
Latest version: v0.8.4

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New Features

* Add Dutch translations for the error text.
* Add :func:`translation` as a slightly easier-to-use ``gettext`` module wrapper.
* Add :attr:`BotConfig.bot_info.include_stats` for use with slash commands.

Changed Features

* Add timer for letting shards identify with the sharder.
* Add ``info`` as an application command.
* Add ``application_command_meta`` to any auto-created menus.
* Add support for giving a custom ID to menu components.
* Ask for messages in the menu by use of modals.
* Force all settings menus to be done via slash command by default.
* Add better typing for menu utils.
* Add typevar for cogs to define what the instance is.
* Add locale to statsd logging.
* Add a specific error for the bot not having slash command scope.

Bugs Fixed

* Fix webhook logging for statsd.
* Add a :class:`ApplicationCommandMeta` to the settings command by default.
* Catch error in checking if a Twitch user is live.
* Catch error in sending errors for tasks (ironic, yes).
* Fix ``su`` command.
* Add timer for letting a shard identify in the sharder.
* Fix the colour purple in the colour converter.
* Fix stats command for web-only bots.
* Fix component display for menu iterables.



New Features

* Dispatch :func:`twitch_stream` when a user goes live on Twitch, if the config is set properly.

Bugs Fixed

* Change ``donate`` to ``info`` in ``is_upgrade_chat_subscriber`` error.
* Support single file in embeddify.
* Change defaults of ``None`` to ``MISSING`` in embeddify.
* Catch error in connecting to shard manager.
* Fix ``ev`` over redis.
* Fix icon asset for oauth models in web utils.



New Features

* Add ``guild_only`` to :func:`menus.Menu.create_cog`.

Changed Features

* Readd ``image_url`` kwarg to ``Embeddify.send``.
* Oauth and bot info now default to false.
* ``addslashcommands`` and ``ev`` now output to file if their content is too long.
* Send added slash commands as a file when the output is too long.

Bugs Fixed

* Add missing ``await``s to transaction object.
* Change ``missing_perms`` to ``missing_permissions``.
* Fix stdout in ``ev`` command not being changed to embed if over 2000 characters.
* Fix naive datetime objects in connect event.
* Fix ``owners_ignore_check_failures`` flag in config.
* Fix buttons not being disabled in paginator.
* Fix missing import for transactions.



Bugs Fixed

* Fixed versioning for Jinja2.
* Fixed ``get_display_name`` method for Jinja2 templating.
* Fix ``PrintContext``.

New Features

* Add ``--connect`` arg to the interactions webserver.
* Support multiple database types.
* The database type will be set to SQLite by default.



Side Notes

* ``Command`` and ``Group`` are essentially now identical to Novus' implementation. As such there's no longer a need to decorate with ``voxelbotutils.command()``. It hasn't been removed, but new command types (like :func:`discord.ext.context_command`) have not been added.

Bugs Fixed

* Embeddify method no longer duplicates content.
* Fixed bot avatar sends in webhooks, help, and embeddify.
* Add ``SlashContext`` to init.
* Add missing ``label`` kwarg to a menu component.

Changed Features

* Explicitly add a :class:`discord.ext.commands.CommandNotFound` response for slash commands.

New Features

* Interactions webserver.



Bugs Fixed

* Fixed component interaction in the paginator.

Changed Features

* The ``[p]stats`` embed now shows version infos for Novus, VBU, and Python.
* Fix ephemeral kwarg always being defined.
* ``[p]channelhelp`` and ``[p]commands`` are no longer added as slash commands.

New Features

* New (undocumented) embeddify method.

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