
Latest version: v0.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 619516 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies



* Add tasks to build sdist and upload to pypi
* Add license header to all files
* AWS: Handle deletion of resources on exceptions
* Openstack: fix example
* Add spec for pyinstaller
* Continue working on executable creation
* Build executable with pyinstaller
* AWS: Fix all tests
* Makefile: py.test -> pytest
* Integrate mh in the makefile
* Add requirements.txt
* Openstack: Properly tag image
* Openstack: add tags to the image
* Openstack: clean volume when finished
* CLI: fix logic of OS vs. AWS
* Openstack: fix image delete
* Docs: show how to use templates
* AWS: Wait for SSH return if client obained
* CLI: fix undefined references
* AWS: fix tiny bugs introduced by refactoring
* AWS: Update example with updated AMI
* update openstack example
* Update ChangeLog
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* Handle deletion error
* Allow passing --openstack
* Openstack: successfully build image
* Openstack: Clean KeyPair after exit
* Create SSH client at wait for SSH
* Openstack delete security group when exiting
* Clean up builder machine at program exit
* Got SSH and following steps working on OS
* Add floating IP address if desired
* Fix: launching wait for SSH in openstack
* Simplify validate\_image\_function
* Fix launching of machine in openstack
* Fix logic of security groups creation
* Remove unused import
* Sort imports remove unused imports
* Update example config
* Add openstacksdk to the dependencies
* Tiny OS fixes
* Add bake functionality for openstack
* Enable openstack delete images
* Enable Openstack image details subcommand
* Isolate initialization of clients
* Refactor: continue work on Openstack support
* Bump urllib3 from 1.26.4 to 1.26.5
* WIP: continue work on openstack builder
* Add methods to create sec. group and ssh key on OS
* Add examples
* Fix missing imports in cli.py
* Refactor: move CLI logic to cli.py
* Update gitignore
* Update dependency declaration
* Update dependencies
* Bump cryptography from 3.2 to 3.3.2
* Bump cryptography from 2.7 to 3.2
* Update Pipenv.lock
* Update copyright in util.py
* Update requirements
* Refactor the code base as a start for adding another cloud
* Add pytest cache to ignored files
* Add Pipfiles



* Update Changelog
* add demo gif
* Add demo
* Add nice color output
* Don't start the build if the name already exists
* Output ssh exec in nearly real time
* Make the example work when debian wants input
* Update changelog
* Update the description



* Initial commit
* Add Changelog and Authors
* Add examples
* Initial commit of Wolkenbrot



Has known vulnerabilities

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