
Latest version: v2.8.5

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Build and deploy Python 3.9 wheels for releases

Upgrade Notes

- Context.get() has been removed and the functionality has been rolled into Context.close_span().
- Tracer.record() has similarly been removed as it is no longer useful with Context.get() removed.
- The deprecated compatibility module <span class="title-ref">ddtrace.profile</span> has been removed.
- The profiler now uses the tracer configuration is no configuration is provided.

Deprecation Notes

- The <span class="title-ref">pyddprofile</span> wrapper is deprecated. Use <span class="title-ref">DD_PROFILING_ENABLED=true ddtrace-run</span> instead.
- The profiler does not catch uncaught exception anymore.

New Features

- botocore: added <span class="title-ref">distributed_tracing</span> configuration setting which is enabled by default.

- The ddtrace-run command now supports the following arguments:
-h, --help -d, --debug enable debug mode (disabled by default) -i, --info print library info useful for debugging -p, --profiling enable profiling (disabled by default) -v, --version show program's version number and exit

It now also has friendlier error messages when used incorrectly.

- Add functionality to call gevent.monkey.patch_all() with ddtrace-run by setting the environment variable DD_GEVENT_PATCH_ALL=true. This ensures that gevent patching is done as early as possible in the application.

- botocore: inject distributed tracing data to <span class="title-ref">ClientContext</span> to trace lambda invocations.

- botocore: inject tracing data to <span class="title-ref">MessageAttributes</span>.

- The profiler now tracks the running gevent Greenlet and store it as part of the CPU and wall time profiling information.

- The profiler is now able to upload profiles to the Datadog Agent by using a Unix Domain Socket.

- It is now possible to pass a <span class="title-ref">url</span> parameter to the <span class="title-ref">Profiler</span> to specify the Datadog agent location.

- The new memory profiler for Python is now enabled by default. This improves the profiler memory consumption and performance impact. It can still be disabled by setting <span class="title-ref">DD_PROFILING_MEMALLOC=0</span> as an environment variable.

- The profiler now uses the tracer configuration is no configuration is provided.

- pytest integration. This enables the [pytest](https://pytest.org) runner to trace test executions.

Bug Fixes

- core: always reset the current_span in the context.
- django: Http404 exceptions will no longer be flagged as errors
- django: add safe guards for building http.url span tag.
- aiobotocore: set span error for 5xx status codes.
- elasticsearch: set span error for 5xx status codes.
- django, DRF, ASGI: fix span type for web request spans.
- Fixes span id tagging in lock profiling.
- Fix UDS upload for profiling not using the correct path.
- Fixed an issue in profiling exporting profiles twice when forking.
- core: fix race condition in TracerTagCollector.

Other Changes

- Start-up logs are now disabled by default. To enable start-up logs use <span class="title-ref">DD_TRACE_STARTUP_LOGS=true</span> or <span class="title-ref">DD_TRACE_DEBUG=true</span>.



Bug Fixes

- Fixes span id tagging in lock profiling.




Add support for Python 3.9

New Features

- Store request headers in Flask integration.
- pyodbc integration. This enables the [pyodbc](https://github.com/mkleehammer/pyodbc) library to trace queries.
- starlette integration resource aggregation This aggregates endpoints to the starlette application resource that was accessed. It occurs by default but it is configurable through config.starlette\["aggregate_resources"\].
- The profiler now captures the traces information with the lock profiling.
- The Profiler instances now restart automatically in child process when the main program is forked. This only works for Python ≥ 3.7.

Bug Fixes

- dbapi: add support for connection context manager usage
- django: check view before instrumenting MRO.
- core: use loose types when encoding.
- Patch pynamodb on import to prevent patching conflicts with gevent.
- tornado: handle when the current span is None in log_exception().



- fix(django): avoid mixing str and non-str args for uri helper
- fix(asgi): tag 500-level responses as errors
- fix(asgi): set http status when exception raised
- fix(rediscluster): support rediscluster==2.1.0
- fix(asyncio): enable patch by default
- fix(asyncio): patch base event loop class
- fix(vertica): use strings in `__all__`
- feat(core): backport contextvars
- fix(sanic): fix patching for sanic async http server (1659)
- fix(flask): make template patching idempotent
- fix(core): Do not rate limit log lines when in debug
- fix(profiling): Fix a potential deadlock on profiler restart after fork()



- feat(django): add database_service_name config option
- feat: add global service name configuration for dbapi integrations
- fix(falcon): set span error for 5xx responses
- fix(core): always store span_type as str on span
- feat(pymongo): trace tcp connections
- fix(logging): cast span_id and trace_id as string when adding to the record.
- fix(gevent): patch ssl modules on import
- feat(core): add trace_utils module
- fix(core): expose http setting on global config
- feat(core): consolidate fork checks



- Fix for an issue introduced by patching classes in the MRO of a Django View class (1625).


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