
Latest version: v0.13.1

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In the table, *none* is the approach used in previous Flair versions. `[SEP]` means using the standard separator symbol as context delimiter. `[FLERT]` means using a new dedicated special token.

As `[FLERT]` performs best in our experiments, the `[FLERT]` context marker is now activated by default.

**More details**: Assume the current sentence is `Peter Blackburn` and the previous sentence ends with `to boycott British lamb .`, while the next sentence starts with `BRUSSELS 1996-08-22 The European Commission`.

In this case,
1. if `use_context_separator=False`, the embedding is produced from this string: `to boycott British lamb . Peter Blackburn BRUSSELS 1996-08-22 The European Commission`
2. if `use_context_separator=True`, the embedding is produced from this string `to boycott British lamb . [FLERT] Peter Blackburn [FLERT] BRUSSELS 1996-08-22 The European Commission`

Integrate transformer-smaller-training-vocab 3066

We integrate the `transformer-smaller-training-vocab` library into the `ModelTrainer`. With it, you can reduce the size of transformer models when training and evaluating models on specific datasets. This leads to faster training times and a smaller memory footprint. Documentation on this new feature will be added soon!

Masked Relation Classifier 2748 2993 with various Encoding Strategies 3023 (BETA)

We now include BETA support a new type of relation extraction model that leads to much higher accuracies than our vanilla relation extraction, but increases computational costs. Documentation for this will be added as we iterate on the model.

ONNX compatible models 2640 2643 3041 3075

This release continues the journey on making our models more ONNX compatible.

Other features
- Add push to Hub functionalities 2897
- Add layoutlm layoutxlm support and the the [SROIE](https://rrc.cvc.uab.es/?ch=13) dataset #2980
- Convenience method for learning rate factor 2888 2893

New Datasets
- Add fewnerd corpus 3103
- Add support for NERMuD 2023 Dataset 3087
- Adds ZELDA Entity Linking dataset 3088
- Added Ukrainian NER and UD datasets 3069
- Add support MasakhaNER v2 dataset 3013
- Add support for MultiCoNerV2 3006
- Add support for new ICDAR Europeana NER Dataset 2911
- datasets: add support for HIPE-2022 2735 2827 2805

Major refactorings
- Unify loss reduction by making sure that all losses are summed over all points, instead of averaged 2933 2910
- Python 3.7 2769
- Flatten DefaultClassifier interface 2978
- Restructure Tokenizer and Splitter modules 3002
- Refactor Token and Sentence Positional Properties 3001
- Seralization of embeddings 3011

Various Improvements

- add functionality for using proxies 3082
- add option not to shuffle the first epoch 3076
- improved Tars Context 3063
- release optimizer memory and fix legacy tokenization 3043
- add time elapsed to training printout 2983
- separate between token-lengths and sub-token lengths 2990
- small speed optimizations 2975
- change output of .text to original string 2974
- remove BAD_EPOCHS printout for most schedulers 2970
- warn if resuming with too low max_epochs & ' additional_epochs' parameter 2895
- embeddings: add support for T5 encoder models 2896
- add py.typed file for PEP-561 compatibility 2858
- tars classifier always predict something on single label 2838
- make add_unk optional and don't use it for ner 2839
- add deprecation warning for SentenceDataset rename 2819
- more precise type hint for eval_on_train_fraction 2811
- better handling for consecutive whitespaces in Sentence 2721(already in flair 0.11.3)
- remove unnecessary more-itertools pin 2730 (already in flair 0.11.3)
- add `exclude_labels` parameter to trainer.train 2724 (already in flair 0.11.3)
- add option to force token-level predictions in SequenceTagger 2750 (already in flair 0.11.3)

- unified test classes, to ensure that all models & embeddings have tested the basic functionality 2981
- add missing dependency pre-commit to requirements-dev.txt 3093
- fix pre-commit bug by upgrading to isort 5.11.5 3106 3107
- update pytest and flake8 versions 2741
- pytest flake precommit update 2820
- pin flake8 to v4 2892
- specify test paths 2932
- pin versions for unit tests 2994
- unit tests: Set a seed so test_train_load_use_classifier doesn't randomly fail 2834
- replace issue templates with issue forms 3051
- github actions cache 2753 (already in flair 0.11.3)

- Add Missing Import to Tutorial 5 2902
- Documentation pointers 2927
- readme: fix BibTeX for FLERT paper 2806 2821
- docs: mention HIPE-2022 in corpus tutorial 2807

Code improvements
- add return types to Model and Classifier 3121
- removed undefined names 3054 3056
- add docstrings missing for ModelTrainer.train() parameters 2961
- remove "tag_to_bioes" (Sequence) Corpus parameter, as it is not used 2812
- update hf-hub version 2837
- use transformers sentencepiece requirement 2835
- replace deprecated logging.warn with logging.warning 2829
- various mypy issues 2822 2845 2905
- removed some model classes that were very beta: the DependencyParser, the DistancePredictor and the SimilarityLearner. 2910
- remove legacy TransformerXLEmbeddings class 2768 (already in flair 0.11.3)

Bug fixes
- fix train error missing dev split 3115
- fix Avg Pooling in the Entity Linker 3123
- call `super().__setstate__()` in Embeddings 3057
- remove konoha from requirements.txt 3060
- fix label alignment if the sentence contains invalid tokens 3052
- change indexing in TARSTagger predict 3058
- fix training sample count in UD English 3044
- fix comment parsing for conllu datasets 3020
- HunFlair: Fix loading of datasets 3030 3029
- persist needs_manual_ocr 3012
- save initial hidden states in sequence tagger 3010
- do not save Path objects to model cards 2998
- make JsonlCorpus create span labels 2863
- JsonlDataset: Fix code that claims to set "O" labels to actually set them 2817
- relationClassifier fix 2986
- fix problem in loading TARSClassifier 2987
- add missing tab for tensorboard 2922
- fast tokenizer reload fix pt.2: Bloom model 2904
- fix transformer embeddings for sentence with trailing whitespace 2891
- added label_name parameter to render_ner_html 2850
- allow BIO evaluation on sequence tagger 2787
- refactorings for initialization from state dict 2846
- save and load "tag_format" for sequence tagger model 2840
- do not remove other labels of sentence for set_label on Token and Span 2831
- fix left-over cases of token.get_tag(), which was renamed 2815
- remove wrong boolean check for loading datasets RE_ENGLISH_CONLL04 2779
- added missing property decorator in PooledFlairEmbeddings 2744 (already in flair 0.11.3)
- fix wrong initialisations of label (where data_type was missing) 2731 (already in flair 0.11.3)
- update gdown requirement, fix download for dataset NER_MULTI_WIKIANN 2757 (already in flair 0.11.3)
- make Span detection more robust 2752 (already in flair 0.11.3)


This releases adds some bugfixes on top of the [0.13.0 Release](https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/releases/tag/v0.13.0), and adds a new dataset.

Bug fixes
* fix doc redirect by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3366
* fix awaiting response check by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3371
* fix has unknown label is not always initialized by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3372
* Fix classification report if dataset has no labels by alanakbik in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3375
* fix flert hidden context breaks reduced vocab by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3370
* update HF cache env variable by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3386

* use batch count instead of total training samples for logging metrics by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3374

New Datasets
* Add AGNews corpus by elenamer in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3385

New Contributors
* elenamer made their first contribution in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3385

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/compare/v0.13.0...v0.13.1


This release adds several major new features such as (1) faster and more memory-efficient transformer training, (2) a new plugin system for custom logging and training, (3) new API docs for better documentation - still in beta, and (4) various new models, datasets, bug fixes and enhancements. This release also increases the minimum requirement to Python 3.8!

New Feature: Faster and more memory-efficient transformer training

This release integrates helpmefindaname's [transformer-smaller-training-vocab](https://github.com/helpmefindaname/transformer-smaller-training-vocab) into the ModelTrainer. This temporarily reduces a transformer's vocabulary to only the tokens in the training dataset, and after training restores the full vocabulary. Depending on the dataset, this may effect huge savings in GPU memory and tuning speeds.

To use this feature, simply add the flag `reduce_transformer_vocab=True` to the `fine_tune` method. For example, to fine-tune a distilbert model on TREC_6, run this code (step 7 has the flag to reduce the vocabulary):

1. get the corpus
corpus: Corpus = TREC_6()

2. what label do we want to predict?
label_type = "question_class"

3. create the label dictionary
label_dict = corpus.make_label_dictionary(label_type=label_type)

4. initialize transformer document embeddings (many models are available)
document_embeddings = TransformerDocumentEmbeddings("distilbert-base-uncased", fine_tune=True)

5. create the text classifier
classifier = TextClassifier(document_embeddings, label_dictionary=label_dict, label_type=label_type)

6. initialize trainer
trainer = ModelTrainer(classifier, corpus)

7. fine-tune the model, but **reduce the vocabulary** for faster training
reduce_transformer_vocab=True, set this to False for slow version

Involved PR: add reduce transformer vocab plugin by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3217

New Feature: Trainer Plugins

A new "Plugin" system was added to the `ModelTrainer`, allowing far greater options to customize the training cycle (and slimming down the code of the ModelTrainer somewhat). For instance, it is now possible to customize logging to a far greater degree and integrate third-party logging tools.

For instance, if you want to integrate ClearML logging into the above script, simply instantiate the plugin and attach it to the trainer:


6. initialize trainer
trainer = ModelTrainer(classifier, corpus)

NEW: instantiate a special logger and attach it to the trainer before the training run
ClearmlLoggerPlugin(clearml.Task.init(project_name="test", task_name="test")).attach_to(trainer)

7. fine-tune the model, but **reduce the vocabulary** for faster training
reduce_transformer_vocab=True, set this to False for slow version

Involved PRs:
* Proposal: Pluggable `ModelTrainer` train function by plonerma in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3084
* Major refactoring of ModelTrainer by alanakbik in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3182
* Allow users to use no scheduler and use a custom scheduling plugin by plonerma in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3200
* Don't pickle classes & plugins in modelcard by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3325
* Clearml logger by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3259
* Add a convenience conversion for flair.device by alanakbik in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3350

API Docs and other documentation

We are working towards improving our documentation. A first step was the release of our tutorial page. Now, we are adding (in beta) online API docs to make navigating the code and options offered by Flair easier. To enable it, we changed all docstrings to Google docstrings. However, this process is still ongoing, so expect the API docs to improve in coming versions of Flair.

You can find the API docs here: https://flairnlp.github.io/flair/master/api/index.html

Involved PRs:
* Creating a doc page with autodocs by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3273
* Google doc strings by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3164
* Add redirects to old tutorials by alanakbik in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3211
* Add some more documentation and (rather empty) glossary page by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3339
* Update README.md by eltociear in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3241
* Fix embedding finetuning tutorial by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3301
* Fix build doc page action trigger by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3319
* Reduce gh-actions diskspace by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3327
* Orange secondary color by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3321
* Bump Flair and Python versions by alanakbik in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3355

Model Refactorings

In an effort to unify class names, we now offer models that inherit from `DefaultClassifier` for each label type we predict, i.e.:
- `TokenClassifier` for predicting `Token` labels
- `TextPairClassifier` for predicting `TextPair` labels
- `RelationClassifier` for predicting `Relation` labels
- `SpanClassifier` for predicting `Span` labels
- `TextClassifier` for predicting `Sentence` labels

An advantage of such a structure is that most functionality (such as new decoders) needs to only be implemented once in `DefaultClassifier` and then is immediately usable for all model classes.

To enable this, we renamed and extended `WordTagger` as `TokenClassifier`, and renamed `Entity Linker` to `SpanClassifier`. This is not a breaking change yet, as the old names are still available. But in the future, `WordTagger` and `Entity Linker` will be removed.

Involved PRs:
* `TokenClassifier` model by alanakbik in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3203
* Rename EntityLinker and remove some legacy embeddings by alanakbik in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3295

New Models

We also add two new model classes: (1) a `TextPairRegressor` for regression tasks on pairs of sentences (such as STS-B), and (2) an experimental Label Encoder method for few-shot classification.

Involved PRs:
* Add `TextPair` regression model by plonerma in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3202
* Add dual encoder by whoisjones in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3208
* Adapt `LabelVerbalizer` so that it also works for non-BIOES span labes by alanakbik in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3231

New Datasets
* Integrate BigBio NER data sets into HunFlair by mariosaenger in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3146
* Add datasets STS-B and SST-2 to flair by plonerma in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3201
* Extend German LER Dataset by stefan-it in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3288
* Add support for MasakhaPOS Dataset by stefan-it in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3247
* Gh3275: sample_missing_splits in SST-2 by plonerma in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3276
* Add German MobIE NER Dataset by stefan-it in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3351

Build Process
* Use ruff instead of flake8 and isort by Lingepumpe in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3213
* Update mypy by Lingepumpe in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3210
* Use poetry instead of pipenv for developer/testing by Lingepumpe in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3214
* Remove poetry by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3258

Bug Fixes
* Fix seralization of config in transformers by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3178
* Add stacklevel to log_line in order to display correct file and line number (backwards compatible) by plonerma in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3175
* Fix tars loading by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3212
* Fix best epoch score update by lephong in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3220
* Fix loading of (not so) old models by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3229
* Fix false warning for "An empty Sentence was created!" by AbdiHaryadi in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3268
* Fix bug with sentences that do not contain a single valid transformer token by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3230
* Fix loading of old models by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3228
* Fix multiple arguments destination by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3272
* Support transformers 4310 by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3289
* Fix import error by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3336

* Bump min version to 3.8 by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3297
* Use torch native amp by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3128
* Unpin gdown dependency by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3176
* get_spans_from_bio: Start new span for previous S- if class also changed by Lingepumpe in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3195
* Include `flair/py.typed` and `requirements.txt` in source distribution by dobbersc in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3206
* Better tars inference by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3222
* prevent fasttext embeddings to be stored separately by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3293
* recreate `to_dict` and add relations by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3271
* github: bug report description should be textarea by stefan-it in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3181
* Making gradient clipping optional & max gradient norm variable by plonerma in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3240
* Save final model only if `save_final_model` is True (even if the training is interrupted) by plonerma in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3251
* Fix inconsistency between best path and scores in ViterbiDecoder by mauryaland in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3189
* Add action to remove Awaiting Response label when an response was made by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3300
* Add onnx session config by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3302
* Feature jsonldataset metadata by helpmefindaname in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3349

Breaking Changes

* Removing the following legacy embeddings, as their support was droppend long ago:
* `XLNetEmbeddings`
* `XLMEmbeddings`
* `OpenAIGPTEmbeddings`
* `OpenAIGPT2Embeddings`
* `RoBERTaEmbeddings`
* `CamembertEmbeddings`
* `XLMRobertaEmbeddings`
* `BertEmbeddings`
you can use `TransformerWordEmbeddings` or `TransformerDocumentEmbeddings` instead.
* Removing `ELMoTransformerEmbeddings` as [allennlp](https://github.com/allenai/allennlp) is no longer maintained.
* Removal of the `flair.hyperparameter` module: We recommend using the hyperparameter optimzier of your choice as external module, for example see here how to fine tune flair models with the hugginface [AutoTrain SpaceRunner](https://huggingface.co/blog/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie)
* Drop of the `trainer.resume(...)` functionality. Similary to the `flair.hyperparameter` module, this functionality was dropped due to the trainer rework.
* Changes to the `trainer.train(...)` and `trainer.fine_tune(...)` parameters:
* `monitor_train: bool` was replaced by `monitor_train_sample: float`: this allows you to specify the percentage of training data points used for monitoring (setting `monitor_train_sample=1.0` is equivalent to the previous behaivour of `monitor_train=True`.
* `eval_on_train_fraction` is removed in favour of `monitor_train_sample` see `monitor_train`.
* `eval_on_train_shuffle` is removed.
* `anneal_with_prestarts` and `batch_growth_annealing` have been removed.
* `num_workers` has been removed, now there is always used a single worker for data loading, as it is the fastest for the inmemory datasets.
* `checkpoint` has been removed as parameter. You can use the `CheckpointPlugin` for the same behaviour.
* `cycle_momentum` has been removed, as schedulers have been moved to Plugins.
* `param_selection_mode` has been removed, similar to the hyper parameter optimization.
* `optimizer_state_dict` and `scheduler_state_dict` were removed as part of the resume functionality.
* `anneal_against_dev_loss` has been dropped, as the annealing goeas always against the metric specified by `main_evaluation_metric`
* `use_swa` has been removed
* `use_tensorboard`, `tensorboard_comment` `tensorboard_log_dir` & `metrics_for_tensorboard` are removed in favour of the `TensorboardLogger` plugin.
* `amp_opt_level` is removed, as we moved to the [torch integration](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/amp.html).
* `WordTagger` has been deprecated as it was renamed to `TokenClassifier`
* `EntityLinker` has been deprecated as it was renamed to `SpanClassifier`

New Contributors
* lephong made their first contribution in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3220
* AbdiHaryadi made their first contribution in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3268
* eltociear made their first contribution in https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/pull/3241

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/compare/v0.12.2...v0.13.0


Another follow-up release to 0.12 that fixes a several bugs and adds a new multilingual frame tagger. Further, our new documentation website at https://flairnlp.github.io/docs/intro is now online!

New frame tagging model 3172

Adds a new model for detecting PropBank frame. The model is trained using the "FLERT" approach, so it is much stronger than the previous 'frame' model. We also added some training data from the universal proposition bank to improve multilingual frame detection.

Use it like this:

load the large frame model
model = Classifier.load('frame-large')

English sentence with the verb "return" in two different senses
sentence = Sentence("Dirk returned to Berlin to return his hat.")

German sentence with the verb "trug" in two different senses
sentence_de = Sentence("Dirk trug einen Koffer und trug einen Hut.")

This should print:

Sentence[9]: "Dirk returned to Berlin to return his hat." → ["returned"/return.01, "return"/return.02]

Sentence[9]: "Dirk trug einen Koffer und trug einen Hut." → ["trug"/carry.01, "trug"/wear.01]

The printout tells us that the verbs in both sentences are correctly disambiguated.

- adds a pointer to the new Flair documentation website at https://flairnlp.github.io/docs/intro
- adds a night mode Flair logo 3145

Enhancements / New Features
- more consistent behavior of context dropout and FLERT token 3168
- settting device through environment variable 3148 (thanks HallerPatrick)
- modify Sentence.to_original_text() to take into account Sentence.start_position for whitespace calculation 3150 (thanks mauryaland)
- gather dev and test labels if the dataset is available 3162 (thanks helpmefindaname)

Bug fixes
- fix bugs caused by wrong data point equality and caching 3157
- fix transformer smaller training vocab 3155 (thanks helpmefindaname)
- update scispacy version 3144 (thanks mariosaenger)
- unpin huggingface-hub 3149 (thanks marctorsoc)


This is a quick follow-up release to 0.12 that fixes a few small bugs and includes an improved version of our Zelda entity linker.

New Entity Linking model

We include a new version of our Zelda entity linker with improved predictions. Try it as follows:

from flair.nn import Classifier
from flair.data import Sentence

load the model
tagger = Classifier.load('linker')

make a sentence
sentence = Sentence('Kirk and Spock met on the Enterprise.')

predict NER tags

print predicted entities
for label in sentence.get_labels():

This should print:


New Features

Simplify Flair model usage 3067

You can now load any Flair model through its parent class. Since most models inherit from `Classifier`, you can load and run multiple different models with exactly the same code. So, to run three different taggers for sentiment, entities and frames, do:

from flair.data import Sentence
from flair.nn import Classifier

load three taggers to tag entities, frames and sentiment
tagger_1 = Classifier.load('ner')
tagger_2 = Classifier.load('frame')
tagger_3 = Classifier.load('sentiment')

example sentence
sentence = Sentence('Dirk celebrated in Essen')

predict with all three models

print all predictions
for label in sentence.get_labels():

With this change, users no longer need to know which model classes implement which model. For more advanced users who do know this, the regular way for loading a model still works:
sentiment_tagger = TextClassifier.load('sentiment')

Entity Linking (BETA)

As of Flair 0.12 we ship an **experimental entity linker** trained on the [Zelda dataset](https://github.com/flairNLP/zelda). The linker not only tags entities, but also attempts to link each entity to the corresponding Wikipedia URL if one exists.

To illustrate, let's use a short example text with two mentions of "Barcelona". The first refers to the football club "FC Barcelona", the second to the city "Barcelona".

from flair.nn import Classifier
from flair.data import Sentence

load the model
tagger = Classifier.load('linker')

make a sentence
sentence = Sentence('Bayern played against Barcelona. The match took place in Barcelona.')

predict NER tags

print sentence with predicted tags

This should print:
Sentence[12]: "Bayern played against Barcelona. The match took place in Barcelona." → ["Bayern"/FC_Bayern_Munich, "Barcelona"/FC_Barcelona, "Barcelona"/Barcelona]

As we can see, the linker can resolve what the two mentions of "Barcelona" refer to:
- the first mention "Barcelona" is linked to "FC_Barcelona"
- the second mention "Barcelona" is linked to "Barcelona"

Additionally, the mention "Bayern" is linked to "FC_Bayern_Munich", telling us that here the football club is meant.

Entity linking support includes:
- Support for the ZELDA candidate lists 3108 3111
- Support for the ZELDA training and evaluation dataset 3088

Support for Ukrainian language 3026

This version adds support for Ukrainian taggers, embeddings and datasets. For instance, to do NER and POS tagging of a Ukrainian sentence, do:

Load Ukrainian NER and POS taggers
from flair.models import SequenceTagger

ner_tagger = SequenceTagger.load('ner-ukrainian')
pos_tagger = SequenceTagger.load('pos-ukrainian')

Tag a sentence
from flair.data import Sentence
sentence = Sentence("Сьогодні в Знам’янці проживають нащадки поета — родина Шкоди.")


”Сьогодні в Знам’янці проживають нащадки поета — родина Шкоди." →
[“Сьогодні"/ADV, "в"/ADP, "Знам’янці"/LOC, "Знам’янці"/PROPN, "проживають”/VERB, "нащадки"/NOUN, "поета"/NOUN, "—"/PUNCT, "родина"/NOUN, "Шкоди”/PERS, "Шкоди"/PROPN, "."/PUNCT]

Multitask Learning (2910 3085 3101)
We add support for multitask learning in Flair (closes 2508 and closes 1260) with hopefully a simple syntax to define multiple tasks that share parts of the model.

The most common part to share is the transformer, which you might want to fine-tune across several tasks. Instantiate a transformer embedding and pass it to two separate models that you instantiate as before:

--- Embeddings that are shared by both models ---
shared_embedding = TransformerDocumentEmbeddings("distilbert-base-uncased", fine_tune=True)

--- Task 1: Sentiment Analysis (5-class) ---

model_1 = TextClassifier(shared_embedding,

-- Task 2: Binary Sentiment Analysis on Customer Reviews --
corpus_2 = SENTEVAL_CR()

model_2 = TextClassifier(shared_embedding,

-- Define mapping (which tagger should train on which model) --
multitask_model, multicorpus = make_multitask_model_and_corpus(
(model_1, corpus_1),
(model_2, corpus_2),

-- Create model trainer and train --
trainer = ModelTrainer(multitask_model, multicorpus)

The mapping part here defines which tagger should be trained on which corpus. By calling `make_multitask_model_and_corpus` with a mapping, you get a corpus and model object that you can train as before.

Explicit context boundaries in Transformer embeddings 3073 3078

We improve our FLERT model by now explicitly marking up context boundaries using a new `[FLERT]` special token in our transformer embeddings. Our experiments show that the context marker leads to improved NER results:

| Transformer | Context-Marker | CoNLL-03 Test F1 |
| bert-base-uncased | _none_ | 91.52 +- 0.16 |
| | `[SEP]` | 91.38 +- 0.18 |

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