
Latest version: v0.4.11

Safety actively analyzes 621469 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Added more documentation into the doc comments and code comments.
- `wait_and_ignore()` WaitUtils method for waiting and ignoring exceptions.
- `row_to_dictionary()` WaitUtils method for converting row data into dictionary form.


- Fix email searching without receiver specified.


- Fix broken map object in Chrome extension caused by increased Chrome security.
- Tweaks to exception handling in WebdriverFactory and PageFactory to make it more
Appium friendly.
- Additional desired capabilities properties can be passed in via ENV variable,
for example:

>export WTF_selenium_desired_capabilities_app=path/to/my/app

will set:

desired_capabilities['app'] = "path/to/my/app"

This is useful for passing additional capabilities that are dynamic via ENV vars.
- Added `WebUtils.get_browser_datetime(driver)` for getting the date time local to the


- Fix script to avoid instantiating ConfigReader before config options are
- Files formatted to be PEP8 compliant.


- Config setting for max file length of screen capture on error.
- Add optional recipient filter to email searches


- Embed exceptions raised in wait_until()
- Create screenshots directory if not exists at the time of screen capture.
- Fixes to the project generator scripts.

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