
Latest version: v3.5.0

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Released on 2022-05-19.

* Try to fix CI by abompard in https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-messaging/pull/264
* Fix rstcheck in Github CI by abompard in https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-messaging/pull/265
* Correct sync list, add issue repo and version info by t0xic0der in https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-messaging/pull/263


Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request
reviews for this release:

* Akashdeep Dhar
* Aurelien Bompard

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-messaging/compare/v3.0.1...3.0.2


Released on 2022-05-12.

Development Changes

* Add packit configuration allowing us to have automatic downstream RPM builds
(`259 <https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-messaging/issues/259>`_)


Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request
reviews for this release:

* Akashdeep Dhar


Released on 2021-12-14.

API Changes

* Queues created by the CLI are now non-durable, auto-deleted and exclusive, as server-named queues are. (239)
* It is no longer necessary to declare a queue in the configuration file: a server-named queue will be created. Configured bindings which do not specify a queue name will be applied to the server-named queue. (239)
* Drop support for Python 2 (246)
* Drop the Twisted classes that had been flagged as deprecated. Drop the deprecated `Message._body` property. Refactor the consuming code into the `Consumer` class. (249)


* Support anonymous (server-named) queues. (239)
* Support Python 3.10 (250)
* Raise `PublishForbidden` exception immediately if publishing to [virtual host](https://www.rabbitmq.com/access-control.html) is denied rather than waiting until timeout occurs. (#203)

Bug Fixes

* Fixed validation exception of queue field on serialized schemas. (240)

Documentation Improvements

* Improve release notes process documentation (238)
* Build a list of available topics in the documentation from known schema packages (242)

Development Changes

* Start using [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/) for linters and formatters (732c7fb)


Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release:

* Aurélien Bompard
* David Jimenez
* Michal Konečný
* Onur Ozkan


Released on 2021-05-12.


- Improve the testing module to check message topics and bodies separately, and to use the rewritten assert that pytest provides (230)
- Handle [topic authorization](https://www.rabbitmq.com/access-control.html#topic-authorisation) by raising a PublishForbidden exception instead of being stuck in a retry loop (235)
- Test on Python 3.8 and 3.9 (237)

Bug Fixes

- Require setuptools, as pkg_resources is used (233)

Development Changes

- Update test fixture keys to 4096 bits (232)
- Use Github Actions for CI (234)


Many thanks to the contributors of bug reports, pull requests, and pull request reviews for this release:

- Aurélien Bompard
- Jeremy Cline
- Miro Hrončok
- Pierre-Yves Chibon


This is a bugfix-only release

Bug Fixes

* Set the QoS on the channel that is created for the consumer (223)

Documentation Improvements

* When running fedora-messaging consume, the callback module should not contain a call to `api.consume()` or it will block. (df4055f)
* Update the schema docs (219)
* Fix quickstart cert file links (222)
* Fix the docs about exceptions being wrapped by `HaltConsumer` (215)

Other Changes

* Only try to restart `fm-consumer` services every 60 seconds (214)


This is a bugfix-only release.

Bug Fixes

* Fix handling of new connections after a publish timeout (212).

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