
Latest version: v1.0a13

Safety actively analyzes 619136 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Nothing changed yet.



- Closes `Issue 212`_: Pin to Redis version 2.10.6.

- Closes `Issue 213`_: Remove unused FormView.customize_schema().

- Closes `Issue 209`_: Use pgcrypto instead of uuid-ossp (Postgres).

- Closes `Issue 215`_: UUIDModelSet now supports a label_column parameter on its constructor.

- Add Missing icon_class Property

- Upgrades Celery to version 4.3.

- Upgrades redis-py to version 3.2.

- Upgrades pytz to version 2019.1.

- Support pytest 4.x.

- Refactor validator for unique values.



- Replace deprecated logger.warn with logger.warning.

- Replace deprecated pyramid.session.check_csrf_token with pyramid.csrf.check_csrf_token.

- Upgrades transaction to version 2.4.0.

- Closes `Issue 206`_: New implementation of ThreadTransactionManager breaks websauna.

- Upgrades Pyramid to version 1.10.



- Support pyramid_notebook 0.3.0.

- Support pgcli 2.0.0.

- Reorganize package extras, adding a docs session.

- Closes `Issue 195`_: Documentation epub does not open on iBooks.



- Closes `Issue 179`_: Support for Celery 4.2.0.

- Closes `Issue 193`_: Using celery.group raises AttributeError: 'WebsaunaLoader' object has no attribute 'request'.

- Adds support to Python 3.7.0.

- Remove support to Sqlite.

- Closes `Issue 171`_: Replace Websauna JSONB usage with sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.JSONB.

- Reorganize tests.



- Pin Celery to version 4.1.0.

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