
Latest version: v2.0.3

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What's Changed
* FIX: align earth radius in plot_scan_strategy for CG plots by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/655

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/compare/2.0.2...2.0.3


What's Changed
* Fix cross_section_ppi in util.py for wradlib 2.0 by JulianGiles in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/650
* Fix colorbar handling for curvelinear grid plots by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/652
* FIX: properly implement bearer token authentication and function calling convention for plot_scan_strategy by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/653

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/compare/2.0.1...2.0.2


What's Changed
* DOC: add new dev section to release_notes.md by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/645
* REGR: make pyproj import lazy by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/646
* Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by dependabot in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/642
* MNT: add codecov.yml to configure coverage status checks by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/647
* FIX: enable radolan backend to work without GDAL by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/649

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/compare/2.0.0...2.0.1


What's Changed
* DOC: reintroduce doc into wradlib repository by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/619
* Remove deprecated code, rework xarray vis accessors by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/621
* MNT: use mamba-org/setup-micromamba by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/627
* Wradlib 2.0 by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/635
* wradlib 2.0.0-rc.1 by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/636
* DOC: several updates in docstrings by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/638
* Fix wrong prediction_time variable in radolan xarray.Dataset by Hoffmann77 in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/639
* wradlib 2.0 RC by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/640
* wradlib final RC by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/641
* REL: 2.0 by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/643

New Contributors
* Hoffmann77 made their first contribution in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/639

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/compare/1.19.0...2.0.0


What's Changed
* Fix wrong prediction_time variable in radolan xarray.Dataset by Hoffmann77 in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/639
* wradlib 2.0 RC by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/640

New Contributors
* Hoffmann77 made their first contribution in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/639

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/compare/2.0.0-rc.10...2.0.0-rc.11


What's Changed
* DOC: several updates in docstrings by kmuehlbauer in https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/pull/638

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/wradlib/wradlib/compare/2.0.0-rc.9...2.0.0-rc.10

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