOCS] Updating the Rule-Based Profiler doc to Fluent ([7698](
* [DOCS] Update Batch Request glossary entry. ([7716](
* [DOCS] Removed guide for no YML, redirect to EphemeralDataContext ([7702](
* [DOCS] Update for fluent datasources: Dynamically load evaluation params from a database ([7717](
* [DOCS] Update batch glossary docs. ([7726](
* [DOCS] Update for fluent datasources: Create a new Checkpoint ([7729](
* [DOCS] Temporarily revert `update_expectation_suite` call in GX Cloud quickstart ([7736](
* [DOCS] Light update to How to add validations data or suites to a Checkpoint ([7703](
* [DOCS] Updating cross-table comparison guide with Fluent Datasources ([7691](
* [DOCS] Better output from `invoke public-api` report ([7730](
* [DOCS] Removed unneeded calls to update datasource in docs. ([7739](
* [DOCS] FDS Deployment Pattern - AWS S3 Pandas ([7718](
* [DOCS] Update pypyi page urls ([7752](
* [MAINTENANCE] Correcting minor typographical errors and type hints issues in Checkpoint and Test Checkpoint Modules ([7665](
* [MAINTENANCE] Only attempt docs-integration pipeline when manually triggered ([7674](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up Checkpoint test method names and usage of batch_request_dict fixture ([7670](
* [MAINTENANCE] Correct typo in Checkpoint test method fixture ([7677](
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable remaining `CloudDataContext` `ExpectationSuite` CRUD ([7646](
* [MAINTENANCE] list_datasources should return FDS configs as well ([7667](
* [MAINTENANCE] Exit with error when attempting to delete a fluent style datasource using the CLI ([7687](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add warning to `datasource list` command if fluent datasources are detected ([7690](
* [MAINTENANCE] ruff update `0.0.262` ([7707](
* [MAINTENANCE] Adding black to invoke lint ([7715](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use same version of mypy in contrib tool ([7724](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update a Fluent Datasource related fixture name to better reflect its capabilities ([7725](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add CLI warnings when adding a checkpoint with fluent datasources ([7685](
* [MAINTENANCE] Iterate over the regex_pattern characters too in ([7720](
* [MAINTENANCE] Minor stylistic cleanup ([7732](
* [MAINTENANCE] fix get available data assets names for fds ([7723](
* [MAINTENANCE] add warning messages when using CLI to edit an expectaiton suite if fluent datasources are present ([7714](
* [MAINTENANCE] add warning to `datasource new` CLI command ([7709](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add split/join logic to build_gallery process ([7572](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use invoke public-api in main CI pipeline ([7746](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add remaining `public_api` decorators for core fluent datasources ([7749](
* [MAINTENANCE] FDS update schemas - fixes CI ([7751](
* [MAINTENANCE] FDS Deployment Guide - Pandas S3 fix reference ([7755](


* [DOCS] Corrects Step Numbering in How to instantiate a specific Filesystem Data Context ([7612](
* [DOCS] Corrects Heading Issue in How to host and share Data Docs on Azure Blob Storage ([7620](
* [DOCS] Update ([7627](
* [DOCS] Updates the "Interactive Mode" guide for creating Expectations ([7624](
* [DOCS] Updates the language in the banner linking the legacy site to the current docs. ([7636](
* [DOCS] Improve expect_column_values_to_be_of_type docstring ([7632](
* [DOCS] Corrects a typo found in the navigation section of the legacy docs ([7643](
* [DOCS] Add lakeFS to list of data version control tools ([7642]( (thanks rmoff)
* [DOCS] Standardize language around GX Cloud access tokens ([7621](
* [DOCS] Added IAM user and IAM assume role doc ([7634]( (thanks Reactor11)
* [DOCS] update to location of cloud callout in the OSS Quickstart ([7616](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `teams.yml` ([7623](
* [MAINTENANCE] Utilize `NotImported` for SQLAlchemy, Google Cloud Services, Azure Blob Storage, and Spark import usage ([7617](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove stray cloud test marker. ([7639](
* [MAINTENANCE] Upgrade mypy to 1.2.0 ([7645](
* [MAINTENANCE] Static type checking with python 3.8 ([7637](
* [MAINTENANCE] Static type checking with python 3.8 followup ([7647](
* [MAINTENANCE] The 'sklearn' PyPI package is deprecated, use 'scikit-learn' ([7651](
* [MAINTENANCE] numpy.typing only available after v1.20 ([7654](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update NotImported mechanism to use scoped compatibility modules ([7635](
* [MAINTENANCE] Uncap `altair` version, and bump minimum version to `4.2.1`. Also uncap `urllib3` version, and bump minimum version to `1.26` ([7650](


* [FEATURE] Added AssumeRole Feature ([7547]( (thanks Reactor11)
* [BUGFIX] Fix Fluent Spark `DataConnectors` on config load ([7560](
* [BUGFIX] `dataset_name` made optional parameter for Expectations ([7603](
* [BUGFIX] Misc gallery bugfixes ([7611](
* [BUGFIX] Remove spark from bic Expectations since it never worked for them ([7619](
* [DOCS] Use current minor version number in drop down instead of "Current" ([7581](
* [DOCS] Adds deprecation policy to changelog page ([7585](
* [DOCS] Use the actual version after release ([7583](
* [DOCS] Update some docs_rtd requirements so the venv can be created successfully ([7580](
* [DOCS] Add Cloud quickstart ([7441](
* [DOCS] Updates how the GX Cloud Beta is referenced in the Quickstart guide. ([7594](
* [DOCS] Corrects typo in code block within in-memory Pandas guide ([7600](
* [DOCS] Updates to Contributing through GitHub ([7601]( (thanks kwcanuck)
* [DOCS] Correct expectation documentation for expect_column_max_to_be_between ([7597](
* [DOCS] Add scripts under test for "How to create and edit Expectations with instant feedback from a sample Batch of data" ([7615](
* [DOCS] Corrects Step Numbering in How to instantiate a specific Filesystem Data Context ([7612]( (thanks kwcanuck)
* [DOCS] Corrects Heading Issue in How to host and share Data Docs on Azure Blob Storage ([7620]( (thanks kwcanuck)
* [MAINTENANCE] Warning non integer slice on row for SQLAlchemy 2.0 Compatibility ([7501](
* [MAINTENANCE] Warning MetaData.bind argument deprecated for SQLAlchemy 2.0 Compatibility ([7502](
* [MAINTENANCE] Capitalize "If" in rendering of conditional Expectations ([7588](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove pip pins in CI and in ([7587](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove ignore of warning deprecated api features detected sqlalchemy 2 ([7584](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix sqlalchemy 2.0 incompatible warnings ([7589](
* [MAINTENANCE] Increase minimum scipy version package to 1.6.0 to take advantage of available capabilities. ([7591](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove s3fs dependency and upper bound for boto3 ([7598](
* [MAINTENANCE] Move Fluent Datasources Sorters into `TYPE_CHECKING` block ([7602](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump terser from 5.10.0 to 5.16.8 in /docs/docusaurus ([7486]( (thanks dependabot[bot])
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump cookiecutter from 1.7.3 to 2.1.1 in /contrib/cli ([7510]( (thanks dependabot[bot])
* [MAINTENANCE] Polish and ratchet requirements pins and upper bounds ([7604](
* [MAINTENANCE] small documentation updates ([7606](
* [MAINTENANCE] SqlAlchemy 2 Compatibility - `engine.execute()` ([7469](
* [MAINTENANCE] Deprecate ColumnExpectation in favor of ColumnAggregateExpectation ([7609](
* [MAINTENANCE] Deprecate TableExpectation in favor of BatchExpectation ([7610](
* [MAINTENANCE] Explicitly test relevant modules in Sqlalchemy compatibility pipeline ([7613](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fluent Datasources: Eliminate redundant Datasource name and DataAsset name from dictionary and JSON configuration ([7573](
* [CONTRIB] add check to calculate difference between 2 dates in month ([7576]( (thanks tb102122)
* [CONTRIB] Expect Column Values to be Valid UUID - Added SqlAlchemyExecutionEngine support ([7592]( (thanks asafla)


* [FEATURE] Fluent `DataAsset` `batch_metadata` config variables ([7513](
* [FEATURE] Add batch metadata to spark add_*_asset methods ([7534](
* [BUGFIX] Fluent Datasource load from config fixes for remaining Pandas Datasources ([7442](
* [BUGFIX] Address `pandas==2.0.0` test failures ([7553](
* [BUGFIX] Render prescriptive `ExpectationConfiguration`s with evaluation parameters inline ([7552](
* [BUGFIX] Release Pipeline Fix ([7575](
* [DOCS] Update GX version in `_data.jsx` component ([7549](
* [DOCS] Adds guides on using Ephemeral Data Contexts and updates Quickstart Next Steps ([7500](
* [DOCS] Fixes broken code block and incorrectly numbered steps in "How to organize Batches in a SQL-based Data Asset" ([7533](
* [DOCS] Update nav to match site ([7557](
* [DOCS] Corrects step numbers in "How to organize Batches in a file-based Data Asset" ([7559](
* [DOCS] Delete ([7566](
* [DOCS] Update syntax highlighting of code blocks in GX Cloud Getting Started guide ([7563](
* [DOCS] Fix code snippets for earlier versions ([7554](
* [DOCS] Fix typo in docs ([7568](
* [DOCS] Moar typo fix ([7569](
* [DOCS] removes the original getting started tutorial pages and redirects to the quickstart guide ([7548](
* [DOCS] Fix integral typo ([7578](
* [DOCS] Prepare earlier versions using develop ([7567](
* [DOCS] Use orange in docs logs ([7579](
* [DOCS] Add GX Cloud Onboarding Script ([7517](
* [MAINTENANCE] release prep for 0.16.5 ([7545](
* [MAINTENANCE] Test Pandas 2.0 prerelease in CI/CD ([7343](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add noqa directives for existing sqlalchemy imports ([7564](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add ruff rule for sqlalchemy imports ([7562](
* [MAINTENANCE] adding a footer to data docs with a link to the cloud page ([7532](
* [MAINTENANCE] Harden tests for `CloudDataContext` always `include_rendered_content` ([7558](
* [MAINTENANCE] FluentDatasources - Quickstart Snippets converted to Named Snippets ([7550](
* [MAINTENANCE] Simplify `GXCloudStoreBackend._has_key` check ([7561](
* [MAINTENANCE] Temporarily Pin `pandas<2.0.0` for compatibility ([7571](
* [MAINTENANCE] SqlAlchemy 2.0 Compatibility - branched connection + `bind` argument now required ([7529](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add missing docstrings to fluent `sql_datasource` splitter methods. ([7577](


* [FEATURE] Add batch metadata to sql datasources. ([7499](
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue running quickstart ([7539](
* [DOCS] doc 508 Updates footer links on docs pages ([7521](
* [DOCS] DSB-64 removes outdated v2/v3 references from the docs ([7519](
* [DOCS] Update CODEOWNERS ([7528](
* [DOCS] Quickstart code under test ([7542](
* [MAINTENANCE] SqlAlchemy2 Compatibility - `Row.keys()` ([7520](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactoring of CapitalOne Metrics and Profiler-Based DataAssistant for Enhanced Code Elegance ([7522](
* [MAINTENANCE] SqlAlchemy 2 Compatibility - Autoload Parameter deprecation ([7526](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump notebook from 6.4.1 to 6.4.12 in /docs_rtd ([7511](
* [MAINTENANCE] Break out unit tests to own stage. ([7530](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump wheel from 0.37.1 to 0.38.1 in /contrib/cli ([7493](
* [MAINTENANCE] Simplifying CapitalOne DataProfilerColumnDomainBuilder Using Default "profile_path" Argument ([7535](
* [MAINTENANCE] : Clean up ununsed imports ([7537](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix Type-Checking steps ([7536](
* [MAINTENANCE] Disable UserConfigurableProfiler tests relying on deprecated V2 functionality ([7541](
* [MAINTENANCE] : replace ColumnMetricProvider with ColumnAggregateMetricProvider ([7538](
* [MAINTENANCE] Exclude files from deprecation warning check ([7544](

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