
Latest version: v3.15.1

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Not secure
**Date**: 14th January 2014

* Added `write_only` serializer field argument.
* Added `write_only_fields` option to `ModelSerializer` classes.
* JSON renderer now deals with objects that implement a dict-like interface.
* Fix compatiblity with newer versions of `django-oauth-plus`.
* Bugfix: Refine behavior that calls model manager `all()` across nested serializer relationships, preventing erronous behavior with some non-ORM objects, and preventing unneccessary queryset re-evaluations.
* Bugfix: Allow defaults on BooleanFields to be properly honored when values are not supplied.
* Bugfix: Prevent double-escaping of non-latin1 URL query params when appending `format=json` params.


Not secure
**Date**: 6th December 2013

* Add in choices information for ChoiceFields in response to `OPTIONS` requests.
* Added `pre_delete()` and `post_delete()` method hooks.
* Added status code category helper functions.
* Bugfix: Partial updates which erronously set a related field to `None` now correctly fail validation instead of raising an exception.
* Bugfix: Responses without any content no longer include an HTTP `'Content-Type'` header.
* Bugfix: Correctly handle validation errors in PUT-as-create case, responding with 400.


Not secure
**Date**: 15th November 2013

* Fix Django 1.6 exception API compatibility issue caused by `ValidationError`.
* Include errors in HTML forms in browsable API.
* Added JSON renderer support for numpy scalars.
* Added `transform_<fieldname>` hooks on serializers for easily modifying field output.
* Added `get_context` hook in `BrowsableAPIRenderer`.
* Allow serializers to be passed `files` but no `data`.
* `HTMLFormRenderer` now renders serializers directly to HTML without needing to create an intermediate form object.
* Added `get_filter_backends` hook.
* Added queryset aggregates to allowed fields in `OrderingFilter`.
* Bugfix: Fix decimal suppoprt with `YAMLRenderer`.
* Bugfix: Fix submission of unicode in browsable API through raw data form.


Not secure
**Date**: 11th September 2013

* Added `DjangoObjectPermissions`, and `DjangoObjectPermissionsFilter`.
* Support customizable exception handling, using the `EXCEPTION_HANDLER` setting.
* Support customizable view name and description functions, using the `VIEW_NAME_FUNCTION` and `VIEW_DESCRIPTION_FUNCTION` settings.
* Added `MAX_PAGINATE_BY` setting and `max_paginate_by` generic view attribute.
* Added `cache` attribute to throttles to allow overriding of default cache.
* 'Raw data' tab in browsable API now contains pre-populated data.
* 'Raw data' and 'HTML form' tab preference in browseable API now saved between page views.
* Bugfix: `required=True` argument fixed for boolean serializer fields.
* Bugfix: `client.force_authenticate(None)` should also clear session info if it exists.
* Bugfix: Client sending empty string instead of file now clears `FileField`.
* Bugfix: Empty values on ChoiceFields with `required=False` now consistently return `None`.
* Bugfix: Clients setting `page_size=0` now simply returns the default page size, instead of disabling pagination. [*]


[*] Note that the change in `page_size=0` behaviour fixes what is considered to be a bug in how clients can effect the pagination size. However if you were relying on this behavior you will need to add the following mixin to your list views in order to preserve the existing behavior.

class DisablePaginationMixin(object):
def get_paginate_by(self, queryset=None):
if self.request.QUERY_PARAMS[self.paginate_by_param] == '0':
return None
return super(DisablePaginationMixin, self).get_paginate_by(queryset)



Not secure
**Date**: 16th August 2013

* Added `APITestClient`, `APIRequestFactory` and `APITestCase` etc...
* Refactor `SessionAuthentication` to allow esier override for CSRF exemption.
* Remove 'Hold down "Control" message from help_text' widget messaging when not appropriate.
* Added admin configuration for auth tokens.
* Bugfix: `AnonRateThrottle` fixed to not throttle authenticated users.
* Bugfix: Don't set `X-Throttle-Wait-Seconds` when throttle does not have `wait` value.
* Bugfix: Fixed `PATCH` button title in browsable API.
* Bugfix: Fix issue with OAuth2 provider naive datetimes.


Not secure
**Date**: 27th June 2013

* Added `trailing_slash` option to routers.
* Include support for `HttpStreamingResponse`.
* Support wider range of default serializer validation when used with custom model fields.
* UTF-8 Support for browsable API descriptions.
* OAuth2 provider uses timezone aware datetimes when supported.
* Bugfix: Return error correctly when OAuth non-existent consumer occurs.
* Bugfix: Allow `FileUploadParser` to correctly filename if provided as URL kwarg.
* Bugfix: Fix `ScopedRateThrottle`.

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