
Latest version: v3.15.1

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Not secure
**Date**: [3rd September 2014](

* Bugfix: Fix broken pagination for 2.4.x series.


Not secure
**Date**: [1st September 2014](

* Bugfix: Fix broken login template for browsable API.


Not secure
**Date**: [29th August 2014](

**Django version requirements**: The lowest supported version of Django is now 1.4.2.

**South version requirements**: This note applies to any users using the optional `authtoken` application, which includes an associated database migration. You must now *either* upgrade your `south` package to version 1.0, *or* instead use the built-in migration support available with Django 1.7.

* Added compatibility with Django 1.7's database migration support.
* New test runner, using `py.test`.
* Deprecated `.model` view attribute in favor of explicit `.queryset` and `.serializer_class` attributes. The `DEFAULT_MODEL_SERIALIZER_CLASS` setting is also deprecated.
* `detail_route` and `list_route` decorators replace `action` and `link`.
* Support customizable view name and description functions, using the `VIEW_NAME_FUNCTION` and `VIEW_DESCRIPTION_FUNCTION` settings.
* Added `NUM_PROXIES` setting for smarter client IP identification.
* Added `MAX_PAGINATE_BY` setting and `max_paginate_by` generic view attribute.
* Added `Retry-After` header to throttled responses, as per [RFC 6585]( This should now be used in preference to the custom `X-Trottle-Wait-Seconds` header which will be fully deprecated in 3.0.
* Added `cache` attribute to throttles to allow overriding of default cache.
* Added `lookup_value_regex` attribute to routers, to allow the URL argument matching to be constrainted by the user.
* Added `allow_none` option to `CharField`.
* Support Django's standard `status_code` class attribute on responses.
* More intuitive behavior on the test client, as `client.logout()` now also removes any credentials that have been set.
* Bugfix: `?page_size=0` query parameter now falls back to default page size for view, instead of always turning pagination off.
* Bugfix: Always uppercase `X-Http-Method-Override` methods.
* Bugfix: Copy `filter_backends` list before returning it, in order to prevent view code from mutating the class attribute itself.
* Bugfix: Set the `.action` attribute on viewsets when introspected by `OPTIONS` for testing permissions on the view.
* Bugfix: Ensure `ValueError` raised during deserialization results in a error list rather than a single error. This is now consistent with other validation errors.
* Bugfix: Fix `cache_format` typo on throttle classes, was `"throtte_%(scope)s_%(ident)s"`. Note that this will invalidate existing throttle caches.


2.3.x series


Not secure
**Date**: 12th June 2014

* **Security fix**: Escape request path when it is include as part of the login and logout links in the browsable API.
* `help_text` and `verbose_name` automatically set for related fields on `ModelSerializer`.
* Fix nested serializers linked through a backward foreign key relation.
* Fix bad links for the `BrowsableAPIRenderer` with `YAMLRenderer`.
* Add `UnicodeYAMLRenderer` that extends `YAMLRenderer` with unicode.
* Fix `parse_header` argument convertion.
* Fix mediatype detection under Python 3.
* Web browseable API now offers blank option on dropdown when the field is not required.
* `APIException` representation improved for logging purposes.
* Allow source="*" within nested serializers.
* Better support for custom oauth2 provider backends.
* Fix field validation if it's optional and has no value.
* Fix `APIRequestFactory` to support arguments within the url string for GET.
* Allow three transport modes for access tokens when accessing a protected resource.
* Fix `QueryDict` encoding on request objects.
* Ensure throttle keys do not contain spaces, as those are invalid if using `memcached`.
* Support `blank_display_value` on `ChoiceField`.


Not secure
**Date**: 6th March 2014

* Django 1.7 Support.
* Fix `default` argument when used with serializer relation fields.
* Display the media type of the content that is being displayed in the browsable API, rather than 'text/html'.
* Bugfix for `urlize` template failure when URL regex is matched, but value does not `urlparse`.
* Use `urandom` for token generation.
* Only use `Vary: Accept` when more than one renderer exists.


Not secure
**Date**: 15th January 2014

* **Security fix**: `OrderingField` now only allows ordering on readable serializer fields, or on fields explicitly specified using `ordering_fields`. This prevents users being able to order by fields that are not visible in the API, and exploiting the ordering of sensitive data such as password hashes.
* Bugfix: `write_only = True` fields now display in the browsable API.

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