
Latest version: v1.20

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1.1 08/23/2018 -- Fixed net income python 3 error
1.2 08/29/2018 -- Fixed timezone error in python testing. Issue 11.
1.2 08/29/2018 -- Fixed unicode formatted_date string for consistency.
1.3 10/25/2018 -- Added patch for reported bug described in Issue 14.
1.4 01/13/2019 -- Python3.7 support added.
1.4 01/13/2019 -- Added patch for reported bug described in Issue 15.
1.4 01/13/2019 -- Added method for get_stock_earnings_data().
1.5 01/27/2019 -- Added get_daily_dividend_data() method as request in Issue 20.
1.5 01/27/2019 -- Added test_yf_dividend_price() unit testing method.
1.6 10/18/2020 -- Merged in two pull requests with bug fixes from sylvandb.
1.7 01/01/2023 -- Merged in pull request with fixes from sedwards2000.
1.7 01/01/2023 -- Support for Python 2.7 dropped.
1.8 01/09/2023 -- Improved decryption support.
1.9 01/14/2023 -- Added official Python 3.11 support.
1.9 01/14/2023 -- General code cleanup & quality improvements.
1.9 01/14/2023 -- Added new optional concurrent input to YahooFinancials(), if True extraction will run async.
1.9 01/14/2023 -- Added new optional country input to YahooFinancials(), currently supports language & region.
1.9 01/14/2023 -- Added new optional proxies input to YahooFinancials(), currently supports a list or string.
1.9 01/14/2023 -- Updated beautifulsoup4 find to use string parameter instead deprecated text parameter.
1.9 01/14/2023 -- Replace urllib with Requests due to deprecation warning.
1.9 01/14/2023 -- Merged in pull request from shaunpatterson.
1.9 01/14/2023 -- Merged in pull request from flipdazed.
1.9 01/14/2023 -- Fixed new data encryption issue & hardened.
1.10 01/25/2023 -- Fixed new decryption issue.
1.11 01/26/2023 -- Added a dynamic fix for the decryption issue.
1.12 01/27/2023 -- Fixed get profile function for 127 and added additional unit test.
1.13 02/14/2023 -- Implemented fixes for 132 and 128 by refactoring package to use Yahoo API instead of scraping.
1.13 02/14/2023 -- Added method to retrieve ESG data as requested in 48.
1.13 02/14/2023 -- Added additional unit tests.
1.14 02/21/2023 -- Fixed get_ten_day_avg_daily_volume as reported in 137.
1.14 02/21/2023 -- Removed get_three_month_avg_daily_volume due to value now missing in Yahoo data.
1.14 02/21/2023 -- Added unit test for get_ten_day_avg_daily_volume.
1.15 06/21/2023 -- Dropped Python 3.6 support.
1.15 06/21/2023 -- Enhanced cache to cover all api requests.
1.15 06/21/2023 -- Enhanced api url to better toggle between query1 and query2 subdomains.
1.15 06/21/2023 -- Minimized sleeps in between 400 errors to less than 10 seconds.
1.16 07/17/2023 -- Minor code cleanup in
1.16 07/17/2023 -- Fixed HTTP 401 error when executing get_current_price() as reported in 152.
1.17 10/30/2023 -- Added a fix for 404 error reported in 157.
1.18 12/09/2023 -- Merged in branch from shaunpatterson to fix 164.
1.19 12/12/2023 -- Refactored session management system to handle cookie and crumbs better.
1.19 12/12/2023 -- Added fixes for 167, 166, 160.
1.20 12/16/2023 -- Merged in pull request 171 from bjosun.
1.20 12/17/2023 -- Added optional flat format output param on YahooFinancial class.
1.20 12/17/2023 -- Added get_insight() and get_recommendations() methods.


0.4 03/06/2018 -- Fixed reported bug on line 470 of by adding a try and except with suggested line of code.
0.6 07/06/2018 -- Fixed reported bug in format_date function.
0.6 07/06/2018 -- Added exception handler that returns a ticker with no available data with a null value.
0.7 08/03/2018 -- Merged Slyvandb's improvements into the master branch.
0.7 08/03/2018 -- Added a try catch at line 465 to explicitly type cast the dict keys to a list if the initial attempt fails.
0.7 08/03/2018 -- Added 10 new income statement history methods beginning at line 567.
0.7 08/03/2018 -- Added a fix for trevorwelch's open issue involving the unnecessary sys.exit(1) on line 286 by replacing it with return None.
0.8 08/11/2018 -- Added a new method to get the current day's shares outstanding called get_num_shares_outstanding() starting on line 617.
0.9 08/14/2018 -- Added a new method called get_historical_price_data() to get price data for commodity futures, indexes, currencies, and cryptos in addition to stocks.
0.9 08/14/2018 -- Depreciated the get_historical_stock_data() method and scheduled it's removal for version 1.0.
0.10 08/14/2018 -- Added a new Method to get summary data for stocks, indexes, cryptocurrencies, currencies, and commodity futures, get_summary_data().
0.10 08/14/2018 -- Depreciated the get_stock_summary_data() method and scheduled it's removal for version 1.0.
1.0 08/22/2018 -- Removed the get_historical_stock_data() method.
1.0 08/22/2018 -- Removed the get_stock_summary_data() method.
1.0 08/22/2018 -- Removed the requests dependency and replaced it with urllib.




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