
Latest version: v0.3.7

Safety actively analyzes 619494 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- add pyproject.toml


- redesign look of PackageInstaller() class (layout)
- add a PyPI logo to PackageInstaller() dialog
- move ResultsTable() class to pkg_installer module
- ask user to save requirements only if changes made
- minor fixes (remove unused imports, etc.)


- update html class names used on PyPI when scraping
- add a note to readme that the corresponding `venv` module(s) are required


- search and install packages from PyPI now via scraping the website
- add `--help` command line parameter
- check permissions before installing from local projects
- add pip's `--use-feature=in-tree-build` option for installs from local project directories
- error handling of repository urls when installing from VCS
- improve process flow of the wizard


- remove `InstallPackages()` page from wizard as long as PyPI's XMLRPC API is disabled due to unmanageable load
- add compatibility for Python 3.10+


- fix missing system interpreter if running in a virtual env
- add dataclasses module to requirements (Python 3.6)

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