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* [DOCS] Add CRUD API matrix to `AbstractDataContext` docstring ([7079](
* [DOCS] Build API docs using latest released version ([7067](
* [DOCS] Add displayHTML method to view Data Docs ([7125]( (thanks swittchawa)
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 1 ([7131](
* [DOCS] : fix capitalization of Slack ([7136]( (thanks JoelGritter)
* [DOCS] Remove sitemap.xml ([7141](
* [DOCS] doc-464 consolidating and standardizing snippets ([7154](
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 2 (7143)(
* [DOCS] Use named snippets part 3 (7169)( (thanks jmoskovc)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove Extra Character from ID/PK Example README ([7098](
* [MAINTENANCE] Rename experimental `get_batch_request` to `build_batch_request` ([7095](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix incorrect label on "How to configure a SQL Datasource" docs page ([7106](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update dependency on pydantic ([7111](
* [MAINTENANCE] Move experimental `base_directory` from `_FilesystemDataAsset` to `PandasDatasource` and `SparkDatasource` ([7078](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use secret to store algolia api key ([7115](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fluent Datasources - don't register "private" Datasource classes ([7124](
* [MAINTENANCE] ZEP - Realign pandas asset args for `Datasource` level `base_directory` ([7123](
* [MAINTENANCE] format notebooks with `black` ([7054](
* [MAINTENANCE] mypy `v1.0.0` ([7138](
* [MAINTENANCE] Output Consistent Data Format from "table.head" Metric for every ExecutionEngine ([7134](
* [MAINTENANCE] ruff 0.0.246 update ([7137](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor sql splitter to take selectable instead of str. ([7133](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update V3 DataConnector utilities to support New Datasources (ZEP) ([7144](
* [MAINTENANCE] Change all instances of `create_expectation_suite` to `add_expectation_suite` in tests, docs, and source code ([7117](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up pathlib.Path() usage in DataConnector utilities and restore tighter formatting in great_expectations/ ([7149](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up `mypy` violations in `CardinalityChecker` ([7146](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove unused dockerfile ([7152](
* [MAINTENANCE] Delete cli v012 tests. ([7159](
* [MAINTENANCE] ZEP - update asset factories method signatures from asset models ([7096](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump minimum version of `pytest` ([7164](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up additional deprecation warnings from outdated CRUD API ([7156](
* [MAINTENANCE] Experimental `PandasDatasource`, single-batch `_PandasDataAsset`s, related schemas (7158)(
* [MAINTENANCE] Removing path for `--v2-api upgrade` and informative message (7170)(
* [CONTRIB] Add experimental expectation to check column values after split ([7120]( (thanks ace-racer)
* [CONTRIB] added new Expectations - India_zip_code expectation and not_to_be_future_date expectation ([6086]( (thanks prachijain136)
* [CONTRIB] Update the rendered text for min and max values to be clearer. ([7166](


* [FEATURE] Place FilesystemDataAsset into separate module (its functionality is used by both PandasDatasource and SparkDatasource) ([7025](
* [FEATURE] Add SQL query data asset for new experimental datasources ([6999](
* [FEATURE] Experimental `DataAsset` `test_connection` ([7019](
* [FEATURE] ZEP - generate pandas assets ([7044](
* [FEATURE] Experimental Splitter connection testing ([7051](
* [FEATURE] ID/PK `ColumnPairExpectations` and `MultiColumnMapExpectations` - Spark ([7001](
* [FEATURE] Add `expectation_suite` arg to `DataContext` `ExpectationSuite` CRUD ([7059](
* [FEATURE] ID/PK ColumnPairExpectations and MultiColumnMapExpectations - SQL ([7046](
* [FEATURE] Introducing General-Purpose Wrapper for Regular Expressions Parsing and incorporating it in "_FilesystemDataAsset" ([7062](
* [FEATURE] Add `checkpoint` arg to `DataContext` `Checkpoint` CRUD ([7066](
* [FEATURE] Add `profiler` arg to `DataContext` `Profiler` CRUD ([7060](
* [FEATURE] Add API action ([6902]( (thanks itaise)
* [BUGFIX] ID/PK - Rendering `ColumnPair` and `MultiColumn` Expectations in DataDocs ([7041](
* [BUGFIX] `ColumnPairExpectation` tests need to consider 2 possible GroupBy results ([7045](
* [BUGFIX] zep - always serialize type field ([7056](
* [BUGFIX] ZEP - html asset generation on pandas `1.1` ([7068](
* [BUGFIX] fix ZEP pandas min tests ([7084](
* [BUGFIX] Skip all ZEP pandas datasource tests for min pandas ([7091](
* [DOCS] Add new `DataContext` CRUD to public API ([7058](
* [DOCS] DOC-461 remove unlinked link ([7083](
* [DOCS] Adding algolia click events ([7085](
* [DOCS] Versioning for documentation ([7033](
* [MAINTENANCE] linting for `/contrib` ([7005](
* [MAINTENANCE] Deprecate old `DataContext` CRUD methods ([7031](
* [MAINTENANCE] Simplify logic for `add_or_update` ([7035](
* [MAINTENANCE] ZEP - test type-checking ([7028](
* [MAINTENANCE] ZEP put schemas under source control ([6988](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add `id` as a param to any CRUD methods with `ge_cloud_id` ([7036](
* [MAINTENANCE] Minor Cleanup ([7047](
* [MAINTENANCE] replace `isort` with `ruff` sorting rules ([6907](
* [MAINTENANCE] Standardize `Checkpoint` CRUD ([6962](
* [MAINTENANCE] ruff `0.0.241` ([7048](
* [MAINTENANCE] finish linting `great_expectations` ([7050](
* [MAINTENANCE] fix - `FutureWarning: pandas.Float64Index is deprecated` when importing `great_expectations` ([7055](
* [MAINTENANCE] Move path mapping out of ExecutionEngine into DataConnector ([7065](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add ruff TCH001 noqa annotations ([7072](
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable ruff `TCH` rules ([7073](
* [MAINTENANCE] Cache dependency installation during build of `Dockerfile.tests` ([7071](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix most typing errors in `DataAssistantResult` ([7010](
* [MAINTENANCE] add `ge_dev` + `gx_dev` to `.gitignore` ([6860](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor Filesystem DataAsset into FilePath DataAsset and Filesystem DataAsset (later inherits former) ([7075](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor `Store` and `StoreBackend` to leverage new CRUD methods ([7081](
* [MAINTENANCE] Delete `gx_venv` from project root ([7080](
* [MAINTENANCE] correct typo in data assistants portion of the getting started tutorial ([7088](
* [MAINTENANCE] ID/PK - CompoundColumnsUnique is filtered only for SQL ([7087](
* [MAINTENANCE] Minor clean up to make `DataConnector` method names less confusing. ([7089](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor DataConnector Path Format Utilities For Better Encapsulation ([7092](
* [MAINTENANCE] Temporarily xfail ID/PK tests due to Pandas min version conflicts ([7097](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove Extra Character from ID/PK Example README ([7098](
* [CONTRIB] Row condition parser sqlalchemy: adding support for != operator & adding support all operators for string ([7053]( (thanks maayaniti)


* [FEATURE] ZEP - dynamic pandas asset schema definitions ([6780](
* [FEATURE] ID/PK `ColumnPairExpectations` and `MultiColumnMapExpectations` - Pandas ([6941](
* [FEATURE] Experimental `Datasource` and `DataAsset` connection testing ([6844](
* [FEATURE] Implement Experimental SparkDatasource with CSVDataAsset ([6981](
* [FEATURE] Place FilesystemDataAsset into separate module (its functionality is used by both PandasDatasource and SparkDatasource) ([7025](
* [BUGFIX] Snowflake/Oracle/DB2 <--> SQLAlchemy table and column names case insensitivity representation ([6951](
* [BUGFIX] try except import of pandas types ([6983](
* [BUGFIX] fix jsonschema - altair conflict ([6984](
* [BUGFIX] Temporarily disable items with issues rendering ([6997](
* [BUGFIX] Fix Renderer Configuration for expectation expect_column_values_to_not_be_in_set 6963 ([6990]( (thanks jmcorreia)
* [BUGFIX] Patch logic error in new `add_or_update` methods ([7021](
* [BUGFIX] Pandas ID/PK - bugfix for column name and update tests ([7015](
* [DOCS] Regex-Based, Set-Based, Query-Based, & Actions Docstrings ([6863](
* [DOCS] Documentation for classes and methods within ExecutionEngine class hierarchy ([6936](
* [DOCS] Enable use of code blocks in Returns: section ([6946](
* [DOCS] Add missing data connectors and data contexts ([6945](
* [DOCS] DOC-280: How to use GX with AWS S3 and Spark ([6782](
* [DOCS] Adding docstrings per the list ([6931](
* [DOCS] Docstrings for `DataContext` child classes and `DataAssistantResult.to_json_dict` ([6956](
* [DOCS] batch docstring ([6939](
* [DOCS] BatchDefinition ([6940](
* [DOCS] Add metric provider to public api report ([6958](
* [DOCS] BatchRequest ([6943](
* [DOCS] head ([6944](
* [DOCS] Add public_api. Docstring is fine already ([6955](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `RuleBasedProfiler` ([6947](
* [DOCS] Adding docstrings for metric providers ([6960](
* [DOCS] Add docstrings for several data connectors ([6949](
* [DOCS] Adds docstring to class configured data connector classes ([6961](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `validate_configuration` on `expect_column_value_z_scores_to_be_less_than` and `expect_column_values_to_match_json_schema` ([6873](
* [DOCS] Expectations Class DocStrings ([6950](
* [DOCS] D/dx 237/tal docstrings ([6959](
* [DOCS] Add delete_checkpoint to public API ([6965](
* [DOCS] Use markdown style code blocks ([6970](
* [DOCS] DataContext and CheckpointConfig DocString ([6911](
* [DOCS] Either Documentation tag style acceptable ([6974](
* [DOCS] DocStrings for Column, Query, & Table Metric Providers & register_metric ([6971](
* [DOCS] render utils ([6975](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `UserConfigurableProfiler` ([6904](
* [DOCS] Add docstring for `ExpectationValidationResult` ([6968](
* [DOCS] Add some json serialization docstrings. ([6880](
* [DOCS] DOC-285 new guide: how to use self initializing expectations ([5205](
* [DOCS] DOC-286 how to add support for the auto initializing framework to a custom expectation ([5300](
* [DOCS] ExpectationConfiguration, get_success_kwargs and validate api docs ([6982](
* [DOCS] rule_based_profiler_result ([6977](
* [DOCS] metric_value, metric_partial ([6978](
* [DOCS] Actions, Checkpoint, ExpectationSuiteValidationResult, RunIdentifier related docstrings ([6986](
* [DOCS] API docs support self referential links ([6998](
* [DOCS] Add rendering docstrings ([6992](
* [DOCS] `Expectations` related DocStrings ([6994](
* [DOCS] MetricConfiguration DocString ([6996](
* [DOCS] Updates typo in prerequisites section ([7004]( (thanks ruankie)
* [DOCS] Update API docs landing page ([6972](
* [DOCS] Remove BaseDataContext and DataContext from the public API ([7008](
* [DOCS] Fix setup instructions for email validation ([7007]( (thanks ruankie)
* [DOCS] DOC-348 corrects typos in the aws+athena guide intro and congratulations sections ([6989](
* [DOCS] DOC-420 updates to screenshots ([7012](
* [DOCS] DOC-416 How to use GX with AWS using Redshift ([6985](
* [DOCS] Fix metric provider and reorganize sidebar ([7022](
* [DOCS] Typo - Update ([7024](
* [DOCS] Nest sidebar by shortest import path ([7032](
* [MAINTENANCE] Parameterized tests for ID/PK at `ColumnMapExpectation` level ([6925](
* [MAINTENANCE] `ruff` -> `0.0.236` ([6948](
* [MAINTENANCE] docstring for expect_column_values_to_not_match_regex_list's validate_configuration ([6877](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove handrolled linters/checkers from `scripts/` and CI ([6964](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove refs to old scripts from `invoke` calls ([6967](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix some linting issues ([6973](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix variable name error associated with adding typing and docstrings ([6980](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add test to ensure that all types in the `DataContext` hierarchy emit expected usage stats ([6915](
* [MAINTENANCE] Standardize `Datasource` CRUD ([6892](
* [MAINTENANCE] Typing `histogram_single_batch_parameter_builder` ([6916](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add `add_expectation_suite` to `DataContext` CRUD ([6926](
* [MAINTENANCE] ColumnExpectation, render_evaluation_parameter_string and validate method ([6995](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add `update_expectation_suite` and `add_or_update_expectation_suite` to `DataContext` CRUD ([6987](
* [MAINTENANCE] Standardize `RuleBasedProfiler` CRUD ([6991](
* [MAINTENANCE] Make Pandas installation with Python 3.10 less restrictive ([7013](
* [MAINTENANCE] ZEP - postgres test typing ([7023](
* [MAINTENANCE] [BUGFIX ] ZEP - pandas serde fix ([7009](
* [MAINTENANCE] add preview image for twitter and other social preview images ([7027](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `update_` methods in `DataContext` to return persisted object ([7034](
* [MAINTENANCE] ZEP - use parameter that exists on min pandas version ([7037](
* [MAINTENANCE] xfail ZEP async spark tests for release ([7038](
* [CONTRIB] expect_multicolumn_values_not_to_be_all_null ([6912]( (thanks yussaaa)
* [CONTRIB] Adding support for punctuation in column_value for the row_condition parser ([7018]( (thanks maayaniti)


* [BUGFIX] Disable `RendererConfiguration` constraint to support legacy renderer fallback behavior ([6938](
* [DOCS] Remove the `great_expectations` path prefix for API docs ([6934](
* [DOCS] Updates Custom Expectation docs w/ code snippets ([6365](
* [DOCS] Regex-Based, Set-Based, Query-Based, & Actions Docstrings ([6863](
* [DOCS] Documentation for classes and methods within ExecutionEngine class hierarchy ([6936](


* [FEATURE] Experimental datasources `batch.head()` ([6765](
* [FEATURE] Add Validation Result URL to Checkpoint Result ([6908](
* [BUGFIX] Fix issues rendering code blocks in API docs ([6917](
* [BUGFIX] Fix list_keys method for TupleS3StoreBackend ([6901]( (thanks enagovitsyn)
* [BUGFIX] Fix rendering issue with api docs ([6924](
* [BUGFIX] Render bar graph with boolean values ([6910]( (thanks tmilitino)
* [BUGFIX] Capital one contrib/micdavis/import hotfix ([6922]( (thanks micdavis)
* [DOCS] Adding docstring for `Checkpoint.self_check()` ([6841](
* [DOCS] `AbstractDataContext.add_store` docstring ([6851](
* [DOCS] Doc Strings for ExpectationSuite Display Methods ([6856](
* [DOCS] `DataAssistantResult.get_expectation_suite()` docstring ([6862](
* [DOCS] Misc docstrings around `DataAssistant` ([6866](
* [DOCS] enable running `invoke docstrings` on select modules ([6868](
* [DOCS] Adds docstring for expect_column_distinct_values_to_contain_set ([6855](
* [DOCS] Documentation Strings for Metric Domain Types and Metric Function Types ([6872](
* [DOCS] added docstrings for the public API ([6884](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `expect_column_values_to_be_unique` `validate_configuration` ([6897](
* [DOCS] Miscellaneous docstrings for `DataContext` and utils ([6852](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `expect_column_values_to_be_of_type` `validate_configuration` ([6896](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `JsonSchemaProflier.validate` ([6900](
* [DOCS] Exclude ([6919](
* [DOCS] StoreValidationResultAction, StoreEvaluationParametersAction and StoreMetricsAction api docs ([6879](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `expect_column_values_to_be_dateutil_parseable` `validate_configuration` ([6864](
* [DOCS] YAML docs ([6861](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `expect_column_values_to_be_decreasing` `validate_configuration` ([6865](
* [DOCS] Docstrings for `Checkpoint` and related classes ([6882](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for expect_table_row_count_to_be_between validate_configuration ([6883]( (thanks lockettks)
* [DOCS] `Validator.get_expectation_suite()` docstring ([6886](
* [DOCS] Fix Checkpoint docstring whitespace ([6927](
* [DOCS] `DataAssistantResult` docstring ([6887](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `expect_column_values_to_be_in_set` `validate_configuration` ([6890](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `expect_column_values_to_be_in_type_list` and `expect_column_values_to_be_increasing` `validate_configuration` ([6891](
* [DOCS] Deprecate `util.render_evaluation_parameter_string` function ([6894](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `Profiler.validate` ([6898](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `expect_column_values_to_be_between` `validate_configuration` ([6858](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `expect_column_values_to_be_in_json_parseable` `validate_configuration` ([6893](
* [DOCS] Add public API docstring for `expect_column_values_to_be_null` `validate_configuration` ([6895](
* [DOCS] Update docstrings for some of ([6853](
* [DOCS] /typo correction ([6920]( (thanks mingyyy)
* [DOCS] DOC-417 How to use GX with AWS using Athena ([6828](
* [DOCS] Adding docstrings ([6854](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `teams.yml` ([6839](
* [MAINTENANCE] invoke 2.0 and `schema` task (for zep types) ([6836](
* [MAINTENANCE] Build hierarchy in sidebars for API docs ([6842](
* [MAINTENANCE] Change public_api task name to avoid confusion ([6843](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add the fragment back to internal references ([6845](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up public_api excludes ([6846](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix the error message for invalid batch request options ([6848](
* [MAINTENANCE] Standardize Store CRUD ([6826](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix scripts not found error in invoke ([6867](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix argument name typo ([6850]( (thanks KirillUlich)
* [MAINTENANCE] more clearly specifies range of supported python versions ([6870](
* [MAINTENANCE] add validate_configuration docstring ([6857](
* [MAINTENANCE] docstring for expect_column_values_to_not_be_nullvalidate_configuration ([6859](
* [MAINTENANCE] Standardize project config CRUD ([6837](
* [MAINTENANCE] update docstring in and ([6875](
* [MAINTENANCE] updated docstring on validate configuration ([6871](
* [MAINTENANCE] Exclude unit tests from `comprehensive` stage of `dev` CI ([6903](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor `file_relative_path` util ([6778](
* [MAINTENANCE] switch to `ruff` linter ([6888](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use docusaurus style code block in api docs ([6906](
* [MAINTENANCE] metrics linting ([6889](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add exception message to `RenderedAtomicContent` failure renderer ([6795](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove CloudNotificationAction ([6881](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use ruff linter for docstring linting ([6913](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add validate_configuration method docstrings ([6899](
* [MAINTENANCE] docstring for expect_column_values_to_not_match_like_pattern_list's validate_configuration ([6874](
* [MAINTENANCE] docstring for expect_column_values_to_not_match_like_pattern validate_configuration ([6876](
* [MAINTENANCE] docstring for expect_compound_columns_to_be_unique validate_configuration ([6878](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add docstrings for Validator and its save_expectation_suite and validate methods ([6885](
* [MAINTENANCE] Type Hints Correction in New Datasources; Additional DocStrings ([6918](


* [FEATURE] Add pandas datasource sorter by refactoring into DataAsset ([6787](
* [FEATURE] ID/PK Demo Files ([6833](
* [BUGFIX] Fix missing not operator ~ ([6808](
* [BUGFIX] Implemented lowercase function to check what type of file endswith ([6810]( (thanks tmilitino)
* [BUGFIX] : expect_day_count_to_be_close_to_equivalent_week_day_mean ([6811]( (thanks HadasManor)
* [BUGFIX] Pandas ID/PK query was causing DataDocs error ([6832](
* [DOCS] Link to gh issue 4152 for ruamel.yaml ([6799]( (thanks jamesmyatt)
* [DOCS] ExpectationSuite and remove_expectation api docs ([6785](
* [DOCS] Add GitHub PR links to changelogs ([6818](
* [DOCS] Update `yarn-snippet-check` to only target specific source code dirs ([6825](
* [DOCS] Adding docstring for ExpectationSuite.add_expectation ([6829](
* [DOCS] DOC-394: Fix broken redirect links ([6835](
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable more backends for some contrib expectations ([6775](
* [MAINTENANCE] Change execution_engine_type from method to property. ([6788](
* [MAINTENANCE] More backends for expect_yesterday_count_compared_to_avg_equivalent_days_of_week ([6790](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update gallery pipeline to only have one scheduled run per day (early AM) ([6791](
* [MAINTENANCE] Convert the validation results to JSON serializable ([6776]( (thanks lu-lz)
* [MAINTENANCE] Propagate "runtime_configuration" argument throughout Validator flow ([6767](
* [MAINTENANCE] Only include relevant diagnostics info in gallery JSON ([6797](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up public api report part 1 ([6784](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up public api report part 2 ([6792](
* [MAINTENANCE] Shift daily gallery run by 6 hours ([6802](
* [MAINTENANCE] Misc docstrings in `AbstractDataContext` ([6801](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add checkpoint and datadoc integration test for zep pandas datasource. ([6793](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use environment variables for expectation gallery data paths ([6805](
* [MAINTENANCE] Suppress 2 kl_divergence datasets for bigquery that took 90 minutes to insert ([6807](
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve type hints in ExecutionEngine.resolve_metrics() flow and delete unnecessary checks ([6804](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fixes for column_values_to_be_between tests ([6809](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up public api report part 3 ([6803](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add docstring for `AbstractDataContext.add_checkpoint` ([6728]( (thanks abegong)
* [MAINTENANCE] Use Enum classes for all metric name suffixes ([6819](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use shortened_dotted_paths in API docs ([6820](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update batch request option validation error message ([6821](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add docstring to DataAsset.add_sorters ([6822](
* [MAINTENANCE] Misc type cleanup within`checkpoint/` and `validator/` ([6817](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update algolia indexing ([6827](
* [MAINTENANCE] When running our test suite, suppress warnings `result_format` configuration in Expectations and Validators ([6823](
* [MAINTENANCE] ZEP - lower logging levels from `INFO` -> `DEBUG` ([6830](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use shortened dotted paths in api docs ([6831](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove outdated refs to Superconductive ([6816](
* [CONTRIB] Improve contrib schwifty expectations ([6812]( (thanks mkopec87)

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