
Latest version: v0.2.15

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**๐Ÿ› Bug fixes**

* [ 731 ] Fix ``TypeError`` on column widths specified as percentages
* [ 730 ] Fix ``TypeError`` when formatting width in debug logging

Thanks to the following people for contributing to this release:
JanEgner timobrembeck


**๐Ÿ› Bug fixes**

* [ 106 ] Fix page number & page count
* [ 723 ] Fix ``ZeroDivisionError`` on broken image files

**๐Ÿ“˜ Documentation**

* [ 707 ] Update README
* [ 711 ] Modernize Sphinx configuration

**๐Ÿงน Cleanup**

* [ 700 ] Change print statement to log.exception
* [ 706 ] Remove Python2 compatibility
* [ 705 ] Depend on ``html5lib >= 1.1``
* [ 699 ] Depend on ``reportlab >= 4.0.4``
* [ 714 ] Use black code style
* [ 715 ] Enforce consistent file formatting
* [ 716 ] Add ruff code linter
* [ 717 ] Start using type hints & validate them via mypy
* [ 718 ] Drop support for Python 3.7 (reached end of life on 2023-06-27)
* [ 719 ] Add support for Python 3.12 (released on 2023-10-02)

Thanks to the following people for contributing to this release:
JanEgner lucasgadams a-detiste holtwick stefan6419846 timobrembeck


This release only aims to fix issues with pycairo and xhtml2pdf dependencies with reportlab.


This is a bug fixes release changes here:

- Fix canvas graph
- Remove duplicate pypdf entry from setup.py

Thanks to the following people on GitHub for contributing to this release:
brandonlake-semaphore, sunpoet


Released: 2023-01-30

**Important notes**

* Text RTL has new implementation but I am not sure if works as required, more works need so use it, for text and let me know if it's works.

**๐ŸŽ‰ New**

* OL tag allow start counter
* Div, P, And Body allows dir attribute (rtl and ltr) to provide text direction

**๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ Improvements**

* Page counter and Page number are now available as simple text inside paragraphs
* New regex for strip up to curly bracket
* Change pyPDF3 to pypdf.

Thanks to the following people on GitHub for contributing to this release:

BergLucas, matllubos, timoludwig, MartinThoma, charludo, jorenham


**๐Ÿ› Bug-Fixes**

* Fix background-image issues with 614 and pull requests with 619
* Fix CSSParseError for minified font-face definitions 609
* Fixed a few typos and grammar mistakes in usage.rst documentation. 610

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