
Latest version: v3.0.3

Safety actively analyzes 621409 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Released 2023-05-01

- Set ``Vary: Cookie`` header when the session is accessed, modified, or refreshed.
- Update Werkzeug requirement to >=2.3.3 to apply recent bug fixes.


Not secure

Released 2023-04-25

- Restore deprecated ``from flask import Markup``. :issue:`5084`


Not secure

Released 2023-04-25

- Drop support for Python 3.7. :pr:`5072`
- Update minimum requirements to the latest versions: Werkzeug>=2.3.0, Jinja2>3.1.2,
itsdangerous>=2.1.2, click>=8.1.3.
- Remove previously deprecated code. :pr:`4995`

- The ``push`` and ``pop`` methods of the deprecated ``_app_ctx_stack`` and
``_request_ctx_stack`` objects are removed. ``top`` still exists to give
extensions more time to update, but it will be removed.
- The ``FLASK_ENV`` environment variable, ``ENV`` config key, and ``app.env``
property are removed.
- The ``session_cookie_name``, ``send_file_max_age_default``, ``use_x_sendfile``,
``propagate_exceptions``, and ``templates_auto_reload`` properties on ``app``
are removed.
``JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR`` config keys are removed.
- The ``app.before_first_request`` and ``bp.before_app_first_request`` decorators
are removed.
- ``json_encoder`` and ``json_decoder`` attributes on app and blueprint, and the
corresponding ``json.JSONEncoder`` and ``JSONDecoder`` classes, are removed.
- The ``json.htmlsafe_dumps`` and ``htmlsafe_dump`` functions are removed.
- Calling setup methods on blueprints after registration is an error instead of a
warning. :pr:`4997`

- Importing ``escape`` and ``Markup`` from ``flask`` is deprecated. Import them
directly from ``markupsafe`` instead. :pr:`4996`
- The ``app.got_first_request`` property is deprecated. :pr:`4997`
- The ``locked_cached_property`` decorator is deprecated. Use a lock inside the
decorated function if locking is needed. :issue:`4993`
- Signals are always available. ``blinker>=1.6.2`` is a required dependency. The
``signals_available`` attribute is deprecated. :issue:`5056`
- Signals support ``async`` subscriber functions. :pr:`5049`
- Remove uses of locks that could cause requests to block each other very briefly.
- Use modern packaging metadata with ``pyproject.toml`` instead of ``setup.cfg``.
- Ensure subdomains are applied with nested blueprints. :issue:`4834`
- ``config.from_file`` can use ``text=False`` to indicate that the parser wants a
binary file instead. :issue:`4989`
- If a blueprint is created with an empty name it raises a ``ValueError``.
- ``SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN`` does not fall back to ``SERVER_NAME``. The default is not
to set the domain, which modern browsers interpret as an exact match rather than
a subdomain match. Warnings about ``localhost`` and IP addresses are also removed.
- The ``routes`` command shows each rule's ``subdomain`` or ``host`` when domain
matching is in use. :issue:`5004`
- Use postponed evaluation of annotations. :pr:`5071`



Released 2023-05-02

- Update for compatibility with Werkzeug 2.3.3.
- Set ``Vary: Cookie`` header when the session is accessed, modified, or refreshed.


Not secure

Released 2023-04-25

- Update for compatibility with Werkzeug 2.3.


Not secure

Released 2023-02-15

- Autoescape is enabled by default for ``.svg`` template files. :issue:`4831`
- Fix the type of ``template_folder`` to accept ``pathlib.Path``. :issue:`4892`
- Add ``--debug`` option to the ``flask run`` command. :issue:`4777`

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